The Gauntlet 2023

Should be pretty effective meds for sure. How long did it take to make them?


25 mins to decarb the shatter. 20 mins to melt mix. 35 mins in the fridge. About an hour total melt to bag.


I FIM’d the top of the 90’s Kush @Bobgrows this morning.


Watch her bush out now! Looks healthy.


Make sure you mix it up good :yum: I need to scroll back through your old thread so I can make some of these, I just haven’t needed to because a bunch showed up at my doorstep :sunglasses:

I do have about a pound of Dragon’s Hashplant from last season I just don’t care for the smoke as much, it’s sandy with trichs I think it’d be better for edibles or hash anyway. I had planned to try making live resin carts but I don’t think that’s in the cards with my schedule

That sounds like a great nighttime treat. Have a great day!


I have revised my old gummy recipe. When I get a minute I will put it here in the new thread. G13 is perfect for night. Sleep like a baby. :sleeping:


Revised gummy recipe.

This recipe is designed to give me exactly 75 pot leaf gummies. I have figured out why some break down and get sticky.

½ cup of “very cold” tap water “This is very important for the blooming of the gelatin” and what keeps them stable.

1 TBS Light Corn Syrup

1 TBS vegetable glycerin

1 tsp Soy Lecithin

½ tsp Mold Inhibitor “Ingredient: Potassium Sorbate” important keeps gummy stable"

3-ounce box of flavored Jello

2 small 0.25 oz packs of unflavored gelatin

You want to use a very small saucepan. Allows you to mix properly.

Add ½ cup of “VERY COLD” tap water. Add Jello and packs of unflavored gelatin. Let bloom for 7-10 mins

You can add the other ingredients while it’s blooming. Blooming properly is one of the reasons for keeping them stable. That and very cold water.

After it’s done blooming. Smallest burner on melt setting. Just enough to melt. Whisk it as it melts.

When it has melted for 20 mins and simmered. You can add your decarbed shatter or rso. You want it hot enough to mix well but under 245 degrees so as to not continue decarbing THC.

I use a plastic condiment bottle with a very small opening like for mustard. To fill molds quickly. If it hardens too quickly give it 5-sec blasts in the microwave to melt again. Put molds in fridge for 40 mins and then pop from mold into a tupperware bowl with lid add 1/2 tsp of corn starch and shake. It coats the gummy to not to be sticky.

I make 5-10 MG gummies. ½ gram of shatter makes 75-5MG gummies. You can do your own calculations based on THC added. Simply total MG of THC divided by 75 gummies or the amount you filled.


Those look really good


I’ve made thousands.


Nice they look great! :+1: been using an almost identical recipe for years


Made a new strain tonight. Will test run them tomorrow after my days done. :fire:

I took one of these today at 12:30 and a second one at 4:00. It is now after 8:00pm and I have the best super haze high going on. Hands down best haze high I have had. :100: :fire:


uhiii nice !! i always wanted to make some gummys :smiley:
thanks for the revised recipe!


Give it a go. It will turn up the volume in any room. :rofl:

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thatś pretty sure i guess :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Definately going to be popping some of those IBG gummies this weekend :grinning:

Thanks for sharing your secret sauce!

I assume this means refrigerator temp?

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You can use the refrigerator temp cold. Just don’t want it warm or lukewarm. It affects the gummies staying stable if you don’t.


Pineapple G13 gummies with weddin cake terps… Wowie Zowie!

Have a great weekend. :sunglasses:


That’s nice man


That is really nice. Such great graphics @Heliosphear :100:


We are overcast today. Makes good pics. Going to get some rain and wind next 3 days. Too late for helmets on the cages. Girls are seated in their cages well. They will probably like the rain.

Here is the 90’s Kush FIM it has been a week since FIM’ing. @Bobgrows

I made a batch of gummies for a buddy last night. Strongest I’ve made so far. 75/25MG gummies. Pineapple 18MG of Blackberry Fire 7MG Blueberry Muffin- little custom mix. :fire:

Thanks for following. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol: