The Bank of Stank

The net pot touches the bottom of the res in these little brown suckers.


At 44 days now and I can already tell this is going to be my biggest harvest ever in the 4x4. These buds are just getting massive. Everything smells amazing.

Sadly the Lemon G has committed octo-cide. I think it’s a combination of being on a very slight incline (meaning slightly less water in rez than everyone else), but most likely I think her roots probably clogged the water port and she cut herself off. Her bag was bone dry while everyone else’s is soaking wet. I first noticed it when all her pistils turned brown in week 3 when I let the rez run dry. Recently she was starting to wilt real hard when I finally figured out she was running too dry the whole time. She’s too far back to get into the rez so I’m just top watering her for now. I raised the level of the main rez so hopefully that will accommodate her better, but damn, 3rd grow now that I can’t seem to make the Lemon G happy. Next round I’ll get it! She still makes great smoke regardless.

Lemon G. I can smell it just looking at the pic. :yum:

The Sunset Sherbet (Sherbinsky) is doing something I’ve never seen before. It looks like light bleaching on the very top of the buds, but when you keep getting in closer you see it’s really just a dense piling up of white hairs and frosty calyx tips. Seems to go away as the bud ripens. Totally wild. This cut grew 2X bigger than anything else and takes up as much room. Buds are chunky and stacked all the way down. Gonna be a haul.

The Romulan S1 gets me going! I’m probably going to take a sample nug WAY too early.

And the Push Pop Yoda cut of Sunset Sherbet just looks wicked. Love those frosty rails.


This is all that Sherbinsky. Couldn’t control her at all.


Daang, sorry to hear about the lemon G Shamarm, was really hoping to see her shine. Years back, Sunset sherbert was the one cookies strain I always enjoyed smoking… IMO it tasted great and worked better than most other cookies crosses. That Romulan looks absolutely amazing!!! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck: Does she have any prominent terps profiles or stem rub odors yet? And Blueberry has always been a favorite of mine, but I don’t recall ever seeing her that leafy :thinking: I can’t wait to flower her, she is growing like a BEAST for me :sweat_smile: How is that little moon in the corner? Oops… that’s no moon :joy: :raised_hands: I really hope she puts out enough for a good couple of smoke sessions. Other than the poor lemon g and the chem 91, everything looks good :drooling_face: I hope you have a great day!!!


That’s great to hear. I was assuming both these cuts would just be flavor bombs and not much else. And if they really do taste good then I’ll hang on to them for a bit. The Sherbinsky cut is said to be the tastier of the two, whereas the PPY cut more potent, supposedly.

I’m beyond stoked to finally try this cut. A know a couple people with this cut that say it’s some of their favorite bud. The smell right now is a complex mix of pine, fuel, and a bit of sweetness.

I can’t even look. Haha. Literally! I can’t even see her! LOLOL. I hate that my Ohio cuts are the ones I’m flopping on. I’ve got high hopes for them in my outside garden this year.

Wait, what’s wrong with the Chem91?! I was so proud that she actually had leaves on her still. Last time the plant looked like a pile of garbage at this point. Hard to see from that angle, but her buds look bangin this time.

And here’s a pic of the Lemon G from the interview with Pip. Obviously she just likes to go yellow at the end, but look at that dready mess of 2L colas!


I run 9 to in a four by four using three gallon plastic pots . Works great


My apologies, she looks great for a chem 91, but… Chem 91 is known to look… less than perfect :sweat_smile: she just happened to be the only other plant in your grow that didn’t look absolutely stellar, please excuse my obtuse observation :sweat_smile:
On another note, those pics of the Lemon G show a lot of stretchiness of her tops, with no visible stretching below the upper canopy… it makes me think the light level was too high and made it stretch, do you recall the Lemon G nuggs being dreaded from when you used to get her back in the day, or could it just be too high a light level causing the dreads? :thinking: I need to flip mine ASAP


Here are some pics of the ladies you were kind enough to share with me! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ll flip when they fill the space completely.



Where’d the blueberry come from? That also the Rarebuyer TK cut?


No idea–I believe the blueberry may be from Archive? When I use the sites search function that’s what a bunch of posts from others say they sourced their cut, but I have no idea where Shmarm got this particular cut from… its not the cut from '91 that I loved so much so we’ll see how it turns out.
Yes, this pic is of Shmarms Rarebuyer cut of TK, FJ’s is the one in the lower right hand corner… if you read the Holy’s garden topic we had a discussion where I posted pics of both Scmarm’s Rarebuyer cut and FJ’s TK cuts side by side for comparison :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::v:


Oh that’s right! You have both!
If I read my own thread :joy: :+1:




Sorry i had to lol


That’s correct. I got it from @Greasy. His definitely had lots of leaf. I also ran a blueberry cut years ago from PNWStrainhunters that greatly resembled the Blue Dream structure, completely different cut. This Archive one has some serious blueberry terps though.

Most definitely. Some bags were just collections of dreads lol. I think it’s just how she grows on certain environments. Never really saw it in organic soil but starting to see it now for sure. Not nearly like that though


Right on! Thanks for all this delicious info @schmarmpit, the provenance is much appreciated. I do love the look of dreaded buds so I have my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


Ahhh the joy of growing from seed again! This Black Cherry Soda BX2 scared the crap out of me. I thought the buds looked really fat for being so early…then I realized lol. The whole damn plant was a straight 50/50 herm like that. Ewwwww.

But the 3x3 tent is looking good otherwise, now at 30 days. The SS4 plants look amazing, and that Illudium as well. I dusted a few choice flowers with some Querkle F2 pollen for a little fun down the road.


I’m getting budrot and will have to chop early and throw a bunch away. I was expecting it but still sucks. There’s just too much plant matter during the wettest season of my grow. Humidity was hitting over 80% at night. Ah well. I’m closing up shop indoor until fall and will see how I do outdoors this year! I’ll be back to the octos when it’s drier. I’ll still have lots to do inside for a few weeks. Hopefully some of these plants can hang another week or two as I’m not even to 8 weeks yet.


My biggest fear this time of year. I wonder if you can tell us more or less what part of the country you’re in, if not I understand .

My tent has been at 60% consistently but it could easily climb higher with how wet it’s been

Sucks to hear and I’m sorry

Edit: I may remember where you’re at lol


Once you get rid of some of them, it should increase airflow. But you know this haha.

Anyway, that blows.

Yeah, Schmarm’s mentioned preserving “local” cultivars like Deathstar etc, if that helps haha.


Sure did


yeah same here too but my temps have been in the 80s so kinda offsets it a bit. Sucks to hear on the budrot @schmarmpit :sob: hopefully you can get them through to the end there without too much loss :pray: