The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

It’s been said out here be ready for hottest summer in decades. We already hitting mid August temps 113° supposed to only be 102° today lol.
Also they are lying about temps here. They say highs of 106° but goes over 110° multiple times already this year.


I remember last year my cousin’s wife was talking about how hot it had been in NY, that temperatures in NY were way above average likely because that’s what the television had been telling her. But, I had been working outside the whole entire summer and I actually felt like it was a little bit cooler than normal, So I looked up the data. The month of June was a hot one, we were a bit(2 degrees i think it was) above average. The next month we were about right, nearly perfect. However, August averaged 4 degrees cooler than normal. Adding up all of the pluses and minuses from the whole summer, we were indeed just below average with our temperatures and the News was full of shit again.
I’m not saying temperatures overall couldn’t have been higher anywhere else, I’m just giving an example of why we all need to do our own research and not trust the news these days.
This isn’t directed at you @420noob. I just mean in general. All of us need to do this. That’s sure gross hot. Yuck. I hope for your sake they have forecast wrong. I’ve also suspected we were in for a cooker this summer. I predicted a hot, dry summer. Last two years were the rainiest on record.


I didn’t take it that way. You don’t call people out over little things you point out reason. That will never bother me or even another pov if have some facts behind it. Thanks I agree we all need to be better at this cause we know can’t trust anyone but yourself when it comes to things like this. You can listen to others but without knowledge behind it, it almost seems lost.
I hope that makes sense lol I have hard time articulating what I’m thinking.

Got to share this sorry but amazing! I hate ac/dc

Happy father’s day!


Guadalajara and a few guad leaves. Its a pure one 100%. Can’t wait to smoke more of this stuff. One bowl left from last time. So sad.


Thats an amazing leaf. Surprised at how short / squat the Middle Leaf is, then Long…
Thanks for the hilight


That’s a good observation. All the fingers are pretty similar on that one. Most look like this with the middle finger a bit longer


Thanks for tipping the hat on the Leaf observation @Upstate

If I may, it was just the way you were delicately holding the Leaf… that made me turn my phone around, to see the image from Your perspective …

Only when I did that, turn the picture around; did the symmetry looked off a bit.

And the leaf instantly looked short !

It’s a great way of gauging the leaves if you are consistent in holding them a certain way, and then when observing them, you actually have a reference !!


I think it’s just the middle leaflet dipping down lower than the other ones making it look like it’s a little shorter, but I’ll take a hard look next time I see them. I always try to grab the leaves the same way and generally speaking I try to put my hand in the picture for some size reference


Its a routine that works everytime, no tools req’d !

Its now part of my Kit @Upstate; Thanks

Dragon Blood Hash Plant, 10 weeks old and getting topped today


@MissinBissin Checking for red sap when you top? Supposed to be some bleeders in this one, right?


Thank You… I’ve a couple of Canada Post friends coming over for this Lesson.

I will be sure to check for that response! Sounds exciting, I must admit


I always forget to look lol. I remember reading about this trait in High Times magazine related to some Hawaiian pheno called " the blood". It was supposed to be a one in a million shot at finding one but I’ve seen lots of people find them in other strains with more regularity


This is a healthy female plant, about to lose her Main Cola…

Are there any Tips towards success, in Rooting this Cola, for its own Grow?

I’ve never rooted a Cola before

I also have a Hawaiian Snow growing this Summer… I’ll keep that Bleeding trait in mind.

@Ottafish, have you ever experienced any Blood-like Sap-events, when Working with your Hawaiian Snow cross


I found it in a female I have. Pretty wild stuff. I thought I nicked myself with the razor at first when taking clones. Looks like real blood.

It was from Bad Dawg pack of Valley Gash x 3 headed dragon I believe is what it is. I had two seeds left, got a male and female. I made more seeds.


Fantastic stuff @Uprangewilly, thanks for that. I already love that colour lol


There’s less root growth hormones in the top shoot, but it should still grow roots for you. It will take longer than bottom branches is all.
Neat bleeder @Uprangewilly


Thanks for that assurance.

I do have a lite on for some seedlings… so “Why Toss a Top!!” Someone will grab it, I have to admit, My plates Full

Here goes


I haven’t really noticed it in any plants. But I really don’t look for the trait.


I was just asking @Ottafish because of a bleeding Hawaiian strain somebody had come across…

Sorry if The curious bastard in me, is starting show through lol


Oh no need to apologize. I know a lot of people are interested in the colored sap. I’m not sure it means anything but it’s definitely interesting. I don’t think I’ve seen it. I’d probably remember. Have you seen it?