The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)


Anyone know much about mushrooms? This monster was in our yard, about 6" across :blush:


I think thatā€™s a Boletus @luxton


Thatā€™s funky looking.
I heard thereā€™s been a abundance of death caps in the lower mainland this year and to keep a look out for them. This isnā€™t one. But kinda scary nevertheless.

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I have a friend with a 3d printer .
Gotta get him to look to see if he can find an stl file for one of them and see if we canā€™t save some monies .

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Similar colours, but different shape I think (from the google pics anyway, so, take that for what itā€™s worth, hahaha)

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Folks are free to do as they wish but personally, I will just keep sending folks to the guy. I would much rather see him supported for his work and really cool idea rather than see his business taken by just copying it. I do have a 3d printer myself but wouldnā€™t feel right just coping another fellows work.


Definitely funky lookingā€¦ Weā€™ll be keeping the dogs away regardless, lol (and watching for any stoned bunnies on the security camera :rofl::rofl:)

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Looks like something has been munching on it.
It also looks to be confused and upside down. :upside_down_face:

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This is definitely a boletes mushroom but what type is more challenging to identify. The tubules or spongy looking underside shows ots part of that family


I also just did a google pic search, looks like @Pigeonman knows his zoomers.


Those big mushrooms are called cowboy hats in the pickers world. Theyre the marker/indicator there in the area and to slow down and look more closely


Very cool everyone, crowd knowledge is the best :grin::grin:. Thank you!!

Quick question for the Canadian mob. Can anyone recommend any good books on Tommy Douglas?


Canā€™t think of the name but these one thatā€™s written as a historical novel.

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As long as he didnā€™t take someone elses file you are correct .
Iā€™ve seen many reselllers take open source and change the design a bit then relabel as their design.
I guess that itā€™s not really a lie .


Hey folks! Be on the watch as these fuckers have just recently been found in the middle of so who knows where else they exist:

ā€œHammerhead worms, growing to about five to eight centimetres long, are easily distinguishable from earthworms. Their fan-shaped, yellow-to-tan-coloured body with a long dark dorsal stripe that does not extend over their heads is a clear identifier. Recognizing these worms is important given the threat that they pose to ecosystems in Ontario.ā€


Yes ive known about them. I have not seen one yet. :crossed_fingers:


I found an open source from 2020, 8.4x12


I have seen that, too. He has a shop that sells many things 3d printed on Etsy, and I would assume he is designing these things, but I canā€™t say for sure. I have seen many files online but not with this specific design. His price on these units is also pretty good IMO. I would not be comfortable copying what I am assuming is his design. That said, if one finds an open source file published online, that would be different.