The Gauntlet 2023

I don’t even bother storing music anymore. I just keep playlists on youtube. Your doing great on your grow. :sunglasses: :metal:

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Thank you for following. :sunglasses:

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I like to feed on the morning of hot days.

They got watered around the edges of the pots well and fed 1 gallon each. Bumped nutrients. 458 TDS
2 gallon mix
3 grams Meg A
4.5 grams Meg B
1 TBS Molasses
1 tsp Microbe
1/2 tsp Kelp
1 1/2 tsp Big Bloom
:sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Weather looking pretty good there, we are hot today, then we arego8ng to be around 69 to 65 partly sunny days


Yeah I’m taking advantage of this hot day. Cooling also rest of the week.


I’m pretty excited about these toppings. I’m more of a FIM the first topping and topping a few. Massive amounts of tops I just did Sat. Most I’ve ever topped plants. Excited to see what comes of it. :sunglasses:

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This is what is going to happen :grinning::grinning:
download (7)


Yep. :sunglasses: :metal: Hope I can hold it down.


I usually feed them the second gallon in the evening or the next morning. I went ahead and gave it to them same as above. 458 TDS. Plus I wanted to try out my new hose. Spent twice as much. See if it lasts. I will say I like how it flexes. Plenty of blast. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:
The Gauntlet is going into a long dry-off. Cooler temps coming tomorrow.


Did you ever get one of those gallon meter units ?


No they all break based on reviews. So I know I will break them right away. I’m just watering more often but less and pushing my limits on dry offs. I’m going to flush June 21, July 21, Aug 21, and Sept 21. Last year I didn’t do much of a flush right before harvest, just water. Even then it will be a micro dose of balanced nutrients and good shots of Sledgehammer. Preserve my microbe and PPMs.

I been using this sledghammer last 2 years. Works like a champ.


So you don’t run the full strength sledgehammer so you don’t completely strip your soil.

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Just sledgehammer 2TBS per gallon with a micodose of balanced nutrients. 3 gallons 10% of my 30 gallon pot. That is my mini flush. 21rst of every month.


That recipe, is it per gallon or per 2 gallon batch? 458ppm would be that recipe per 2 gallons of I recall correctly.

I was running 3-5 grams per gallon of A and B each when I started the teas last season. Ballpark. Don’t remember exact numbers or the ratios anymore. Looking good!

It was hot here today and I swear they added another 6" while I was at work. I love that hose. I dropped the cash thinking the same thing, it’ll at least last a couple seasons and even if it doesn’t it’s luxurious. I really like the swivel end so it untwists itself :+1::sunglasses:


Yes, a 2 gallon mix. I’m sure I will get to 5 grams of A and 6-7 grams of B in late veg for a 2 gallon mix.
I also supplement with Alaskan Fish ferts and Big Bloom and Sweet Candy.
I like micro dosing with more options.
Let’s not forget my recharge of the coco/peat/perlite with Performance Organics a few weeks back. Paying me back in spades now. :sunglasses:
I’m sure yours did grow 6 inches today. Its On!!! :rofl:


Dude I can’t even keep track of all your amendments. They’re obviously not deficient :rofl:

Whatever you got cooking is working :adult:‍:microscope:

Mine started complicated to setup but that’s mostly because I’m a stubborn idiot with too many math classes. Now I’m just watering and making turbo tea every couple weeks. We’ll see what the tests come back like, probably get those late next week.

I guess we’re in a race for zoning and FAA clearance approval, don’t want a jet getting in a mid-air with a giant weed plant :cowboy_hat_face::airplane:


Never too many for an idiot. I was the last student class to only require general math. I’m going to have a LOT of shoots. Shoots 4 Dayz. I’m going to have so many shoots I can just cut the ones off that bother me. :rofl: Maybe I will make one of these. :rofl:


Save your pennies for a new trimming system :rofl:


Exactly. :100: That’s me wet trimming in Oct. :rofl:

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Made 75-5MG G13 pineapple gummies with 5 drops of wedding cake terps. :yum: