The dirty secret of California’s legal weed

Anyone know if they started testing for no pest hotshot strips?


Is this news? Every state has this commercial issue. Cannabis, vegetables, fruits, water et al. Do not want poisons must get into production


Are you smoking banana peels?

No why do you ask? Like there are no poisons in the commercial products I listed

Seems like a lot of these chemicals get drastically worse when vaped or combusted, compared to ingestion.


I come from the food and beverage industry. If you think this stuff is bad, you have no idea…

That “organic” herbal tea you drink has agricultural products from China, and various parts of Africa, Asia, and South America. Places that struggle to have basic human needs like clean water. Your exotic chamomile from Egypt routinely tests positive for high feces counts and e-coli, it’s a dirty and gross product. None of these herbs, teas, spices are cleaned in any way before ending up in your cup. Usually only a small portion from each batch is tested in any way. So, if you don’t like the results, just test again!


You ever order a hamburger and its completely messed up… or the order was wrong? These are the same individuals that work dispensaries and also the same bottom of the barrel work ethic follows… as well with the “testing” of marijuana and it’s “acceptable levels” of “clean” or “tainted”

It’s just like when food is produced… how many recalls do we have to date??

It will be no different with commercial marijuana!!
These companies and their non dedicated just there to get paid employees aren’t going to cut it…

Are there huge fines in place for these places? Or do they get the typical slap on the hand and a lecture…

Seems to me if you want to be safe… do NOT ever smoke anything that you do not know about… that includes all dispensary marijuana at the minimum…


Same here in illinois… 5 plants… if you’re on the medical marijuana card…

We DO NOT listen!! I have yet to have 1 individual check or mess with me in any way… hell… we don’t even have to tell them we are growing… I rent and do NOT have permission from the landlord. This is time #2 landlord #2 … never 1 issue… so I say… screw em… and their laws… and do what we do best… grow how we want to! There’s some limit on how much can be here at any given time product wise… again… I have no idea what the number is… I disregard it when I read it and I disregard it to this very second… the fine I believe is like 200 dollars if caught… so it’s not like they’re trying to throw us in prison anyway over it…

Now I believe that changes with extreme numbers… and with selling illegally … but the higher numbers like in the double digit pounds… I don’t know for sure though… law is lame… and I never listen anyway… if it weren’t at all legal… I’d still be doing it… screw em… they know nothing of what I really need in life… and all be damned if they think they’re going to force me to conform in any way


I avoid dispensaries for all the reasons above plus a few I didn’t see mentioned. Some of the biggest suppliers do stuff like spray THC concoction on their buds driving up the “percentage”. Others find that too expensive so they just spray sparkly stuff on there.
Then there are edibles. Just “what the hell did I eat?”

Black market is doing fine. They don’t pay license fees, permit fees, test fees or inspection fees. “That will teach them”. But black market is enjoying no fees and better profit.


Use the goggle- maps :world_map: around Mendocino & Humboldt counties in CA, see many properties with many 50x100+’ greenhouses.

I think probably 2 are fully legal, most are black market, many get raided, some pay the sheriff & don’t.!The governor has DHS and DEA on his crack team of crack smokers looking for grows.

Even saw a clone op busted recently. Valued every plant at $700usd :thinking: yep, same ole shit. “This 100lb rootball is definitely part of the devils weed” :person_facepalming:

I surmised a few years ago that weed “legalization” in CA was just a last ditch effort to retain the fleeing middle class… and that the bigger, nastier problems were more important to the ethical-ish LEOs. The average cop knows weed isn’t a big deal, given all the other shit they see.

In other words, if I filled the ba k yard with tree-sized plants, I’d get the raid, but a small ish group of small plants is just an obvious home grower & isn’t affecting the tax rolls much.

Skateboarding was a crime when I was a kid. now there’s skate parks everywhere. We never had an issue in bad neighborhoods but rich ones? Oh my! :scream_cat::skateboard::exploding_head:



Yeah but it’s fire bro.

I grow for lots of reasons and one of them is so I know what exactly is or is not on it.

I don’t have much experience with dispensary weed but it’s worse than my black market experience and pesticides notwithstanding I’m unlikely to ever buy from them anyway.

This I find quite interesting. I saw a guy with a homemade tshirt (you know, with like puffy paint) that said “keep my Texas California free.”


I have been to Texas. It would be OK if it wasnt full of texans. :rofl:


I lived in Texas and really liked it. What I found was people more reasonable than I expected. It really challenged my Canadian bias.


Texans have this sexy accent mmh.

But shüüüüsh… tis is a terrifyxing thread… concerned even about the pharmacy weed we get over here in europe now. Sometimes it comes from Canada… which feels better than the english shite their PMs (May) husband sold as the sole legal producer of medical in britain, totally not shady.

our pharmacies at least do spectral analysis for medical but im not sure what they look for, gotta find out i guess.


And also to know what is or is not “it”


I once saw, no shit, an eighth that said “this was grown in 2017 but don’t worry it comes with a free humidity pack.” What a joke.


^^ here’s a copy of the complaint.

There are two separate suits. One involves them suing other test labs and one involves them suing WCC directly for the 21 tainted products.


Makes me want to rush down to the dispensary.


Is that sarcasm I detect?
Love it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If this is what gets in the legal market, I’m genuinely worried about the kids buying bodega vapes here in NYC.