The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)

I do like them, but am going to be going back to the fabric pots I had used previously. I find that they are easier for spacing, but they dont seem to be doing the trcik in the way taht I like for drainage and air pruning.


Right on, thanks for your input!

The lack of drainage seems to be the biggest complaint, I knew they had to be too good to be true :metal:


Don’t worry I didn’t forget about you :wink: they’ll be an envelope coming to you too haha


Thank you wasn’t expecting anything from ya . But appreciate it.


I made my own pots with landscape fabric.

Not as fancy but they work.


Wondering if anyone can shed some light on this. I ph’d the water on the last watering with ro water, and it was in the sweet spot. Added some calmag but cant really get this to go away, and seems to be getting a lil worse.


8B34302B-1E69-4F94-8036-8EE074B4F2E1_4_5005_c EBC2A533-C137-4E3D-8E9C-E04105B50B16_4_5005_c 84362FED-D103-426E-B569-E170FDAC92C4_4_5005_c


n and p deficiency, thing with RO or any low ec water is typically it has next to no buffering so if your nutrients/soilmix is still sufficient and your running into say a pH drift issue causing the lock out, then you need to alleviate that, firther question what feed when feeding if any and what does your run of measure at ec and pH


Do you have a soil pH meter? Everything about what you’re describing is reminding me of a Mr Canuck grows episode from forever ago… His water was pH’d, but he had pH drift in his soil, I believe he was using RO water too, but I could be wrong on that one.

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Since the ph adjustments, do new the growth leafs show the same problem? In one of my recent grows, the older leafs never improved but new growth did after my corrections.


Health canada says it’s going to make it legal to package and sell male pollen.


Try adding a small amount of epson salt to your mix . Also check you lights height from the top of your plants or dim them a bit . Those were 2 issues I was having and appear to look similar to yours.

No expert but it definitely turned mine around.

What’s your room temperature running at?


@sprinklememaynee going in you were in the sweet spot what was it coming out the ph? reason i ask is cal mag has a lot of N in it. N will swing your PH high and low as there are two types Nitrogen that we use one will push ph high and one will push it down i would flush them i believe you have a lock out. if me i would run 3 times as much water thru as the pot size 3 gallon pots start with 9 gallons or so of sweet spot water. grab some of the overflow from first flush will tell you were you are at with your PH curious to know


Thanks so much for this, I am going to try that, I had never given any thought to the lack of buffering from R/O Water. I am currently feeding with the rec doses of GreenLeaf MegaCrop 1 Part, and supplementing with GH Calmag at 2 ml/g.

I think that I am leaning into the PH drift theory, it all seems to make sense.

I think the leaf issues have been stopped with new growth. I took some pics the last time I was in there with lights on to just check it against the next time I am in the space.

Will do, I also think that I got a lil carried away with the new light and running it at full blast lol. This may be contributing. Really perplexing, as I have not had issues like this before but always a first time for everything. Room is running at about 50% RH with lights on and averaging 23 degrees.

Going to measure the runoff next time I am in there and will report back.

Thanks everyone for the info, been really helpful. Will update back with some progress hopefully trending towards positive the next go. On a much brighter note, going to be switching back to small pot organic with soil after this run. Been running synthetics and old pro-mix in the flower room, and forayed into coco in my veg room and I have to say not a big fan of coco.

Also, my neighbour owns a company that produces 20+ tonnes of insect frass daily, so he is going to hook me up with unlimited frass and castings for my grows, so that really lightens the load. I am already running LSO outdoors and looks like I will just transition everything over once I have a little bit more time on my hands.


Damn! I’d love to tour that facility… 40,000 Lbs/day, mind boggling… :crazy_face:
Any idea what he’s using as a feed source?



The other thing with RO water… Everything has been stripped out of it, good and bad.

No nutrients, nothing.

Everything in nature wants to find its equilibrium, a state where, chemically speaking, atoms are even. When you strip all that stuff out, the water still wants to find an equilibrium, so it starts leeching nutes out of your soil.

Remember about 15-18 years ago there was a huge push for people to drink RO/“purified” water? Ads claiming it had all the nasty impurities removed and was the best way to drink water. It looked great, until people started losing their hair, finger nails and other stuff because the water was leeching nutes out of their bodies.

Just something to keep in mind about RO water.


No idea but will ask for sure, I know he is working with black soldier fly larvae.




I don’t want to “like” that… Shit.


I wonder if they’ll appeal .


I don’t think they can, copied from the article…
As a result, the defendants no longer have the option of arguing for exemptions from the law under the Constitution.

“I grant the (Crown’s) application to summarily dismiss the constitutional issues, based on the information before me at this time,” the decision says, adding that the application for constitutional arguments was “manifestly frivolous.”

Just cus they were to stoned to document it 🤷 back in the day.