The Bank of Stank

After realizing how quickly these octopup plants were growing in the 4x4, I knew there’d be no way in hell to manage 9 plants like that in the 3x3, so the seed plants all went from salts/promix red solo cups in veg into 2 gal fabric pots with my organic water-only soil. Normally when I transplant, they are starving, root bound, and have so many deficiencies. The transition takes a couple weeks until they are all healthy and growing green again. This time, they are so extremely healthy coming from the veg tent. They had no issue whatsoever transitioning to the organic soil. I’m hoping the organic soil slows them down a bit. My only complaint with the salts/promix is the growth is too fast for my normal timing.

I’ll probably be flipping these on 4/20!

SS4 = Sunshine 4 (Bodhi)
LF = Lucky Fruit (Dynasty)
BCS = Black Cherry Soda Bx2 (Anunnaki)
BExDE = Black Energy x Dragon Energy (Doc D)

SS4 #1  ---     SS4 #2     ---  SS4 #3
LF #1   ---    BExDE #1    ---  BCS #1 
LF #2   ---  Illudium Q36  ---  BCS #2


Lookin fantastic over there :heart_eyes:
Nice to hear those octopups are doing great too!

Those are the Sunshine4 F2’s right? or did you pop some F1’s and I missed it :eyes:


Thanks, broski. These SS4 are F1s. The last half of my original pack. I got 4 girls, tossed the males :see_no_evil: , and I cloned SS4 #4 for outside this year and gave the mom to a buddy.

Those little round octopups are amazing, if you hook up an autofill. I’d just as well build my own, but for $6/per site, it’s hard to build your own for cheaper. Unless you’re sitting on a bunch of kitty litter tubs or something.


Like the saying goes, time is fun when you’re having flies!

At 25 days in the 4x4 and I think I’ll need to strip some more leaves. When will it ever be ENOUGH?!
I dropped the level of feed as well because they’re just too green for what I’m used to. And it saves on nutes.


Looks great scharm awesome job. I’m flipping on 420 myself it just seems like the right thing to do.


Hell yeah dude, I’ve been following along with yours. Same madess as me, just larger scale! It’s fun to watch.


What?!? Your plants are always green as fuck haha.

It’s what I love about your grows, just how green and healthy everything looks. Are you thinking of maybe getting off of the Octopot train?


Hahaha yeah it’s usually green until like week 5, then quickly goes downhill. I’m beyond excited to see what plants like Lemon G and Chem 91 can do with proper nutrition until the end. It’s gonna be a beastly harvest if I can keep it all from molding.

If anything, I’m considering moving everything over to octopots. I think I can manage 9 in the 3x3, I’d just have to flip them way smaller. It’s just too easy. The biggest time sink is now stripping leaves, but you’ve got to spend SOME time in the garden making sure things are in order!


Looking good @schmarmpit
hey what size pots are you using? 9 in the 3x3 will be impressive :muscle:


Hm. Okay. Everybody’s Octopot grows always look so great, they really do, so I can’t blame you for that haha. I’m not gonna switch, though, I don’t think. I just can’t get behind the idea of using salts and whatever else. The learning curve… I’m done trying to learn stuff haha!

I do wonder, though, like,”Really? Schmarmpit’s plants are TOO green??? Those Octopots must be somethin’ else…” haha.


My trellis is like 5.5 ft one way and 5.8ft the other. 9 6 gal octo I feel has it maxed out lol been thinking about ordering a compost bin to put all the fans and branches I’ve cut off I bet I’ve removed 3 5 gallon buckets of extra foliage lol. Glad your liking the setup my favorite part is how easy it is to use and get good results free up time for training or whatever else needs done.


I feel that! I sat on octopots for over a year until I finally had the guts to try a new way. My only requirement is that it must be super easy and not have a big learning curve. I’m mixing 2.5mL/L constantly when filling the res. Feed doesn’t change the entire time until going to fresh water at the end. I never test ph or anything. Every plant gets the same thing.

But I’m still on the fence until I can smoke some of this well cured salt flower. I’m thinking not much could beat organic flower but I’m hopeful.


Are you using the full size octopots or those smaller ones that jetdro has been messing with?


Thanks! These are 2 gal fabric pots. We’ll see about the 3x3. Might go down to 4 plants and keep it easier to manage.

Small round ones that Jet won’t even mess with anymore lol.


Not to bug you. But, do you have a link. I want to check them out. Are they actual octopot brand?


Ive searched amazon for sub irrigation planters, sip pots, autowatering pots and nothing like what you have is showing up for me.


Just ask Jet. He’ll probably give them away haha.

LYLEE Self Watering System for Potted Plants- 4 Pack Brown Round Automatic Water Suction with Humidity Sensor - Flower Pot Great for House,Office,Garden and Yard

Brown Round water suction would be what to search for, naturally. I call them my ‘tater tots’.




that tent looks healthier than any tent could be. really hope to see some bud shots when done on some of these amazing strains.


The round ones work just as well as the square ones I just don’t like the fill hole my bags cover most of the fill hole and it’s too much of a pain to fill, they don’t hold quite as much as the square ones also.

after a few runs with the small ones I shall not go back to the octopots these work exactly the same with half the size footprint and 1/3 the size grow bag

I also like the fact that I can vary the feed very very quickly with these because once the plants get going it’s only two or three days between fill ups .

The transplants also seem to have a much easier time finding the Rez with the much smaller grow bags on top something that I really like.

you won’t find any more of the square ones because I have bought them all

I have enough to cover all of my needs at the moment and I don’t see that changing

@schmarmpit I don’t believe I’ve ever seen anyone make a grow with the Octopot and then not continue to use them watch you’ll find is when all of your worry of watering and feeding is taken away by the Octopot you can spend much more time looking at the plants watching them and training them properly
I just can’t imagine ever going back to any other type of grow