The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

I haven’t grown any Sativas outdoors (except Moroccan)without light dep. They wouldn’t finish for me here unfortunately. Red Snake could get to the point that its smokable though. They chunk up quick sometimes from what ive seen and been told… Just 20 minutes away in 3 out of 4 directions from me, the season is 2 or 3 weeks longer. There it could get real close. I’ve yet to try Red Snake. I can tell its great smoke, but with weed I’m cursed with that same curiosity about " what’s around the next corner of the stream" when trout fishing. I know it’s good fishing where I’m at and I know some good honey holes due to my friends, but something in me makes me continue to explore new Turf to see whats “around the corner”. Every time I cast a seed I don’t know what to expect to land in the net. I like that.


I didn’t think I would do anything outside this year, but I ended up sticking those two Oaxacan cuts outside to reveg. The wife was on me to shut down the lights so I ended up putting the three Ace Guatemala out there and they are all females. Then I put my Green Mountain Seeds Mountain Gold out there and she has started revegging. And my volunteer Michoacan Cream also is revegging. Lastly, I tested my Pearly Oaxacan crossed with Red Snake/Oaxacan/self nanners seeds and all three popped so they are now outside too although not sexed yet and still in tiny pots.


I bet all the seeds are fem seed. That was my experience


Some photos of that hybrid I made with old silver sides. The taste of one of the plants Is exactly Old Silversides on steroids. Strooong terps in the mouth. Monster buzz too. A bit heavy with that plant (not pictured), but a great Sativa high with all others.


Wow, that’s nice looking! Yeah, I used Red Snake and that Oaxacan pollen you sent me last year. Definitely got some seeds going from that. But then the nanners came on in the last 3-4 weeks so I don’t know for sure how many more seeds were formed and whether those are mature.


Lol what else can you do, But to keep them Re-Vegging…

Love that tight spot


That sucks about the nanners. 1 in 3 or 4 chance that generation. There will be stable plants too, but maybe not til f2. How’d it look?


Ace Guatemala in the woods…also Cryptic Oaxacan reveg girls…I stuck in a sweet potato vine into one pot because I had extra slips. Getting munched right now though.


so one of my nanans is a he/she.

![20240613_000620|225x500](upload://uKKw6G0r3He wApzaIGv41Zbq7y1I.jpeg)

those are open stamen or nanners right?


Youre right @420noob But wait. Pic them off and wait. Maybe it clears up.
I see you joined the dirty nail club​:rofl::joy::rofl:. Welcome​:grin:
@TexasTea man i wish i had that headstart! Nice!

Michoacan. What a pretty one.


LOL, I know it, the Guatemalans are crazy big already because the veg just happened to coincide with the season for once. And so now they are going to be very crowded in that 25 gallon. Also, they get very little sun, so probably won’t be the best. I really enjoy the thrill of a “secret garden space”, so even though I’m in a legal state I still like to keep them tucked away. Just too much woods around me though to get good outdoor results.


So it just keeps getting hotter wow!

check temp next to mileage :exploding_head:.
So I pulled as many nanners as I could off my nanan even though was out of tent for 2 hours past dark cause I though was a goner. She/he it is back in the tent for now. Since it didn’t make pollen sacs are you thinking this is just nature of not worked lines @Upstate ?
Also just had gotten done doing brakes on my car so mix of grease and dirt lol. It’s stained into my prints lol.


The temp’s pretty high, but the mileage is impressive!


2013 I also have a 2005 with 118k :exploding_head: got them both 2 years ago for 5k each both had less than 100k. The 2013 Impala ltz with ceramic tint blue booked at 12k got it for 5k.

what is the bronzing on the edges of the old fan leaves? Just not making it in the heat maybe?
@gregog red skunk 18 had to go outside cause of critters seems to like it so far. Againg with the bronzing leaves and center dying away.
Colombian gold holding up to wind!

My bshw spent 2 weeks in flower and didn’t show sex so I have put outside. Can you all see anything I can’t?


Dpse (drunk post sober edit) lol. I meant to send this in a pm.
Great thread though!

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There is a landrace trade thread I believe. @cannabis


They’re really underway now. The Mother Who Didn’t Die is a little smaller than the others. She’s in the “ground,” technically, but the it’s actually 20-year-old bark in a deep hole. So I’m going to give her some extras this weekend.

Red Snake Oaxacan (I think). They (two ladies) had a head start in the hotbox

I’m going to get a shitload of herb from this bush! :clap::clap:
The other three Pearl Stems…


I didn’t have to light dep my BSHW. It did it by itself in 14 hour days. But you can maybe cardboard a bathroom window and put it to bed at night for 12 hours for about 7 days until it reveals sex.


Anyone here ever try sinaloa? I managed to get a few and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this mexican


I have never seen it but if you can grow it out please share the pictures here. Do you know from what town it was grown?