The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

Absolutely Not !

I’m intrigued by it though, patiently waiting on the company, to top this DBHP. You just never know !

These Pot plants must be some of the busiest Fauna on the Planet; all the stages and changes that they go through in a cycle.

Wonder which Plant would be deemed the busiest plant other than Cannabis

And I’m going to Stop typing… gotta run


Are fabric pots better for high temps than nursery pots? Also I was thinking how about a white t-shirt around the big pots? They seem they would block sun and create a nice barrier between shirt fabric and pot side. Any thoughts welcomed please.

Nanan is back in flower tent but I’m pretty nervous. Pulled a few pollen sacs but now can’t tell what’s baby pollen sac or the calyx that shows pistils in crutch where leaves meet stem and branches the meristem.


I would think fabric would naturally keep the soil cooler due to more evaporation.


Absolutely, much cooler I would think. And a white cloth draped loosely over the whole thing would be even better. I bet you can tune it further by selectively soaking the soil and bag.


(upload://pM1JhEEu6CNe7cpup60SdhxXqqV.jpeg) some good ole oaxacan, compliments of @Upstate. It’s a damn shame those sit in the refrigerator for 2 years before they made it to the dirt but I finally found a place for them. Old silversides strongest male progeny.


DBHP Topped before / after 24hrs

No Blood gents


Nld type, love the structure.


Yeah buddy! Looks like you got some beauties😁 beautiful male plant you found. Great branching! You’re in for a treat brother! You will either get actual S1 old silver sides or your plants will be something similar to my three sisters line…OSS’s daughters. You have a really cool narrow Leaf expression. I don’t know that I’ve had one with such thin leaves or not. I love the look.

Some people think it shows a poor ability of the plant to process nitrogen.
@Grayeyes I’m happy to report to you that after 5 or 6 weeks vegetation time I am able to sex males of Huixtepec, Oaxaca, Oaxaca x Huixtepec and a new Michoacan from @Elchischas after just around 10 days of flowering… and there is no chance whatsoever any of those have been contaminated. Sorry if I caused you any concern. Looks like they only take a long time to show sex if you flower from seed like I normally do. :+1:

Yes that’s what I’ve been telling you. Any old cloth will work. I’ve even used old curtains…light colors only for whatever fabric you use. Just cut a slit down the middle of the material to the halfway point so you can wrap it around the stalk of the plant and drape it around all sides of the pot. Fabric stays a lot cooler but also dries out quicker. However this drying on the perimeter is what forces the roots to grow back into the dirt which is why fabric works better than plastic. When Roots hit the perimeter of a plastic pot they just circle and hang around the edges. You want to use all the soil in your container. Also watering twice is crucial in a dry climate. Water a second time 30 minutes after the first time and you will soak a lot more of the inner dirt.
@MissinBissin sorry you got no sap this time but the plants are beautiful nonetheless.


Having informed people Stating that This Plant could Bleed, Only made the inspection Happen… lol BUT it extends my knowledge about them

That D.B.H.P. is Not complaining today
Have a great day @upstate, and to all You OG’rs, finish Strong !!

She gets to watch the Corn grow, its happening !



It’s all Greek to me!:wink:


You can pick up shade cloth w/ variety of percentage of sun blocked


Me too buddy. I downloaded Google translate and I don’t know how to use it🤣.


Cut and paste sections of the dialogue,
@Upstate @420noob
Mexican to English… paragraph at a time



Way better than what DeepL made of the copy and pasted parts.


Thanks! Neat read. Anyone else getting Reefer Madness flashbacks? I remember reading about this ( lying about weed) stuff nearly 30 years ago and it was the first time I realized my government was willing to lie to me.

Aaaah. That good old octopus weed. Like being hugged by four people at the same time😁


My clue was the draft for Vietnam. They were going to force us to go but couldn’t really explain why.


did you see they made a reefer madness musical? Supposedly really good theatrical performance.
Here’s my Oaxacan outside trying.

Colombian gold trying outside
seeds from @YoBigdaddy


Anything is translatable now. I use AI to translate video with voice over and it sounds good. You can also do this with pictures and texts.

For instance, I used an AI video dubbing setup with 2-3 algorithms to translate this video on Kashmir where these seeds I have came from.

you see how it keeps the timing and just dubs the voice over it that is in your language.