The Gauntlet 2023

IF you need to raise N and you don’t want to influence much else, Alaska Fish Fert (5-1-1) works well and is fast. Also widely available and inexpensive. Calcium nitrate is another one, synthetic.


Love the Alaska fish ferts, they work well for sure. The only draw back to the 5-1-1 is the aroma. Best to mix up outside.:nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face:


OMG the smell! I spilled some fish hydroslate last week in the grow room and I can still smell it! :joy:


Maybe I’ve gone full in-the-woods hippie but I actually enjoy the scent of hydrolysate, I’ve been using GEM organics version. The emulsion like Alaska still gives my gut half a twist. It dissipates fast, but I wouldn’t ever consider running that inside. Outdoor only. :rofl:

Doing organics it seems all the best stuff stinks. It’s certainly an advantage to chemical ferts, especially indoors.


Watch out with that fish fertilizer, I have known multiple people who ruined their whole harvest by adding that too late into flower :sweat_smile: Unless, of course, you want your buds to smell and taste like fish :nauseated_face:


I’m a big fan of the Alaskan Fish Ferts. I just hit them with it for a boost into stretch as I start lowering my Cal Nit and using Gypsum.

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Gotta love fish. :fish:

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Its true. I never use after week 4 outside. I don’t use it indoors.

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Smells like money :money_mouth_face:


Oh ya I likey also!

I got nervous with that cause one time I mixed with other nutes and was waaay to hot for plant. Checked the pH and was super low like in the 4s but have been told pH with this doesn’t matter cause organic. Not sure if this is true or if I’m remembering correctly but ya I burn the hell out of a few


Good shit right there @420noob, with the organics you can add some lime in the mix and will keep that ph stable and add some MG in the soil


I never PH when I use anything. That is the beauty of big pots and or calcitic pure powdered dolomite lime. What he said ^^^^^ :sunglasses: :metal:

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Be careful with dabs. It’s basically getting the effect of an entire joint in 2 hits. They’re pretty harsh sometimes, but…wow, worth it.


So only two hours of some good rain and thank god no wind really. This west row wonderdawg. I should of trained better. I’m going to need more support. They are not even heavy yet. Grrrrrr.


You almost need a railing or something to anchor to. Beast of a plant

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I will figure something out. Tomorrow won’t be raining. To fuckin big. I’m seriously not starting until last week of May with 10 inch clones. :100: That’s what I did last year and they worked out better. Flew to close to the sun Wonderdawg.


Its snapping right now. Its on the ground. I’m going out to salvage what I can right now.

Damn man those monsters are breaking out, this is going to be one crazy grow. One good gust and you will lose that shed…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Damn man that sucks! Is it just a branch or 2 or did the whole girl go to hell? Best of luck man I hope you can save em.

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The whole west side which was the biggest part of the plant snapped. To fucking tall. 9-10 feet. So I said fuck it and culled her ass. I have some work to do tomorrow to secure these others. I’m going to square deal lumber and have them cut me some 6-7 ft stakes and stick them straight down in the pots inside the top rung of the cages and get some more zip ties. As soon as it stops raining here in an hour I will go out and clear this plant out of here. To fuckin big. All these others need to be tightened up with stakes. I was just saying yesterday this was the first year I didn’t lose a plant. :rofl: Such is life. If it wasn’t for curve balls I would never learn a fuckin thing. Starting small next year. Like last year. May 25th June 1. Not going to buy clones in April and start them inside. I learned my lesson. I still got chops coming on this grow."I feel it. Could be worse. I could of learned this lesson at 6-7 weeks bloom when they are actually heavy. :pray: