The dirty secret of California’s legal weed

No joke, that was a thing a few years ago. Just so that buds look more resinous. There were people getting pretty bad lung damages after smoking that.

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Another reason to use active carbon filters for joints :grin:
But if you don’t use a grinder - wouldn’t it cut your fingers?

I don’t know how far the spanish border is from you, but if you make it there let me know :wink:

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Not sure it would, it was glass pilled in very fine powder.

Spain is pretty far but I’ll for sure let you know if I visit it again. :slight_smile: Same if you come in my area, let me know!

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Sometimes i’m still suprised how fucked up people can be for a bit of extra cash.
But only sometimes.


It’s been a month and this is still scary stuff. This article has been on my mind.


login required because they say fuck probably :roll_eyes:

great description of why I’m so disappointed with everything I’ve bought; it’s not “emerald triangle outdoor organic” :sweat:

…and alleges that a lot of “legal” weed goes out the back door to the “not legal” market while the “legal” growers whine about black market competition.



Funny because I saw more of that stuff than Ill ever admit, and those dudes like Mene Gene grew straight hay lol. Not all organic is created equal. It was an era where they could sell anything, because the market was so much smaller. Lotta warehouses and deps up there putting out true A+ quality too though.

This is 100% true. The giant ops I knew well sold 80%+ of the packs on the black market out the back door. Usually tied into big organized crime syndicates(they dont like to mention that detail). No exaggeration, Ive been in meetings with big investors saying “were gonna control the entire legal and black market”. Usually selling for 3-500 a lb, while the same bud would be sitting on the store for 50 an 8th. Problem is, the quality makes real unhappy customers all around. Really shot themselves in the foot.


Don’t be afraid. Pop some seeds.


Its been happening a long time.Berner was slinging weed to customers under the table at the Collective he was working at the time when they found Cookies i want to say it was named Hemp Depot not to be confused with Canadian seed bank Hemp Depot.Could be wrong on name, one version of the story i got was He and his boys was Selling a batch of Cherry Pie that got seeded in a grow where they got sloppy and had light leaks Berner named it Girl Scout Cookies on the menu chalkboard because of the girl scouts selling cookies in front of the dispensary and the boys popped the beans they found in the seeded bud and Cookies was Born.Berner was having stuff walk out the back or front or wherever Since way back then .


Yeah true but there were still demanding customers too.

…& indoor too! :joy: no argument

:confounded: ouch! :rofl:

My early smoking days were in Marin in the e mid 90s, so I got exposure to everything from mexi brick to weed that seems in memory like nothing comparable has been grown since! :sweat_smile::rofl:

The last couple years I’ve been on the salts & can say no more for me, thanks, but no thanks. :salt:. My last harvest was the last one like that hopefully. :sweat_smile:

It will probably take an undercover investigative journalist at minimum to take down the corrupt shit. Gavin’s got too many hair appointments. :mirror:



Dirty secret: it all comes from Missouri.


More recalls

Possibly from the article?


Hey, he is busy banning lawn mowers and writing all those gun laws he has no money to enact.

But when we are told to stay home, he had time to get to the French Laundry.

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Seems like since the article, enforcement has ramped up.

Almora is also Heavy Hitters aka Mammoth Distribution.


That is a confirmation. Go to the dispensary then the hospital.

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Aspergillosis is a pain in the ass!! Your bud can look perfect and still fail!


man, reading this reminds me there was one company that had a strain that used to give me a headache whenever i smoked it. kind of a low grade headache that sat behind my eyes like a sinus headache and throbbed whenever i moved my eyes down. i liked the rest of their smoke though, until i got two of my favorite strains two weeks ago and both of them did it to me. i thought it was the weather at first but got some from another company to check. lo and behold the headache went away completely. never smoking that alt sol brand of weed in wv again. not sure what they changed but something is funky.


I found a list of companies that don’t use pesticides.


The last time I smoked dispo bud(Kind Peoples in Santa Cruz) I had the exact reaction! Was during the 2021 lockdowns/wildfire in the Santa Cruz mountains. Had a good buddy evac to my spot, and we were bored so figured may as well buy some bud and get all silly. Got 3 super expensive 8ths, and literally just got a headache from them, no buzz at all. We just assumed it musta been some kind of pesticide. Our poor lungs haha


They “say” that. My personal health is more important than believing hucksters who wanna make a buck.

6 strains in the jar cured and 5 more in flower.