The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

I’ll give her a go, If you got a spot left.
Thanks @Upstate

some phenotypes of this cultivar may want more time around 20 weeks flower


Thank you! :blush:


Hot damn buddy. Beautiful purple stalk Oaxaca. 2 of them :grin: you’ve got some sweet plants there! Hope you get a cutting.
Old Silver Thai has some gnarly resin forming on that one plant in particular. They all look great. Creeping along. The next 8 weeks are the fun weeks. Resin and buds, oh my! The Thai phenos have more leaves. ( 2nd to last photo there is a thai dominant gal.) Big girl, that one. Have you named her? You’ll be together awhile lol. Looks like a 20 + weeker. Third pictures up from the bottom I might see some resin forming on the stalk…
@SkunkHunt101 did you smoke with your buddies yet?


That’s what it is, though i can’t even call it a selection because I used all plants. Cryptic Labs did all the work.
@Motaco and @Brokehoe gotcha down. 5 more packs available (to be sent this week or weekend coming up.)
@Brokehoe I’m looking for one of those 20 week plants. Supposed to be great, though I’d be shocked if they are better than Old Silversides.


I did win the lotto here. :joy:

There are actually three with purple stems. The third is a wispy thing that In my fertile imagination might be a 20 week plant.

The fabled stem resin…

Definitely going to make cuttings, hopefully my legit cycle timer arrives today.

In the interest of full disclosure I’ve had to start buying water. This year the ph from the tap has been all over the place, literally different every day. No doubt some of you can see the difference in the plants. None of these plants, Oaxacan or T/O, have been fed anything other than the soil which is identical throughout. Obviously there are a couple more sensitive than the rest but hopefully things go more smoothly.


Just throwing an idea out there to you. I am working on using my fish tank water to water my plants. The fish tank itself has been a learning experience not dissimilar from growing marijuana. It is extra work, but they can optimally function together quite well.

It is recommended to change 10 percent or so of your fish tank water every week. That basically amounts to how much water I need for my plants. I refresh the tank and monitor the water for the little fishies, and the pot plants get what would go down the drain anyway.

I am currently working on buying organic things to adjust ph and remove chlorine, add minerals, etc.

What is good for the fish is good for the plants. It’s symbiotic just like in nature.


Nice update and it is interesting that 3 of the plants exhibit a purple stem. Is that a characteristic of this strain of Oaxacan?


hey man, this idea of yours has everything to work out I’ve read and or watched some videos about knf that aquarium water and how liquid gold and plants love it I wanted to have the source but I have no idea where I saw it but what I know is that already I read several times that plants love aquarium water


Mine has the purple stem coming thru too.


Yes I’ve heard of this and when I kept fish I used the change water on my houseplants, works well.

I have ph adjustment chemicals and know how to use them it was just getting crazy with the local water treatment clown show. :clown_face:

Normally there’d be enough buffering by the soil but there just isn’t enough.


I believe so, at least I understand they are desirable (have potential). I have never had a true purple stalked plant before and I must say it’s stunning to look at. My phone can’t convey it. :joy:


I can’t remember, but are you pollinating any our your plants or plan to reveg/clone the girls?


I know in Columbian populations red and purple stalked varieties are famous.

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Well these are working a few accidents, less than 50 I hope. I have a bunch of pollen in the fridge and yes I intend to reveg/clone and run them outside this summer.


I intended to run seed immediately but I really don’t want to mess up the OST next door.

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You can use the ice cream freezer method to make sifted hash from newly dried colas, and then eat the hash or use it in low temp recipes. Or you can dissolve the hash (of fresh cut or cured colas) in warm oil for a few days. Most of the cannabinoid tests that I have looked at have about half acid forms of cannbinoids when the buds are fresh from curing (as tested in Oregon labs for potency). You can also steep fresh buds for teas in 200 degree water for 5 minutes. It takes about 2 hours at a full boil in water to decarb weed. You can also steep the fresh cut buds in vodka to get the medicinal effects, but you also get a buzz from the booze.


OST bulking up I have a bunch of seeds if anyone wants some. OST is some powerful smoke. No ceiling high could smoke only a half a joint. The Panama Haze Bx was extremely potent and enjoyable as well.


I would very much like to take you up on that, @SkunkHunt101, OG.


You lucky devil you😁! A purple stem Silversides pheno. Damn! It won’t be too long before I’m hitting you up for some seed LOL.
I agree it looks like you have at least one 20 week plant. I bet it’s killer.


I’ll take you up on some of those beans😁. The F2 Generation should be very interesting. I’m very surprised hear about such early potency. Should be some great stuff when it’s seedless. I think I see a little bit of purple forming on the stalk of that OST that you have. Nice! That’s also another long flower for sure… beautiful!