The Gauntlet 2023

Oh man I thought for sure you would be rocking the clear helmets… nice FIM job on the 90’s kush. Those girls are getting huge already.


Do more damage than good to put them on. Need the air flow. To big. That FIM job is going to pay off in spades. :spades: I really like to FIM once. That is what I did last year with the BF and BBM. :100:


Left side (facing shed) in middle, who is that ?

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That is not my shed old small green house. Yard tools and shit in it. I keep my gauntlet gear in it for the winter. “that is were my predator spiders live that shoot their webs over to the cages on the gauntlet and eat the insurgents as fast as they come around” :spider: :spider_web: Oh I see what you see. Daisy’s growing in there wild.


Nicely done.


so who is left side facing old small greenhouse in the middle…??? Again :see_no_evil: :sunglasses:


Some wild daisy’s growing in there. That is what you see. :sunflower:

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Thanks brother. :sunglasses:


your big ladies…in the guantlet on left middle ???


Middle clones are the Wonder Dawgs.


boy that was easy…

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WW x ChemDog …could be good …lol…i like the one on left side


They are going to be nice. It’s not even hot yet. I can send you cuts of it end of July. I will treat the clone with Monterey for 3 days before taking cuts and then scope them and treat with Monterey again before sending them in individual floral vials. You still want to do your normal protocol with them when you get them. No plant HPV here. Wonder Dawg is a cut sun clones does not have. It’s from a small nursery 20 miles east of me.
Left one is the East row.


how much is climate playing into your strain selection for od here? i must be overthinking env factors in that sense, cant justify going with anything that isnt heavily resilient to humid.


I just pick 8-9 week strains. I grow what I want. I grew a 10 week min last year. Indiana Bubble gum. Got lucky Oct 19th pull no rain. I figure this year won’t be so lucky so I went with 8-9 week strains. Does not hurt to pick strains that are easy growing fast finishers. Next generation nursery has a great search feature of 7-8 week strains you can use as tool to pick strains for outdoor.

The other thing I do is when I am looking at a strain. I search grow specs of that strain. Do your research. It will save you in the end. Outdoors. :sunglasses:


got so many places to circle back when im not out of likes :joy:
thats such a relief, thanks for the link as well. this yr im doing oregon diesel and black dog, got some little seedlings of grandpas stash by ethos, again on the basis of resilience to mold/rot down the final stretch, if it performs miracles in a wet october i might try to reveg her indoors or pop some new ones and mum her out for next season.


Those are great choices. Can’t go wrong with Oregon Diesel. I’ve been wanting to run Black dog myself. So hard picking strains when you have limited spots. So many stains so little time. I don’t even bother sowing seeds for outdoor. Might as well go with prime cuts. No brainer. :100: Sounds like you have some generational growers in the family. :sunglasses: I’m the first in mine.


Nice FIM job. She’s going to love it!


That’s my combined type ADHD. Sometimes my brain is thinking so fast about a billion things at once. “I miss the complete obvious” :rofl: Took me 50 years to figure that out. I wonder how many badass women that I missed the signs that they were interested.


They’re looking fantastic! Lots of tops and skyward leaves.

Retaining my opinion that the Dogs are going to be the monsters of the season.

Do you ever do stem rubs? Can you give the BB a go? Curious if she’s smelling yet or not. They’re from completely different family lines, but maybe the blueberry terps have things in common. I’m getting a sweet funk off mine.

All in all, it looks…Optimum.