The Bank of Stank

I think it’s definitely possible. Some of my favorite batches of weed I’ve ever gotten, back in my dispensary days, were not grown organically in soil. I mean, I don’t know that for a fact or anything, but what commercial grower doesn’t use salts? Haha.

They still burned very cleanly, though, white ash and all that. Very stinky, very sticky, very tasty, great high, everything we look for. It’s doable, for sure. Maybe you just have to be sure to flush well at the end or something, I dunno haha.


I think im gonna grab a few of the round ones and try them out in a 2x4 tent. If these work for me it could be a game changer for me when it comes to camping season.


I can tell you for 100% the 6 gal octo if your in veg and fill it up easy 7-10 days and in flower when they are drinking the most a full fill will last 6 7 day. Ive had to do it more than once and have ever came home to wilting plants. Even after the res drys you still have about 2 or 3 days of moisture in the grow sleeve it self but I don’t push it that far


5 weeks now, it’s getting very exciting! Big fat buddage everywhere I can see. I started seeing a little tip burn and have since started turning down the feed rate. I realized I didn’t really need to mess with it at all and instead will just keep a steady rate of 2.5mL/L throughout. May have also been from letting the res run dry, not sure, but it’s very minimal.

Romulan S1

White Rhino

Sunset Sherbert (Pushpop Yoda)

Sunset Sherbert (Sherbinsky)



Need some close ups of that Lemon G!!


They look fantastic!


But it’s so far back there! Honestly I was surprised Lemon G got pretty well buried by the stretchy Chem91 and Sunset Sherbets. And she’s growing totally different then I’ve ever seen in organic. She’s getting kind of leafy and foxtail-y. Much more like how I’m used to seeing Lemon G buds.


that romulan looks killer already man. great structure too. does it smell piney and citrusy ?


Looking great as always my friend.
I was wondering, does your lemon G do that thing that Pipsweed talks about. Where if you nail the grow well it comes out sweet candy lemon, and if it’s a bad grow turns out more astringent lemon?


Yeah I’m excited about that Romulan S1. This is my first time running it even though I had it and passed it out to others for a while now. Everyone that’s grown it seems to rave about the “old school” smoke. The bud growth reminds me a lot of GG4. I’m surprised she’s packing it on so heavy already. I’m picking up some pine smells, sure. Also just earthy and a little gas. Not much citrus yet, but it’s honestly hard to tell with Lemon G in the tent, there’s ctirus in the air!

I would assume that is the case. This is only my 3rd time growing it, but I’ve smoked it for ages. I’ve smoked Lemon G that had the sweet candy lemon terps AND taste, and that is usually what hooks people on the smoke. Once you taste that, nothing else will satisfy your taste buds. It is THE lemon bud.

My first two grows with Lemon G in organic fell way short of what I would call “nailing it”. Mostly the plant was just starved by the end of flower. The flowers made surprisingly tidy-looking spears. The smoke is still very enjoyable (light daytime herb) and very lemony, but I’m getting kind of a stinkier, skunky-type lemon smell now after a long cure. I wouldn’t say it’s astringent. I reserve that description more for the OG lemon cleaner smells. I’m not getting that much at all.

Now on my 3rd run with her in the octopups, she’s growing completely different. The buds are looking kind of wild and messy, much more like I see in pics online. I’ll be excited to see the difference in smoke. But as you likely saw in the interview with Pip, he says she shines being grown outside. So this year being Ohio’s first to grow cannabis legally, you damn well better believe I’m running Lemon G outside!

Lemon G will never win any bag appeal awards, and her potency falls short compared to modern stuff, but if you want that lemon smell and flavor there’s nothing better I’ve tried so far.


Hey @schmarmpit are you using hydroton in the net pots on those amazon octos your using?


No I just stuffed the promix right into the net cup. No other medium used.


No shit? I use promix hp and it seems it will just fall into the rez.


Have you opened the kits yet? The slits in the net pot are pretty thin. Worked fine for me. Maybe got a little in the rez.


Yea. I have opened them. Slits are maybe 1/8th in with a 1/2 inch hole in the center bottom of the net pot. Im probably over thinking it. The ideal is for the roots to grow through the net pot into the rez so probably not as big of a deal as im making it out to be. How much do you fill the rez before roots hit it? Im guessing an inch or two below the net cup?


I fill mine till the net pot is at least half submerged. Takes a few days - weeks, for the roots to find the water. It’s the way to grow, for me anyway…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


you can always use those seedling mesh starters. will keep soil in and let roots shoot thru


I got the water level as low as possible, and it was still halfway up the net pot. I planned on eventually raising the controller to get the water level higher but never got around to doing that lol. Simple as possible!


Oh okay. I got ya. I obviously havent put the lid on the bucket to see how low it hangs into the rez. Sounds like it damn near hangs clear to the bottom.

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I was also thinking about using rapid rooters to fill the net pot with but those are not the cheapest solution.