The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

The most they get for light in Oaxaca is 13 hrs

@allotment …These will be good to watch… I want to do the same thing

check out the chart.


Damn Right, wow I never thought of Where they lived… where they grew, with such a restricted exposure !!

Thanks @herbgreen



:cowboy_hat_face: How’d you know :wink:

@rasterman I’m a bit over an hour south in the river valley

Mexican Death Sativa x Oaxaca

She’s getting fired up :sunglasses:


That 3-stay antennae is a perfect tomato cage @FieldEffect. That plant looks so healthy, they are not going anywhere !

checking on the neighbours already? just like Panama - Malawi. On an observational level, does your chair have a Seat-belt?

Should prank your Wife, put one on there and see if she comments “lol”

… a passenger one


I can see they’re in bloom. Any day now for me.


Looking good @MissinBissin. I think you are right. I’m out of town for a few days and decided for less ventilation instead of more watering, hoping that would encourage roots digging down without the pots going completely dry. They will be rearranged when I am back.


Beautiful Move on your part @allotment hahahahaha.
I do have a big nose… and notice little things…

Super Nice move, great idea. Lucky seedlings to have a OG Human


Thanks, makes it sound mighty attractive, and looking into it.

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You need to make it quick if your thinking of Boquete or Volcan.

I live rural further up the mountain from Volcan…But since Covid ended …the amount of retirees is going through the roof…I always knew this would happen…lots of Canadians here.

I am nothing to do with real estate or anything like that…so it’s a honest opinion…im pleased I made the move…isn’t easy thing to do.

Ye big decision…but your doing the right thing …do research…and visit for a few month……bueno suerte
And with an avatar of Argyle …think u might have some Scottish blood in your veins LOL


O Panama! :canada:


Yes, my friend-Scotish and from the McEwan clan, the castle id nothing but a pile of rock, and our shield carried the"Audacitor" which is true, I have the audacity to grow cannabis In the State of New Hampshire, and island amongst all the surronding states that allow citizens to grow cannabis~!
My wild card holding me back is my disabled wife, whom is in a wheelchair and has a TBI (traumatic brain injury) which was the result of falling face first to the floor from having seizure, and is on 19 medications unfortunately, but a fighter for sure, she is a warrior~!
As for me, I am 63 and 1/2 german as well as 1/4 Scottish. I like that English is spoken in Panama, and the dollar is common currency, 2 things I wouldn’t have to change, and my two dogs would need to learn to speak Spanish, not me LOL~!
Thank you for your video and reply, and I will let you know when I visit and make a point to smoke a fat joint of Panamanian herb which I will source upon arrival~!
Blessings to all!


Good luck whatever you do…

AS I said do your home work,research etc

Panama is not for everyone …but then again where is.

Good luck on your venture DM me when you arrive…and we can have a fat one Lol



Whatcha got going there?

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Just trying to hustle around and check things out. My body is objecting lol

Plants are circling the wagons and getting ready to bloom here

But, I am just on my way out to do another First…

Painting some BOG LSD into the Acapulco Golds bottom branches… (@DougDawson)

Its time, and there may be a couple others… I must behave !!

Truly have to hustle/hobble out there

Thanks for asking @Upstate Inhope you have a great say too

You can see the branches I am aiming for !!

And if it’s that Seedling image you were asking about @Upstate, I was just showing some spacing of the transplant bags… instead if smooshing them together; air flow…


I bet it is buddy. I sure hope your doctor visit goes well and that they can figure something out for you. Eating hash oil will kill any pain but it’s hard to function… I never have tried it as a topical… at least not intentionally. What’s the branchy sativa plant with the conifers in the background ? from last season?
I keep forgetting to post a picture of this. I folded over a Guadalajara plant and the next day it looked like this

I think I might have a bleeder. I’ve been forgetting to check for a week now.


That’s the Acapulco Gold from NukeHeads in Co.

The Acapulco Gold is filling a Dream here @Upstate and the Serrated leaves are extreme

Her two btm-branches just got jumped by “BOG” LSD Pollen

That does look like the colour Red lives there… best wishes on the next Bend…

That picture You posted of the Guadalajara, does look like the colour Red lives there… best wishes on the next Bend…


With seedlings, are tall ones likely to be male and short ones females?