The Bank of Stank

oh man thats gonna be a yielder must be a patient feller


I was too baked to respond last night :joy:

But yes, good catch! The pic was from the day before flip :wink:

He said it actually hasn’t stretched much for him at all, like ~6 inches in two weeks. He’s not in an octo type setup tho so maybe that has something to do with it :thinking:


:eyes: Crazy! Mine just took off. It ended up being the tallest and likely was the shortest when I flowered. But yes, octos probably had more to do with it than anything else. All my clones are beasting out compared to how they ran in my water-only soil.

At 9 weeks now I’ve been chopping like mad. This is taking so much longer. I’m getting more product from just the tops than I was getting off the whole plant before. I’m most amazed by the ‘larf’ below the canopy. Still big chunky nugs but completely albino looking, like void of chlorophyll. I’m wondering if it will smoke really smooth because of that. Thankfully the mold situation is not bad at all. Seems pretty well isolated to the tops of the Tangie.

I finally hacked enough colas down to make my way back to the Blueberry. She smells so damn good of blueberry candy. These buds are wild and leafy. Thankfully no mold anywhere in sight. Here’s a top cola just to get an idea of structure. This is the same Blueberry cut from Archive that @Greasy and others he’s shared with are running. Hard to gauge size but this thing is THICK.

And I found the Lemon G completely dried out again. I actually can’t believe it’s still alive. I was able to get way back in there and inspect the pot finally. Sure enough, a strand of roots was growing right into the water inlet. So the entire rez and fabric bag were bone dry but I suppose a bundle of roots was getting ALL of the water. Hahah. I don’t know. The quick fix was to unplug the line from the 9-port manifold and blow into it, forcing everything out of that pot’s inlet. The rez quickly filled up again so it wasn’t a level issue, but alas, way too late to be fixing anything. Had I done that 5 weeks ago then I would be in a different spot. I’ll try some bud but this Lemon G is probably all going into hash. I’m thinking up some ideas for next round for blocking the roots. If anything I’ll just be sure to check water levels more often, maybe blow on the line once and a while just to be safe. I will do her justice some day!

I’m excited to have all this extra material to play with now. I have a couple freezer bags of lowers that I’ll be turning into fresh frozen hash. My 2x2 dry tent is already completely filled after harvesting just about 2.5 plants. I’ll have to dry in the flower tent unfortunately as I have nowhere else to hang dry this stuff.


Sounds like a good problem to have my friend lol.


Finally getting some of these plants harvested and have a bit of room to move around now. Look at this Blueberry plant. A damn mess. A sweet sugary, greasy, leafy, dready mess. Not looking forward to trimming this one. I spy a little seed in there too…cool. Cool cool cool cool!


There is a lot more to trim with the Octo’s!!


I’m feeling that hard this week!! Never before have I considered throwing away extra larf. Still haven’t done it, but I’m getting close. I’ve got enough without it haha.

Here’s my first time outdoor. Trying it 3 ways: 3 in octos, 1 in 7gal of organic soil, 1 in the ground.

Blue Dream – Death Star – Querkle F2
Tahoe OG – Lemon G


LOVE experiments like this!! See what works best!


Brings back memories for me man. I ran probably 100 querkle seeds in total in my lifetime. Its a nice line for sure. A lot of slow ass plants but there were a bunch of gems in that line too. Subs JTR was a really nice line too.


Wow that’s a ton of Querkle! I’ll be taking these to F3 this season if you have any interest in playing around with some more.

Querkle was the first truly purple plant I ever grew. And the Space Queen male adds nice frost and fruity flavor on to the Querkle cut, which I’ve also grown a few times now. This one was slow to start but has since started gaining momentum.


I grew two Querkles from seed a year or two ago. One was really nice and the other just wasn’t a keeper. I liked the one with vanilla/dough scents that turned purple and finished in 10 weeks. The other was more greasy orange, didn’t look very nice, and took forever to mature (I chopped it at 11 weeks because I was tired of looking at her).


Same here. It led me down a rabbit hole of purple. Love the purple strains for what they are. Last good one i had was grape ape. And thats been a while. Really miss the soury grape plants.


I’ve been smoking on some 2-week-dried early samples from this first octopup grow and I’ve got to say, it’s the smoothest smoking herb I’ve ever puffed on straight from the dry tent. All of different the strains are smoking this way too, not just certain ones. I typically get lots of nose tingling, throat harshness, and slight regret for even trying before a decent cure. But all these flowers are just an absolute treat already! My wife is especially sensitive to early samples, she won’t try them, but I snuck one in and she couldn’t even tell. She was blown away. I thought these plants all had way too much green in them at harvest and were going to smoke like crap. How wrong I was.

Even though the Lemon G looked a mess at harvest, she turned out pretty damn good after she was all cleaned up, and best of all, the early samples are awesome! They’re smoking better off the vine then the stuff I’ve had in Groves for a couple months now. Great taste and the high is best I’ve gotten from her.

Overall I’m just blown away by the ease of this auto-watering octopup system, and especially with the end results. I’m sure to have the biggest harvest of my life and it’s all smoking great already. I don’t think I’ll be going back to my old ways. This is all just too easy. I’ve moved away from Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect Trio and am switching to Maxibloom and gypsum this round. My outdoor octopot plants are loving it, and it doesn’t smell like death and leave a cloudy dark residue.

My only small gripe is that I’m finding it very tricky to re-use the grow bags. The roots just completely take over. (The Sherbinksy roots actually started lifting up the little circle covers of the octopup lids and were getting into the rez that way too!) It’s hard to extract the rootball from the bag, and even get the soil from the rootball. It’s a ton of work to clean the bags up for re-use (I did it once), and they’re cheap enough to buy again. I just like to re-use when I can. I’ll find a way, or a bag that makes it easier to reuse.

Instead of taking a break like I should (and said I was going to), I’m just having too much fun to stop now. I’m going to try 6 in the 4x4 this time and see if that gives them a little more breathing room. I’ll be running MAC1, Deathstar, GG4, Wedding Cake (Jbeezy cut), Ice Cream Cake (Jet’s cut), and Illudium Q36.


That’s great to hear about your experience with the octos. I have experienced the same and can’t speak highly enough of them too. It’s a great system IMHO and the results speak for themselves. Enjoy the fruits of your labor (or lack of :wink: ). Plants look like they sure enjoyed it, lol. :green_heart:


Would it be awful if you just left the bits of root and soil in there when you filled them again? Sometimes (often haha) my air pots still have remnants of roots and shit in them when I fill them up with soil before I transplant, hasn’t seemed to matter. I actually like it, just means more decomposing material.

Anyway, that’s super-interesting about the Octos. Good to hear the early smoke turned out awesome for you. You may have already mentioned this, but did you do a “flush” or anything? Like straight water for the last few weeks? I think you mentioned that you did, but I can’t be certain haha.


Yeah I did straight water the last 2 weeks. Many of the plants were still plenty green though.

I often leave old roots in my bags when reusing them but this is just a whole other level of root density. My only success was leaving the bags dry in the sun for a few days (they are soaked), then manhandling them to crush the old roots and scraping them down. But it’s still really clogged up. I’m sure the new plants wouldn’t care. I’ll experiment and see if it matters. Rotting roots, sure great for organic, just not sure of any benefits in this situation.


what size fabric bags/pots did you use?

I currently have mine in half gallon ac infinity nursery fabric bags. They’re like 8.5 inches square at the base and 5 inches or so tall :thinking:


I’m using 2gal fabric bags. They stay so moist the whole time that moldy white fuzz starts to form on the top layer of soil. I think a main feature of octos is having the different levels of wetness/dryness from having a big bag. I’m hesitant to go lower than 2gal because of that.


hmm 2 gallon fabric is like 8.7 inches square and 8 inches tall? that sound right? :thinking: I need to take the measuring tape to these filled bags. AC Infinity says the empty 1/2 gallon bags are 4.84 inches wide by 8.18 inches tall but when filled it seems more like 5 or 6"w x 8"d x 6"h, which would actually hold just over 1 gallon of media :thinking: When I took out the romulan after having it in there for a day or two, the coco was damp about half way down the bag… Hoping they do fine like this. I don’t have bigger bags at the moment and I’d have to buy more coco too if I went that route :thinking: Plus this already feels like SOOOO much coco after growing in ~1/4 gallons for the last year or so :sweat_smile: I’m planning on taking clones saturday-ish give or take a day, and then flipping after that.


SaintAliasKnife uses these for the octopups, 7w x 12h 2 gal fabrics. They also sell a 1 gal which is 6x9 I believe. I am gonna go with the 2 gals when I get mine going.

Tall fabric bags.