The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

A couple of months ago, I planted the clone of the Mother Who Wouldn’t Die (a Pearl Stem) but cheated by covering her the first couple of nights. I left the cover on most of the day, after just a couple of days of this. The heat almost killed her and I had to cut her back. But a few days ago it got warm enough that now she’s growing again! :tada::tada:

The Pearl Stem Bx1 Oaxacans out by my gooseberry bush started growing a few days ago too. The hybrid volunteer was coming back, and whatever’s been eating it, finished it.

And finally, some Red Snake Oaxacan (I think) in this raised bed. It got a head start because this bed is also a hothouse.


Hyped to have stuff like that floating here.


@Upstate On the Oaxacan, did you find the Silversides to grow as a tall lanky or short? I only have 3 growing after a struggle you are aware of. Oaxacan are growing in 3 sizes, one 17 inches, one 12, and the last at 7 inches already showing pollen pods. The lone male was not subjected to 12 hours of dark just out in the 14 hours of sunlight now. Since you have grown this for 4 years, any guesses?

Huixtepec is a wonder all on its own. The structure is much different and obviously so from any other strain. You can spot it at a distance in a combo of 4 different strains. It looks more wild than any ot the others. Again, 2 short and 2 tall. No sex reveal inspite of 12/12 of darkness.

Corinto refuses to sex. They are all leaning tall. We’ll see what happens. Prior to going outside all were under the same 15 hours of light.


love seeing these :wink:

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Your Corinto will veg at least a month before they even think about flowering. You’ll need to light dep if you want them to flower outdoors.

The Cauca department (region) of Colombia is between 0° and 3° latitude, as equatorial as it gets. At 12/12 you’ll wait on the plant. At 11/13 it might start after 4-6 weeks of veg.


Gonna have to try that Huixtepec @Upstate. LOL

I have some starting…


And as can be seen in this post, they have vegged that long. And I explained that I am light dep. They have actually had between 13 and 15 hours of dark.


First pics is 2 Jamacian Lambsbread @Upstate
Second is 3 Jalisco @Pigeonman
Third is 4 Punto Rojo @US3RNAM3 had 4 not sprout

And here is one more Jalisco same age starting to see a little green. These are 2 1/2 weeks old and where just transplanted from Dixie cups direct sow. They have been on 12/12 since germination.
I might as well throw these up there’s probably at least one central american in upstate whatzit


Cool! I didn’t see that, my mistake. Mine went almost 2 months before anything showed.


Oooo those Jamaican look nice. :blush:


Good luck bro…



It’s tall and lanky but in the s1s a mini version popped out. I had actually hoped to find one and then once I did, wondered why i wanted one lol. Kind of a novelty more than anything else.

[quote=“Grayeyes, post:180, topic:150518”]
Oaxacan are growing in 3 sizes, one 17 inches, one 12, and the last at 7 inches already showing pollen pods. The lone male was not subjected to 12 hours of dark just out in the 14 hours of daylight now

Whats the full history? Sounds out of character.
Any of you growing these naturally outdoors know when they trigger? My Tall stretchy plants trigger around the equinox


Thank you sir! They both popped already, first out of the gate. :checkered_flag: :+1:



Thanks for the tag @Jimdoors I’m extra excited and looking forward to your run as you’re the 2nd tag I’ve gotten in 2 years from those Jalisco’s! :rofl: :+1:


@GREANDAL you won’t be disappointed. I don’t know if you recall but I screwed up my stash when I was curing so I never got to smoke too much of it and had none of it cured. I’m looking forward to some more exploration


I feel bad that I haven’t gotten into them yet buddy. The Guadalajara is from Jalisco and it’s great smoke. I think the two lines are destined for a meeting



Nice looking line up you have this year @GREANDAL

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I remember that now you mention it. That’s a bummer to be sure.

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Thanks :blush:

There will be more no doubt. I’m limited by my starting bed. Which is good, I need some form of limitation. LOL