The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

I think I would keep it at 11 and a half a little bit longer. Maybe at week 12 drop it to 11 hours. It helps with ripening from what I understand. I’ve never managed to get down to 11 hours because my days at work are too long and I’m carrying the plants into the darkroom by hand in the summer. Best I’ve done is about 11 hours 15 minutes I think.


There’s no doubt they’re fully committed to flowering though, I might ought to sit at 11.5/12.5 for a good while.


The fast Thai were certainly a head-scratcher for me for awhile. Couldn’t wrap my head around how it could be happening. Pretty sure I’ve got it pegged now though. The fastest flowering plants that I had in my garden last summer went 14 weeks. So there’s no chance that some fast flowering strain pollinated these. I had Kashmir on-premises, but it was 4-6 Weeks later that they were dropping pollen.


I plan on just making seeds with this batch and then vegging out the next set way longer before flowering. They sort of got ruined by forcing flower so soon and also possibly the mite treatment spray in the room. I got alot of really good seed to mess with so my plan is to finish these for seeds to give out/ start over with the OST x OST and see what I can grow from there. I have a ton of patience if the set up is right. I need to get a second 315 cmh as well to grow 2 of these properly. They got beanpoled off to the side.


Well what I first took for a male ended up a herm and it sexed almost immediately, way sooner than the legitimate male. It only had two or three male flowers but it seemed they were ready in like 30 minutes. :joy:


Unbelievable how fast my true male blew dust. These are lightning fast plants for sure. I can see how they will continue to grow like Upstate said. I will keep one to see what happens after the seeds all fall out. I am anxious to start the OST x G13HP I got 2 seeds off my G clone. That should be a wild weird plant. How long do the seeds need to dry before they will germ do you all think? I got Old Ass x OST as well cant wait to grow that. Wonder how long seeds need to set there.


Wait a minimum of 30 days before you test any seed.
I like a 3-week veg time for tropicals. If you go longer than that you would want to get cuttings off of the plants and flower them or they can get too big.
After seeing what you have done, I might experiment with very low light hours 4 seed making. @corey also had a really fast seed run with low “on” hours. He harvested his plants in 2 months, and I believe they would have gone 12 to 16 weeks with a normal light schedule. This is New Territory for me. Hermaphrodites could become an issue due to stress, but only one way to find out.
Here’s the fast plant at week 6 and at week 9

The last two pictures are week 9. Strange plant. I detected zero influence of any indica. A real head-scratcher


Definitely legit seed company they’ve got some really unique stuff in the works.


There had to have been intercontinental travel prior to the “discovery” of the Americas. For starters, our species is 250,000 years old, and I refuse to believe we spent 244,000 of them as simple hunter/gatherers. I knew about the cocaine in the mummies, but hadn’t heard about cannabis in pre-Colombian mummies. I’m going to look into that. Cannabis seems to have been tailored to human biochemistry (they’re called “endocannabinoid receptors”, after all).


As cannabis becomes less stigmatized and DNA sequencing becomes more widely available and more accurate, a lot more questions about cannabis are going to be answered. At least I hope so. It’ll be awesome to get some definitive answers about its origin.


While it sucks that a lot of diversity is being lost to hybridization, the current situation is just another phase in the evolution of that species. We humans have gone through similar cycles. Disparate populations of human have become homogenized, only to become disparate again many times and in many locations.
Full legalization and acceptance of cannabis could allow (and is allowing some) us to have the best of both worlds. We will likely end up with as many variations as there are growers, resulting in massive hybridization, while simultaneously, there are a lot of us who want to preserve old genetic lines. I’m really looking forward to the Cannabis Renaissance.


Those plants are absolutely beautiful! Love the foxtailing look that the buds have. Reminds me of the wild foxtails that grow around my parts.


Why wait 30 days to test seed?


My lighting is 11 hrs light 13 hrs dark. Fyi.


Fresh seeds can have poor germination. You have to let them dry out well before getting 100%. I dry mine until winter time in the open air in a dish when we have 20% humidity.


11/13…Even more baffling. I read that old hippies used to seed their sativas to get them to ripen quickly in northern climates. Maybe they were on to something. As they said, seedy mature bud was better than seedless hay.
It is true that pollination sets off a maturation cycle that takes 4-6 weeks to finish


ive seen autoflowering Thai collected from Thailand. The bud looked stikingly similar to your 11 weeks pheno @upstate. It had a certain “dirty” look, and a “wild hairstyle” look to it.
Dark green rather than bright… It really looked like the one on your pic.

I mean if @SkunkHunt101 Seed flowered , 5 weeks, i doubt it was just his growingstyle, not that we shouldnt look into that idea, but…


We can see the progression of the plants week to week in this thread I posted weekly updates of photos. I am not sure what I am doing here but almost every single plant I grow in my area flowers out super fast. i dont know if it is the underfloor gas heat or the closeness to the CMH to the plants. Not sure. The other grower seems to be flowering out just as fast as me. His male threw pollen fast. He started his a week and a half after mine. I will look thru the messages and estimate the day I dropped the seeds.


Yes this is what I thought.

My true male is blowing hard right now, and he did get a few before I got him out but the females were farther along than yours and I had the rh up as high as I could get away with. The first one I thought was male was actually a herm.

Bottle that and let’s get it on the market!

Seriously, that’s an interesting phenomenon I’d try to get to the bottom of. How much light are you using? Temperature? Nutes?

Oddities showing up in a brand new cross are to be expected I imagine, especially one with such different expressions. I’m new to this (breeding) with cannabis @SkunkHunt101 and these seem like greyhounds compared to the bulldogs I’m used to. :joy:


Is the male still around? After stories I’ve heard and my herm experience I wonder if it was actually masquerading…