The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

Got my beans today!! Thanks again Upstate!!


Lol. Subterfuge.


The male was cut as it was going nuclear sprouting balls everywhere. Was a true male from all I saw no hairs at all just shoots and balls.


I use a 315 w CMH phillips and a little buddy mars hydro supplement panel. I have gas heat underfloor and the room is very hot without being too hot. I use mills AB and R in veg and Dragonfly Earth meds fat flowers tea powder in flowering. Sativas got only water most of the grow. I have one left it only made about 7 seeds. I pulled them off and will continue to flower her to see what happens. New seeds are drying in the buds and loose in a open jar labeled for each cross. Excited for the G13 xOST that should be weird. Only got 2 seeds by my G clone is powerful and strong plant. Always roots clone first tho slow to grow. The fast OST male x G should be some craziness. Hope they sprout and I will wait awhile. OST x panama Haze should be fun too. Lefty’s Panama BX was a awesome plant and now cut smells so good drying so far. Unique for sure.


Looks like nov 20 you put them in the flowering room.
@romanoweed might be onto something. I hadn’t thought of auto thai possibility. Unfortunately that plant was not very potent. There may be more potent individuals to be found though.


@Upstate I got those Oaxaca seeds in the mail today! Thank you again so much!


The buds from OST smell really amazing and unique. I really hope I can get something out of the plant that had almost no seeds. The others were nothing but seed and as mentioned dropping them all over. It had to be done u know the drill OG. Looking forward to the seeds being ready to go. I will wait as instructed. Thanks


I suck at describing smells beyond the basics. What do they smell like? Any pine terps? Mint? Catpiss?:drooling_face:


The only thought I got was a old school plastic toy smell. It is so weird of a smell. When you open a box with a large plastic sealed item in it. Appealing but very unique and difficult to describe. Once the seeded buds hit the jars I should be able to sweat out some smells from them better. Then I can ask someone else what they think.


An ignominious end to the promising O1. Been fighting this forever and it won’t give up. Disappointment is an inadequate word. :laughing: If I can keep her alive until the T/O male moves out I’ll try to keep her going.

They were all over the lower 1/3, by the time I had a handful I gave in.

Yes, I licked my fingers…mmmmm


Did you toss any of that Oaxacan pollen on to your SSH?
I bet that would be an awesome cross.


The oaxaca have landed. Thank you @Upstate. These will be going in the tent with the thai as soon as the current grow is done.


I have been told I’m hard headed. I just imagine what this cola will be like.

And yes, the whole cabinet has been doused and wiped with new floor paper.


OST is a real Turbo lover


@Upstate we’ve got beans!

This card and envelope are my favorite so far!


So strange! Never smelled that before in weed. Hopefully the smell morphs a bit more lol.
@GREANDAL what a bummer. It happens. Sometimes bananas have no pollen, which was mainly the case with Oaxaca nanners. They are really hard to see, aren’t they? Is this the plant that had early male flowers along the main stalk? Looks like Oaxaca whatever it is. A really nice one too.
Just the one nanner or are they on every bud? I battled the inevitable with Old Silversides when i moved them from outdoors to an hps indoors. It didn’t take long for the ladies to express their displeasure. I ended up keeping them indoors in a window, where for two weeks i spent 30 minutes daily looking 2 plants over, then gave up. The nanners were everywhere. BUT, i brought the plants to maturity, and have been high since September off them😁
Do what you have to do. Battle until you can’t.


Lol. Looks like you got a funny card. I liked that one😁Some of you might be wondering about me after receiving a card…these cards are all from my wife’s aunt’s stash and some are quite “mushy”. All 11 or 12 cards were sent on the same day last Monday. The rest of you should have beans soon if you haven’t gotten them yet. Working on getting 10 more packs ready today… stay tuned.


That song takes me back! My first purchased cassete.


I smoked what I assume is Colombian when I was in Peru. The structure and high was pure sativa: thin, wispy buds and an energetic high. The aroma and taste were interesting. It was minty and sweet, reminiscent of honey and the aftertaste was similar to the aftertaste of passion fruit (“maracuya”, they called there). The seeds were relatively small and brown, with no stripes. Since Peru doesn’t have any landraces of its own (none that I heard of, anyway), it’s probably a safe assumption that at least the genetics had come from Colombia.


Peru does have landraces (or old heirlooms. )There are jungle varieties held by tribes that inhabit the headwaters region of the Amazon basin, (rainy side of the Andes) and high elevation plants growing on the dry side of the Andes with varied thc/cbd ratios. (Federation seed company had it a while back) Also there are varieties similar to Colombian closer to the shared border. Some “Colombian” may actually have been Peruvian in origin. The seeds you describe sound Colombian for sure, but maybe it was local. There is a red variety grown in Peru thats related to Punta Roja.
Sounds like some good smoke you had while there. Was it seedy?