The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)



Throw some sand on the floor and add a water feature and youā€™re really talking


Hehe, now youā€™re talking. :smiley:

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Growing sativas is addictive and super fun to try to keep them going. There is a quote on French Touch seeds for Zamal that says something like, ā€œFor the farmer who seeks a long love affair.ā€ I love that ideaā€¦I mean, at 8 weeks the plant and I are just getting to know each other. Who wants to end it there? :slight_smile: Oh OK, unless youā€™re selling dope and need the turnover, that would be a different story. But as a hobbyist I just want to try them all, and I only give herb away to friends and family, never sell.


Same hear with a small space I often struggle to keep a supply at the house for us only
. So short turn around was crucial.

But with the latest reservation I should be able to manage


OG posting rules wonā€™t allow me to update on the MDS thread :zipper_mouth_face:
So Iā€™ll post these here

@lambchopedd MDS repro:


That looks great! Whatā€™s MDS?

@TexasTea Mexican Death Sativa by Jim Ortega and reproduced by @lambchopedd


Iā€™ve got some of those. Maybe next summer!


@GREANDAL It was super easy to grow outside. iirc, i put the seedling outside in early July.


Thanks, another cool one. Wonder if he still has seedsā€¦ :wink:


I agree. Mind you, I have the perspective of someone who went from growing 100% modern polys to majority landrace-y sort of varieties (by choice).
The modern stuff is the only stuff that will move on the black. I do have a friend that also enjoys the struggle and hunt for something good in the jungly stuff tho lolā€¦ and thatā€™s why I do it ā€” itā€™s just fucking fun!

Plus growing the jungly stuff has really helped me distinguish between a True keeper and the just ā€œpretty okaysā€ :joy:


Please forgive me for posing such a silly question @lambchopedd ,but what qualities have you used to distinguish between a true keeper and the mediocre? Many people talk about culling the mutants or stragglers, the ugly ducklings if you will ---- but then I hear others state that the mutants and runts often produce the most potent medicine.


Red Snake twin update. She is not too stinky yet, but a finger rub under her skirts comes away with an amazing citrus spice and musk. Iā€™m in love with this strain. :slight_smile:



HA! You have a way with words my friend.


Iā€™m no expert, Iā€™m still learning as I go.
With that being saidā€¦

I still have a tough time keeping the mutants &/or the slower growing runts ā€” but the logic as to why you should tends to make sense (I could elaborate, but this would turn into a rant) ā€” but I digress

I could give you bulletpoints on what I tend to seek out in a random order, but at the end of the day I feel like Iā€™ve gotten better at picking winners by simply popping more & more seed. Because one thing that I think is the best of the best, can surprisingly be over-taken by a random plant of the same line two cycles later :sweat_smile:

ESPECIALLY when that better specimen still stands out as a clone opposed to a hormonal seedling! If that makes senseā€¦

Iā€™ll find something that I think is GREAT despite a shortcoming or two. But if I keep at itā€¦ digging thru the line, maybe hybridizing it with a solo male to see if my favorite traits are true-breeding, etcā€¦
Until one day I notice a new plant is everything that the first one was but better &/or minus one of itā€™s shortcomings. At that point, I put it thru the same sort of abuse I put my original ā€œkeeperā€ thru and assess it. All the while, I kill off (or harvest & smoke) EVERYTHING else that didnā€™t surpass either. So maybe I should be giving more credit to the culling process :thinking:

Shit. Iā€™m ranting. Lemme shut up and go to bed


You donā€™t find your next champion growing only clones do you?:grin: i love the surprises hidden inside seeds. When a landrace gives you the gift of a keeper right away, keep looking at that same landrace. The odds of finding your best plant in your landrace lines improves with each seed and there is most likely something else equal to or better than your first find. . Iā€™m planning on growing muliple plants from seed per container next.( may not happen just yet. Will see.) A pack a pot, to go thru some numbers quickly. The keepers will get revegged and see round 2. I may get Overgrown but hey, thatā€™s the point.
@US3RNAM3 listen to your plants and they will show you the keepers early on. Every man is 50% woman and women have excellent intuition. As men we have to learn to listen to our other halfā€¦ internally. (EXTERNALLY our " other half" can be quite annoying and difficult to listen to :rofl::joy:)
I donā€™t always know my best plant early on, but if there is a keeper amongst seedligs i often pick it out before its 2 iches tall. It will be the one you find yourself looking at or tinkering with the most in many cases. Let the plants ā€œspeakā€ to you and listen up.
@TexasTea nice early resin forming. Looking good!


LMAO at that external woman remarkā€¦ :slight_smile:


@Papalag Sativas are addictive. Everything about them makes them special. They are exotic, rare, fast growing, disease and pest resistant easily maintained bulldogs.

I better hide my phone a couple days lol.


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