The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

thanks for sharing! what sort of scents are you picking up on your nanan bouclou? not sure if you mentioned this before but also wondering what kind of soil/medium mix yer using?


Right now itā€™s hard top pull any scents. Since itā€™s been so hot my tent has been getting into 90ā€™s so might have burned some terps off. The stem rub smells like hash. Iā€™m just using a blend of multiple times used for mixed with bull compost and cheap organic raised bed garden soil, add spahgum and more perlite lol. Sheā€™s in a 3 gal pot.

Hereā€™s my Oaxacan string of pearls pheno starting to get it outside!

My other Oaxacan looking rough I think cause roots were showing through top of dirt. So I uppotted and got a good 1.5" of soil over the top roots. Hopefully that stops the heat damage.

Santa Marta Colombian gold looking good.

Oh ya i so amended the soil with ewc. I use Greenleaf nutrients mega crop 1 part and sweet candy bloom booster with microbes. I also have 2 part just havenā€™t gotten into yet.


Really, thats a beautiful plant @420noob
Iā€™m a fan of the Mono-Nug !!


Thanks for that reaction. I was holding my breath. I donā€™t think anything less of the plant, my friend. Truth is, that nice looking lady caught my eye and I was wondering what you might have going there. Looks like itā€™s a sativa and if there is a little bit of kashmir in there youā€™re not going to notice it much, if at all. Kashmir is very Sativa dominant. Itā€™s those heavily serrated leaves that made me think Kashmir. Sheā€™s a looker.


Those sativas that put on resin late ime are always good smoke. Still has a good bit of time to go yet. 3 or 4 weeks+ probably. Looking like that might be super potentā€‹:yum::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:. Wait for those calyxes to swell up nice and chubby and youā€™re in for a treat. Sheā€™s going to get real sparkly over the next couple weeksā€‹:grin:. Imagine a tent full of those colas. Beautiful.

Great idea. Foiled again!:rofl:


Thanks! :blush: canā€™t beat the sun :sun_with_face:


I Always appreciate the info around the Obviousā€¦
Nice to hear that a Kashmir link, could be a realityā€¦

That makes 2 new strains in one plantā€¦ bring it on @Upstate

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@420noob nice nanan -

leaves look a tad thick

flower look spot on for PNG


Thanks! Whatā€™s PNG? @yobigdaddy did the repro.
@upstate I was thinking minimum 3 wks myself and they are starting to throw trics. Very very small compact trics that seems to be very dense!



The motherplant is Haitian Sativa and its father is a Cape Tribulation Sativa (which is PNG Gold).

PNG = Papua New Guinea

PNG strains are in my top 10 :wink:



I was thinking that too. There is one phenotype thatā€™s known to be trippy. I hope you found it @420noob

What kind of smells are you getting from it? Kashmir had Pine and mint which Acapulco is known for. I couldnā€™t tell you what else it is known forā€¦ @Elchischas could you describe what you could expect to smell with an Acapulco Gold?


Impressive array of beads on that dudeā€™s forehead. Must have taken a long time to make that. Very interesting, and colorful, yet scary people, those former Headhunters of New Guinea. Where did I watch that video of that reporter that was interviewing one of the tribesmen and the tribesmen flat out told the guy that he should eat him. Shortly after the dudes likeā€¦ā€œUmā€¦ I think maybe we should leaveā€? If I was with him he would have been talking to my ass because I would have been headed in the other direction LOL


First two photos are a Huixtepec from my purple #4 plant 2 years ago. Got that funky dark green thatā€™s telling me it wants to turn purple. Fingers crossed it does because itā€™s an excellent plant to continue the line if it does. Next are pictures of the 1976 Panama. A couple plants got PM. Lots of sativas getting PM this year but mild cases of it. Seems like just about everything is susceptible if itā€™s touching or in close proximity to another plant that has it for months on end.
@US3RNAM3 I see you there brother. Iā€™m putting your package together in between posting.

@George any idea what kind of spider?
The 76 red cross Panama is another hybridā€¦ but itā€™s the nicest one Iā€™ve seen so farā€¦ very long stigmas and a nice sativa look to most of the plants. I had them in one gallon containers for the first 8 weeks of flowering and just put them into 3 gallon fabric bags. Growing them in the small pots produced two pole plants. The buds look very sativa except for the fact that they are poles and they are short. Iā€™m going to start a thread on Panama Red. Itā€™s deserving of its own topic.


@upstate every time I see your Huixtepec - I am reminded that I should run them soonā€¦ thanks for sharing


@royal you wonā€™t believe the buds on some of the smaller plants I have going. They make nice clunker top buds when theyā€™re grown small but up potted into large containers at the last minute. You should get into them. Iā€™ll give some proper smoke reports this year assuming I manage to cure my weed without ruining it this time


Would love to know what is the stereotypical Acapulco Gold scent? Itā€™s really tricky referring to landrace (legends) that donā€™t actually have a physical point of origin because anybody can claim they have the real deal when there is no provenance history associated with a particular geographic area much in the same way that there is no landrace growing inside the port city of Durban. I suspect that itā€™s a similar situation as the Durban in that the ApG could possibly be from a number of surrounding areas and are/were brought in to be off-loaded to tourists under the ā€œApGā€ label.

Personally, I had minty/spearmint scents/aromas coupled with a feint cantaloupe/melon aroma in two of the snowhighā€™s purple/gold ApG mix phenos i had tried out.


Stocky AG with chunky buds is most likely going to be from Barneys farm

Looks like could be derived from that?

The Snowhigh, bodhi, and the maybe the Classic Seeds f2 Terrys stock (alter-ego)

Those all have a chance of being the real old style Acapulco Gold

Its one on top of my list if not the top with Oaxaca and Lambsbread

Heres the Snowhigh


Thanks I have 2 nanan going ATM. The Spear of Destiny buds have a woody scent with carrots and something spicy on the back end. The other plant has almost the same structure but the leaves are much lighter and I did a smell test this morning and it smelled undeniably like Lemonheads. @us3rnam3 you were asking about this.
@upstate Iā€™d love a psychedelic pheno! Also the Oaxacan sop is in a 2.5 gal pot that is in the 3 gal pot with the foil on it. Idk im just trying to figure it out.
My Oaxacan is much happier now with the uppot she is putting out healthy leaves instead of just burning up!

can still see the unhappy leaves
My Santa Marta Colombian gold is just doing itā€™s thing.


Iā€™m going to have to edit my post above because I read that Pine and mint are two of the smells possible. Carrot and lime were also mentioned as were roses and geraniumsā€¦


What do you think about Santa Marta? Sativa or hybrid?