The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

That’s an interesting aroma profile, very nice thanks. This Nanan Bouclou has got a long way to go but just started showing signs of flowering. Hoping for a nice thick ass cola like yours!


Both of my females had that same shape. The other one I don’t show as much I tried to bend over to open up but it grew through it so just looks like it has hyperspadia :rofl:.


These are Panama x Old Timer’s Haze, Panama fem, and Golden Tiger x Panama. The Panama 1971 and Panama Cryptic labs Hueso Cut x Old Timers Haze from Pandora are too small to post since I popped them later.


I do the same. I think of leaves as fertilizer pellets at the end of flowering. The plant uses the fertilizer as it needs it.


I know I’ve been showing this one a lot…but my God, this is nice! Just when I thought it couldn’t get any nicer it started turning purple a few days ago after seeing one cool night. Grown a little bit later in the year this one will definitely purple up. Epic plant, and I will definitely be revegging it.




Did you take any cuts of her? So my nanan seemed to stop throwing trics but is still stacking new growth any ideas?


Hey brother I’ve had a few land races in the past that have never ever turned Amber on the trikes and it looked almost as if they reveged the Viet black is notorious for that usually means she’s done you really got to keep a close eye on the time more so than the color of the trikes. I can’t say for sure that’s the case because I did not see it with this particular Ascension but I have seen it in the past I hope that helps


I’ve encountered a similar situation with a filipino line and my approach was to see at what point there is more senescence than new growth, in other words - is there more rotting than new growth? IF so, then you’ve reached the point of diminishing returns and its time to chop.


RSC’s Malawi is the same way. First time I ran it I let it go 22 weeks. Tricomes were some milky mostly clear. The next time I only let it go 16 weeks. At 22 wks it was too lethal for me.


Looking good but I think you need a bigger jar or smoke more so it fits.


Totally agree… A beautiful example.

Ye @deeez99 clones are always worth taking as a back up.
Can’t wait to get them sown in the Ithmus.

Clones looking great



Nice… Great job



I’m a revegger. Very rarely do I get cuttings. I see what does the best and then Grow it again. Then i get cuttings If I want to grow it again. Ime a plant revegged twice is weaker.

YoBigdaddy just gave solid advice. It’s tough deciding when to harvest the first time growing something.But generally every day you go and look at your plant.It will look better and better. At one point it will look the same for about a week. At that point i pick. Every time I have waited it looks degraded the following week or 2. You want to pick it when it has the most life in it in my opinion. I like to pick them right when they lose that sparkle, or probably right at the end of the sparkly stage when it still has the look. If you’re looking for a really up high that’s the best time to pick. If you want any stoney elements that are locked within the sativa to come to the forefront, pick a little later. I think of bud like I do a fruit. I want to capture it at the peak of ripeness and not afterwards when its degrading. But your climates going to matter a lot too. I’m growing outdoors and it’s wet and windy here, so if we are going to get lots of rain, I don’t want my resin getting rained or knocked off and that could be a reason I notice the high changing. You should have some more wiggle room with your dry climate. Definitely pick before the buds that are ripe are fading faster than the buds coming on are growing, as @US3RNAM3 said. Looking at your photo I’d say you have around three weeks or so left


Thanks I snipped the lowest branch(just a big bud) on each of them just to see so I can get a better handle on effects of different harvest times.
So far there is no sign of plant degrading at all. They both still have super green leaves no faded in any way.
Oaxacan up potted into 5 gal fabric just starting to flower.


Looking good and looking forward to seeing how much she stretches.


The OST is the second batch of seeds you sent me recently. I had to put the thing outside it was growing thru the roof. Il have some more photos soon it’s really an insane giant spidery.thing. Quite a spectacle.



Pretty plant looks like you are just getting into flower! What strain is that?


Mulanje x Oaxaca. :grinning: If their parents are any indication, they won’t start throwing pistils until early/mid September.