The Bank of Stank

In a case like this could you bud wash with peroxide since it doesn’t look too bad?

And or would it be effective in killing the rot/spores? Or better to just toss and keep on moving?


My humidity is 60 percent lights on with a temp of 80-81. Lights off the temp drops to low 60s and humidity dips to over 80 percent humidity. Sometimes almost 90 percent on wet humid days. I just ordered a simple 500 watt heater with just an on/off switch. Along with a inkbird temp controller. Hoping that stopping the tempature drop at all night will also keep humidity down as well.


Always toss moldy bud. There is no fixing that.


I do feel your pain, man. I mean, I’ve got two dehus down there and it still doesn’t really dip below 56 ever. Rocking 77f and 57% at night and 89/60 during the day. Shits wonky.

And excuse my ignorance, but you enjoy the local cuts so much to save them? I must not have tried the ones you’ve got! Lol wishing you all the luck, man. :purple_heart:


I’d vote for trash bin


Yep, down here in swampy Appalachian Ohio. Spring is always MOIST around here haha. I’ve done plenty of runs inside this time of year and I’m usually fine, maybe a spot here or there, but these octo plants are just a whole other beast. I knew it was coming but I still had to fuck around and find out anyway.

I’m not too bummed yet as I haven’t really dug down deep to see how bad it is. I won’t waste any time trying to clean them up. Anything with mold is getting trashed. Even if I trash half the tent I’ll probably still have a bigger harvest than with my water-only soil.

Thanks for commiserating, fellow grow mates. Onward through the fog! Next up is to try and stop these damn fourlined plant bugs from destroying everything outside.


shitty to hear man. i need to check my night time humidity now as i turned off all heaters. once the ac comes on the humidty will drop super fast


Damn I got lucky. That was the only spot I could find. I couldn’t really believe it but I dug down into the fattest buds and everything is looking clean. I’ll add a heater at night to help lower the humidity. Stay the course!!


Yes. Im really hoping keeping my temps stable at lights off with the dry heat from the heater keeps my humidity at bay. I like the cheap amazon basics 500 watt heater with no temp controls. Its just an on/off rocker switch. Then hook it up to the 40 dollar inkbird temp controller and you have precise control of your temps. I run the same combo in my mom/seedlings tent and it works really well.


I do the same except I have the even smaller 250w heater. Igot them everywhere. I even used this setup in a little greenhouse outside this winter and it worked perfect at just preventing frost temps.


Well hell. I need to find the 250 watt ones. I thought the 500 watter was the smallest one.


My bad they are only 200W lolol. But they still work great in a 3x3 and 4x4! I found these for like $15 several years ago and bought a whole bunch. Much less of a fire hazard.


I’ve got lemon g going in a 2 gallon autopot and it is taking over the tent. Had some issues getting the Afghani mango to root, but finally got a mom going. I should have cuts in a few weeks if your still interested.


Dude I’m beyond interested! I thought that Afghani Mango was lost forever. So glad to see it popping back up again! It’s a real treat as you’ll find out soon enough.

I put Lemon G in the dirt this year. Can’t wait for the neighborhood kids to come smell the lemon plant haha.


Big ole lemon g in 2 gallon autopot


I’m just past 8 weeks now in the 4x4 octopup tent. I’ve nervously been digging through these uber dense buds looking for mold. It seems the Tangie is the only one I can find it on, strangely. I’ve thrown away 5 or 6 tops from her but she’s still gonna produce. I was most worried about the Sherbinsky cut because the colas are like coke bottles, and dense as hell. Everything is, really, lol. But she’s totally clean so far. It’s just so much more material then I’ve ever done before. I can’t fit it all in my dry tent and will have to use the 4x4. Next time I’m going even harder on the defoliation. Like stripping everything down to sticks basically.

I’ve been on straight water for like a week and I’m finally getting some fade, but it’s looking a little rougher than I’m used to. The plants that naturally foxtail are doing so MUCH more than I’ve ever seen (Lemon G, White Rhino, Blueberry). I think a lot of these plants couldn’t handle the full intensity of the Progrow 640. I probably shouldn’t run it over 500W when they’re this big.

Chem 91. Top leaves are simply trashed, but down below the canopy things are looking proper.

This Romulan S1 is just a knockout. Can’t wait to cut and sample this beast. She’s fast too, looking close to done already.

The Sherbinsky cut of Sunset Sherbet. These little nugs are literally the size of golfballs.

And the Yoda cut looking especially delicious.

Can’t wait to harvest the others in the back so I can finally get a picture of them hahah! The blueberry is a wild beast of leafy flower that smells so strong of artificial blueberry.


what a whole lot of beautiful colors!!

as always a pleasure to watch , great work :slight_smile:


Dude, your blueberry looks like a real wild beast. The aroma must be incredible!


Man I can’t wait either! I just up-potted the other clone of her that I have in veg, to be a big mom.
Confirmed even in veg, she absolutely reeks of dank! :drooling_face:

I gave a clone of her to a local buddy and he flipped her two weeks ago


Wow really nice training he did on that! It will pay off for sure. That pic must be preflip because she stretches a good amount.

I’m glad this cut is getting around. I think it’s a good one. The guy who found this cut got it from a pack of S1 from Romulan Genetics. Well he recently sourced the Romulan mom cut used to make the S1s and he just finished the grow. He says the rom mom makes slightly bigger buds but he likes the smoke better from the S1 so far, otherwise they are very similar in all other respects. He thought he lost his S1 cut but all the sharing with folks on here has kept her around. He’s stoked to be getting it back.