The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

It’s Google Lens. :rofl: I’m a bird guy, but less of a bug guy.


Mine are barely showing sex. If yours have started, mine can’t be too far behind. They probably think they’re just getting out of spring with the night temperatures.


My night Temps are high but my Oaxacan just started throwing single blade top leaves. Also she started as a clone inside so I already knew it was female.


You are right 33.50 N.

Vegged a long while first, really short. My buddy never told me he got pearl oaxaca to finish naturally in NY. Oddly the nicer bud phenos didn’t make it. :thinking:

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I double posted my reply to @rasterman and had to put something in its place. Wierd spider


About now. I think you clipped the stretch off lol

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So it starts at around 14 hours of daylight?

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I hope that’s true because my day length is 13:59 today.


Seems about right. In New York they start actual flower making sometime in September so the stretch would probably begin a month earlier or so.
@rasterman if a pearl pheno can finish here, it will finish for you there.


How is the Panamanian weed scene Pananmajock in terms of ease of access to quality weed? I ask because Panama is one country I may consider moving to if finances in USA get swallowed up by health care costs to care for my disabled wife.


Ye weed is available all around Panama…most recently are Crippy ,and it seems to be very big all over Cental America…it’s pretty cheap .abiut $80 a oz…I find it hit and miss…sometimes you score well cured .There is also hydroponic skunk and kush in some city’s …around $250 a oz.


Ps. The average monthly Social Security check is about $1,827 USD,7 which means it is feasible to live off of your Social Security income alone. That being said, you’ll probably feel more comfortable having a little bit extra for unexpected costs and extras, like vacations.


Exactly @allotment

14 hours of daylight is the switch.

As the planet rotates away from the sun that decrease to the 14hr Daylight-Line, moves Up north America really fast.

New Mexico is in Bloom now.
New Brunswick Canada Aug 9
London ont Aug 14


Most of them certainly cluster around 14 hours. Some of mine started a few weeks ago, some of them have barely shown sex. I remember when I first started growing a few years ago I dropped my tent to 14 hours of daylight to save energy and only one of the plants in that tent started flowering.


I’m still fairly optimistic it will. I believe I harvested right around 12 weeks last time. If they go into flower today, that puts harvest at the beginning of November. Even two weeks later would be extremely risky at 7200’ here.

Edit: FWIW, I typically grow a few ounces during the summer. With the greenhouse and having Oaxacan I can grow in the ground outside I’m on track to harvest a potential two pounds this summer. That’s incredible! I’ll be growing in the greenhouse next summer too.


This was a cutting right? Should go a couple weeks quicker for you this time. I’m having to relearn everything I’ve learned about flowering times ( flowered)from seed when growing with a decent veg time first. It’s basically like you deduct the first 6 weeks of life from the flowering time if you give them a decent veg first. The plants stretch way less. I actually ended up with smaller plants than I was looking for because of this fact. I went in to 5 gallon containers from one gallon bags at about week 5 of flowering and I was expecting four or five foot Mexican plants but everything is less than 3 ft.


Yes, good point. All my outdoors Oaxacans were cuts first. I do have a seed run going in the greenhouse (from seed) but it should be good until December-ish.


The Corinto …5 weeks from flip…getting some bud now.


Growing happy on the mountain they are


I started 4 Oaxacans 12/12 from seed to put them out at around 13 hours of daylight (mid septemberish) but now I wonder if the slight increase in daylength could trigger reveg.

(In the white fabric pots)


Love those Bags…
Wish I could help, I’ve never gone 12/12 from Germ…

But I’m watching…

ps, airflow between the bags is still vital… i jammed them together in a tray, a lite/bulb came on. They need AirFlow on 6 sides to help deal with Moisture, wicking, roots etc. thats the advantage they have over pots i feel… ventillation.