The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)


I’d suggest Spirit River Cannabis only cause they are

Canadian Native Flag - First Nations Native Tribal Flag – Indigenous Peoples Resources


@Pigeonman Thanks brother!

A buddy in the area had suggested hitting the reservations in the area, but I could not find much online about them. Sadly his grow has been down or we would not be having this conversation LoL

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This is a good idea. Here’s one I found for ya in between :us: & London:

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Adding to this there is also a thing called carring capacity and that is

Carrying capacity can be defined as a species’ average population size in a particular habitat. The species population size is limited by environmental factors like adequate food, shelter, water, and mates. If these needs are not met, the population will decrease until the resource rebounds.

Hunters, with science, can help ballance the big death/over population cycles helping the spread of desease. Also with things like bears and elk, hunters can help keep the carrying capacity more stable so they dont end up pushed into poplated areas and cause property damage or have human conflict.



I will have to check them out, as they are not far south of where we will be. We are staying in West London off of the Thames River. The girls wanted to take a trip down to St. Thomas anyway. Should be a nice retreat. Thanks again brother.

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Carrying Capacity is especially applicable to Coyotes. Once they arrive , they have extra young due to more resources until they reach Capacity. Trapping or killing them has little affect on the population. They simply have extra pups . They will reach Capacity and that is ultimately what controls thier population.


Are you implying some kind of self regulation?


A natural balance of population and resources. When nutrition is down , they have less pups.


Interesting. I might be urbanized but there’s a big ravine system around here so we get deer fox coyote all that good stuff. Except maybe not for my dog.


Absolutely not…

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You and I will get along just fine. I have a burger making machine that will process 200 lb of meat per hour. Let’s go.


How did you know I weigh 200 pounds?





live in Chatham work in Windsor London Sarnia in London you will find that they have Link Cannabis stores kinda the same thing as weed store and they are scattered all over the city sprite is a good one. if you are downtown then your highness is a nice spot to go but if your coming down or up the 401 make a 15 minute side trip to Moravintown get ya some cheap gas as well. i shop at cloud 47 there is another one closer to London just a little harder to accesses from 401 if you are hanging out in St Thomas yours girls will like Sparta small artsy village. at the beach in port Stanely just south is beach town with a good cheap spot to eat. been there since 1800 something Mackies have fun lots to do in the area


@thainer Thanks for the great info brother.

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Hey fellow Canadians!

(Reposted from my thread)
So this is a weird one today. I was scrolling Facebook marketplace and some beans were on there.

Anyways got talking to the person and from the sounds of it, it’s an elderly family member who made these seeds. He’s no longer able to grow so he gave it to his family to do what they like with it.

Packs were cheap so I grabbed a ten pack of each of his lines. So if any of these names look familiar and or you have any info on these it would be greatly appreciated. Some seem to be newer varieties but who knows if some are older.

New Ganny
Fruit Salad
Sayward Outdoor
Punch Berri
Blu Meanie
Northern lights Big Red
Northern Lights Giant
Black Hash
Texada timewarp
White Night
Colombian gold
Chunky Monkey
Lizard Lips
Fever Dream


Texada Timewarp is a great grow, I got mine from BC, one of those islands out west. It produces decently. A lot of those names are regional I would think. Good for you tracking them down.


Good score, any idea how they were stored?


My auntie used to be costumers there bro… she was in Wallaceburg :wink:

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Walpole is a little closer for me as well they kinda shut the island down during the vid so i started to go in a diff direction is all