The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

I sure will, appreciate the welcome…



@Panamajock- you must be pinching the tops. Yours are so full and bushy and mine are tall and lanky. The story goes there are supposedly 8 phenos here. I think I’m going to pinch a couple and see what happens.

Enjoy the grow!


S1? Old silversides how did I miss you making fem Oaxacan?:thinking: Or did you not tell us lol. Plants look great!


I’ve already got a small stock of fem oaxacans. I suspect it’s a pretty common thing to have with this strain. :rofl:


Well where the hell have I’ve been? I have limited room and ended up with 5 out of 18 plants being female. I’d be dropping s1 Oaxacan like mad if I knew each was a female! DAMN IT HOW DID I MISS THIS! :rofl::frowning::disappointed_relieved:. So out of the 3 Oaxacan dropped I got this one female she likes her 2 gal pot I think.

Colombian gold in 2 gal

This is just fucked!
in the shade growmies


crazy conditions @420noob


Good LORD thats a gross temperature! I wouldn’t get anything done in that heat, and I don’t imagine anyone else would either. Here I don’t even need air conditioning.

Definitely with the pearls it’s relatively common to have a little self screwing. I think the reason these slight hermies stick around is because they are just too damn good to get rid of. But I think it is possible to rid the line of Hermies while keeping the qualities of these type of plants that we love. It just takes several years to do it. Or im wrong and it will always be there. Personally, I don’t mind it so much. Odds are, if you find an excellent tall stretchy plant and miss pollinating it, if you wait long enough it will produce a few bananas with viable pollen that make selfed fem seed.

With my particular seeds I’m not positive which ones are the s1s in all cases. My first grow there was just a little bit of s1 pollen to spread amongst a nearly fully seeded Old Silversides plant. I did my best to keep the seed separated, but I am sure I passed out some s1 with my preservation and I definitely have some mixed in with regular seed .myself. The Following spring i put my clones out and I made sure to mess with the plants to get them to make more of these seeds. ( problem is I didn’t label these properly so I don’t know exactly which ones they are only that when I find them they will all be s1) The best way to get them to do this is different types of lighting and altering on off hours. I use the sun, metal halide, and HPS at different times and at around week 10 or 11 some bananas will show up. If you don’t mess with the plants they don’t produce many bananas at all. Many pearls from the ps line are fully stable. One of 2 ( the pine pheno) of the tall stretchies from my OP was stable.
When I rid my Silversides line of hermie traits I’ll consider learning how to make feminized seeds so I can release this one for everybody and they won’t have to worry about making more seed by accident. I intended to do another run with my line this summer but it’s not going to happen this year. Instead I’ll be concentrating on Crossing Huixtepec to my Keepers from last year…and to Old Silversides…assuming I’m growing the right seed.


That’s not a temperature. It’s a radio station. :scream:


I’m sure it is. But I guess because of the way this plant seems designed for rolling king-sized doobies, a few seeds doesn’t bother me. I’m actually re-running a clone that hermed inside, outside, right now. Saving my remaining seeds until I can make more.

I don’t care that much about herms, so long as I can avoid turning the whole plant into birdseed. :bird:


Two Red Snakes nearly done and then I can shut off my last lights for the summer. The pointy one smells so darned good, a heady mix of citronella and honeysuckle.


Hello @TexasTea

I have recently received some of your Red Snake #7. I have not been able to find any information specifically on this number. Is there any insight you can provide on this specific line?


That’s always a nice feeling! Beautiful looking red snakes. I’ve got your Oaxaca cutting Outdoors and she’s starting to grow now after being poorly treated for months during the winter. Can’t wait to try her sungrown.


Should be a 13 or 14 week plant, will be medium height. Some will smell amazing with candy like aromas and others more pedestrian but still very potent. They start fading fast after 8-10 weeks and may drop most of their fans. Just let them fade out naturally and don’t worry about it. Yield is decent and aromas translate well into the flavor as it cures. Phenomenal strain all around, and some show the semi Pearly growth traits. Easy trimming too.


Thanks man! Yeah, I stuck two of those cuttings outdoors as well after harvest and they are revegging nicely after a month in the sunshine. Or at least, what little sun we have had, hehe!


HoneySuckle, where the heck am I going to Find a HoneySuckle, so I can Roll in it…

  • Add that to the Terp, scratch n sniff Aroma list…

Those are BeUtiful plants @TexasTea


Thank you for the detailed information. That sounds really good.


Totally worth growing! :wink:


You ever tried Red Snake outdoors without light dep?


Looks excellent @TexasTea

:sunglasses:Love me some sweet sativa with a kick…That’s got to be it!!!