The Gauntlet 2023

That does suck that it snapped, maybe put a splint on it with some zip ties, it might heal up nicely. Then just stake it up good

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I culled her ass. That was just some pussy ass few hours of rain and no wind. Its why I grow 2 over my limit. I will tighten the bunch up tomorrow. Get some more gear to do it.


Gonna need those heavy duty stakes for real. Those branches are going to get heavy. Big assed buds.


You can make some nice stakes out of pvc pipe


Rough bud! Time to make some juice? So much plant material


Damn! That is a big ass empty spot now! Sorry about your loss at least you had planned to lose some.


Think I will go check out some 7 footers at home depot tomorrow. You think something like this will work if I stick them in the pots inside the cages and zip tie shoots to them?


Maybe, have to see how strong they are, I think pvc pipe would be the way to go thou


How is your grass so crappy and your garden so green!? :rofl:


I’m going to look around tomorrow. See what I can find that is sturdy enough. If they are stuck down inside the cage down in the pots and zip tied at the top of the cage. Then I can zip tie the shoots to the stakes up higher.


Drought can’t put enough water on it to keep it green in the summer. You can put 1000 gallons of water on it still going yellow.


Bummer man. Good on you with a positive attitude still.

I like the idea of stakes through the hoops and into the soil underneath, or t-posts wired to the cage outside the radius of the plant.

You could have some crosswise to support stuff farther from the hoops as well

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Yeah just ordered these. 25-7 footers. I think they will work fine stuck down in the pot inside the cage. I can zip tie to poles the top ring and then shoots to the poles. The flexibility will help. Be here Sunday.

Bigger is not always better. I’m beginning to see why people around here plant 10-12 inch clones on July 4th and call them the perfect finished size. :rofl:
I can T these also if need be.

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I didn’t mean to rip on your grass, sorry. I’m just impressed how green you keep your garden.

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It’s all good. Oregon isn’t as green as it was even 10 years ago. Winter doesn’t put enough water in the ground.


Damn Cole. That stinks man. I’m glad you still have all your other beasts though haha.

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It is what it is. All good, she was never going to make it. First 3 hours of rain and no wind. Wonderdawg is a pussy as bitch. :rofl: Next year. Train up into my cages better and start them later. Less to trim. :rofl:

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So here is what happened to me when I used fish ferts outside a few years ago.
Every racoon, possum and skunk in my town showed up at night and ripped all my plants out of their pots. Even the plants in ground were upside down. :sob:
The next day the neighborhood cats showed up. :joy:


Jezuz must have been a fishy batch :rofl:


We have hungry critters here. The raccoons will take down our bird feeders just to get the seeds.