The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)

Part of the ongoing issue of crimes against indigenous people is we (the colonizers) basically showed up and went like

“Okay you follow our rules now. We designed this whole Fair and Balanced system. Better write down now all the things that will exist in the year 2024 that you should be allowed to do while we take your land.”

The government just decides 90% of stuff in its own favor and goes “well tough tits.”



two Mi’kmaq treaties signed in the 1700s granted the aboriginal right to trade, but the top court said that right is limited to items traditionally harvested as part of their hunting, fishing and gathering activities.

Almost as if those things were able to support you in the 1700s and not nowadays…


Snotty Nose Rez Kids - The Warriors (

@Kyumonryu - thought I was getting ONE of those strains, not all 4! Thank you, those are some greats in there.

PS …I’m sure the Horseshoe brought back some nostalgia for you…then you remembered you were on Van Isle and got over it! :smile:


Yeah I hit everyone on the list with all 4. Figured it was more fun that way :slight_smile:

Van isle has many upsides but the bands that come through are way more limited. The horseshoe always had interesting groups. I think these were last show I saw there.


You’re right @Kyumonryu, we get shite for big bands on the island, and hitting one up in Van immediately tacks on $500+ for ferries and a hotel room.

Lots of upsides, but big music events is not on that list.

Still though, I’d take the island over Torauma (TORonto, trAUMA​:grin:) any day :grin:



You dis my city but/and I totes agree!


Okay canucks, I have this Sweet Tooth plant going outdoors, its wonderful and doing so well, but decided to sex all my plants early on in the season, I took a cut and I think I know the answer but was hoping to maybe possibly be wrong. Can anyone shed some light on this, given that I am prepared for the inevitable answer loool.


I’m not great at it, but it kinda looks like preflower on the left side of the stalk in the last pic… 🤷

Pullin for ya!

I got it from an ex who used to live there, and passed it by a couple other people (my own mom included) and no one beat me TOO badly, so I figured it was ok :grin:


Also, she had a l name for Ontario I thought fit rather well, Onterrible, lol.

But, I’m a west coast boy, I only say that because we’ll never elect the leader of the country, the best we can hope for is the official opposition, lol. :grin:


I’m trying to come up with a good one and the best I got is Shitsilano.


@Kyumonryu thanks so much for the mailbox love!!



Also “Ontariwoe”, “Fucktario”, and “Stolen Lands”. :sweat_smile:


Don’t forget, The Hammer, Borington, Jokeville.
Moved to that shit province in 86’ our first week there, my Mom and I went exploring with our bikes. Road down to 16 mile creek, locked our bikes up. Came back to our bikes being completely distroyed. We had to hike back like 5 km with bikes that couldn’t roll the rims were so buggered up.
I remember saying to my Mom, told ya we should of moved to BC.
it’s we’re the “fcuk you, I’m all right” syndrome all started. Sure, a couple of good peeps there. But overall, a shit hole of a province. Well everything south of Barrie at least :yum:
Sry for the negativity, just grinds my gears lol


Everyone seems to be central canada west mostly. Where’s all the east end islanders?


Myself, and @luxton are on vancouver island. There are a few others as well. You based here also?


Newfoundland is what I meant lol.


Misunderstood, yeah bit of difference.

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A whole country in between