The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

That is just amazing to me. Of course, I have only a so-so success rate with cloning as it is. This year I tried the vermiculite in a cup, set in a tray of water technique and had pretty good luck. But it was still not 100%. And that was with pure sativas which are supposed to be easier to root to begin with.


There are now clone mailers available complete with LED lights inside. You can even send clones overseas.
Cuttings with no roots can be set with a wet paper towel wrapped around the base of the stem. Cuttings with roots can also be sent. One way might be more legal than the other I’m not sure


Its nice of you to offer but I’m a seed guy mainly. Always after that next great plant and I like surprises. If it turns out it’s the best smoke you’ve ever had my arm can be twisted LOL.
@Skunk Hunt I sure appreciate the feedback. I’ll be making a bigger seedrun of the parents as soon as I can. Going to make the same cross with the Huixtepec very shortly. Then perhaps I will be combining the two hybrids😁


yeah i forgot to mention the mailers, yeah pretty much you can get plants in the mail now.



This is a great thread about sending fresh cuts in the mail.


no i understand, id pop a seed over a clone anyway, just making the offer so no worries, i cant thank you enough on the seeds though, just an amazing strain


Im already craving the Ost now its gone ha ha. I sent out 7 mailers for USA folks yesterday all containing OsT crosses made with G13 , RIL Sowah, Old Ass, Panama Haze(2 females) and OST x OST (3 females involved). There should be tons of these all over the place soon. Thanks Upstate and the others. Also sent some random skunk crosses as well like Polecat x Crippy and Delta blues x Skunk18 I tossed in there for fun. Enjoy OG. Note RIL Sowah is still a sold strain made and I highly advise buying this fire ass strain on it’s own as well as play with the cross I made. Won’t do it justice.


I can’t wait to see what the OST f2’s are like. Should be epic. I’m thinking that the Thai i used has thcv rather than cbd like i originally contemplated. It’s loaded with some wierd cannabinoid, thats for sure. How’s the hybrid with sowah(?) coming along?


Got an idiot late night yard crawler neighbor running loose bringing heavy heat into the area (tight knit community) and I had to chopped my entire grow for security unfortunately they are gone. Hope someone can grow them. I’m moving to Michigan where it’s less stress. Seed collecting for now.


All CAPS was looking badass before I chopped them tho they were Nuclear radiation green a super bright color and ready to grow they were really happy little things.

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You can make an easy CBD home test from ethanol + KOH (potassium hydroxide) if you want to rule it out (or in).


@allotment Cool! My wife thinks she has some for soap making. How do i do it?


You can use denatured ethanol, it does not have to be expensive everclear.

Carefully dissolve 5% KOH in ethanol, eg. 5g KOH in 100ml ethanol. It gets quite warm as far as I remember. This is your reagent.

Decarb some herb. Then put 100mg of herb in a vial and add ethanol to extract the cannabinoids, close and shake. Wait a bit (have to look that up, have not done it in a while). This is your extract.

Use a dropper to put 3 drops of your extract into another vial, add 10 drops of your reagent. Close and shake. If there is CBD it should turn blue or purple.

The right one is CBD:

You can only see if there is “some” CBD, and you can compare samples of different plants to see which one has more. You can’t get any percentage numbers though.


Thanks! I’ll have to get a scale for this. Great trick :ok_hand:


I’ve been thinking about that Beam test for months now.
I could make a sensitive measurement setup with a photodetector and an LED but actually calibrating it would take some effort.



And we have a cute little Oaxacan popping up this morning. Thanks Upstate. :slight_smile:


The slower OST coming around. Looking more Thai.


im getting like a licorice thing with a hint of fruity, squeeze a lower bud i get a mouthwatering smell of hash, i been smoking on a branch of this and i say it is very nice, kills pain, and the buzz is heavy. not too racy though, at least in my findings, it is like a nice buzz that brings peace or centers you in the moment kind of thing.
none the less she grew easy, i didnt give too many nutrients in flower, mostly water now for the past few weeks,

the small bit of bud from the early cut test taster branch was dank, like a over ripe flower but not earthy
the buzz has no roof or at least is what i found, it is very enjoyable


Wow! That looks amazing! Especially that last photo. Looks like it’s done to me. Resun glands look cloudy even in a picture.( after looking closer, still some clear.) I made the mistake of picking my Thai plant too late. Only the tips of the budlets from all the colas are what I consider excellent smoke. This one looks like it is ripening all at once, which I was hoping for. Its the only thing about the Thai I didn’t like.
The Thai dominant plants may continue to flower almost indefinitely, so pick when there is a diminishing point of return. Beautiful plants. Thanks for the photos😁


Licorice and fruit? Interesting. Nothing i grew had Licorice and just one had a brief time it smelled fruity. Looks like a pheno I didn’t get. Was it a short bushy pheno? Buds look kinda like a short one I had but it was piney. Glad you like it. There are more potent plants for sure. I haven’t been able to smoke enough to check for a ceiling but it’s getting higher beyond 2 bowls. Beyond one bowl i have to force myself to smoke more. Not super fried. Just content. But if i was younger…