The Gauntlet 2023

Another dimension? :rofl:


Could be the pocket of my basketball shorts.


Ahh, I do perhaps see the outdoors through some mesh!


Those plants are really taking off. Very nice, those girls are out of control. Crazy growth. You are killing it. Canā€™t wait to see the gauntlet in full bloom this year


Thanks manā€¦ Chompin at the bitā€¦


Looking fantastic and bushy. That Wonder Dawg is going to make a few buds I think :rofl:

Great job :clap:

I almost havenā€™t looked at my plants all week, itā€™s been one of those weeks where I feel like I woke up Monday morning and now itā€™s Friday. Out of town for 2 days too.

Heading out to spray some IPM, other half spotted a caterpillar on the tomatoes the other day. Going to take a good look with the UV flashlight and decide which nukes to drop - spinosad, BT, neem or Cannacontrol :joy:


wow what mosters they became!!! and everything is so healthy !! :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:


Thanks, guys. Itā€™s July 21st. Time to start my 2 week supplementing to Open the season and blooms. :sunglasses: :metal:

This morning they each got the first gallon of 3rd week of July Nutes.
2 Gallon Mix
3 grams Meg A
3 grams Meg B
1/8 tsp Open Sesame
1 TBS Sledgehammer
1 TBS Big Bloom
1 tsp Microbe
1/2 tsp Kelp
2 tsp Gypsum

1 hour later the second gallon each
2 Gallon Mix
3 grams Meg A
4.5 grams Meg B
1.5 grams Sweet Candy
1 TBS Molasses
1 TBS Big Bloom
1 tsp Microbe
1/2 tsp Kelp


Going hard now! I love it, look at those bitches go!


fuck n A :sunglasses: :metal:


Gave them all one more gallon each this morning. Going to be mild week. Probably wonā€™t feed or water them again until next weekend.
Bumped the Open Sesame
2 Gallon Mix
1/4 tsp Open Sesame
1/2 TBS Grow
1/2 TBS Big Bloom
1 tsp Microbe
1/2 tsp Kelp


I am going to be cutting shit back through stretch, remove whole shoots if I have too. I have to be able to get on my platform to work. :grimacing:
Next year everything is getting started June 1. :100:


Really you think theyā€™ll make it all week? That weather is a daydream for everyone down here though :smiley:

Even when it was 80s I was watering every other day. Here after just one day the outer 4 inches gets pretty damn close to bone dry.

Iā€™m feeding a tea with a healthy dose of fish hydrolysate (3-3-0.3) and some seabird guano to get my P ratio up a bit for early flower :sunglasses:

BTW I think you starting in June next year is bullshit, I know youā€™ll see me popping beans in April and youā€™ll be planting too. Just need a bigger platform. Was only half-joking about heading up there to help you expand it :wink:


I think it will be close to next weekend if not. The coco in these 30ā€™s holds a lot of moisture. Iā€™m really getting my dry times down. Used a fraction of the water I did last year by this time. Growing like crazy I want them to slow the fuck down. :rofl:


No water leak this year either

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Nope if anything I am under-watering my east row. Iā€™m going to bump them tomorrow on outside the pot watering.

Youā€™re coming up in Oct to wet trim right. :rofl:

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Youā€™re going to be hiring tree removal services :joy:

Besides, I have a feeling October is going to be a busy month around here too.

I actually just got a bowl trimmer. Figure Iā€™ll hand manicure the best few colas and bowl trim the rest of them. Iā€™ve seen mixed reviews so weā€™ll find out. But if itā€™s half-decent thatā€™d save a ton of work. Iā€™ve still got about half a pound of Dragon Hashplant I havenā€™t really trimmed yet. Maybe I give it a go tomorrow


I bought a bowl trimmer last year. Used it on the blackberry fire. I will probably use it this year. My buddy and I are going to wet trim as close to colaā€™s as possible. I bought a couple of curved-blade bonsai clippers. I bought two sets of these.


Yeah I remember it from last yearā€™s thread. Itā€™s actually part of the reason I got one :smile:

Why wet trim? I did that my first season it was a mess. Last season I did rough cleanup of fans and dry trimmed. Yielded way better herb that way, but I put a ton of effort into that drying machine last year too.

I got these and they are super nice. Just kept a mason jar of isopropyl to dip them whenever I wasnā€™t clipping