The Gauntlet 2023

The best security money can buy. 50.00 tent.


Thats pretty smart !

Who told you to do that :sunglasses:


Know one I started doing it my first outdoor 3 years ago.


Be sure to set the box for the Cold Steel Boar Speer in between the plants

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I don’t have a cold steel boar spear. I have bear mace. Stop-drop-konk :rofl:

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Well then, hopefully you still have the box to set next to the water jugs. Or a Remington 870 Box for them to trip over :rofl:

I have thought maybe a recorded sound of shotgun racking with a motion detector. I’ve got cameras now though they’d get to hear the real deal when I run outside in my boxers


I live in the country everyone has a shotgun. I like those sound bites with it racking though. Does not come close to the real deal in dead silence though. Snap.


I’ve never been on the receiving end of that sound and don’t plan on it :cowboy_hat_face:

Like the tent idea.

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Its a more humane booby trap. :wink:

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Hehe, that sound.
Tell ya another story…
Couple decades ago, we lived in a small town. Apparently there was a peeping Tom in the neighborhood.
I was working nights, and it was a day off, so my sleep schedule was outta whack. It was probably 10pm. My wife was getting outta the shower, and woke me with a horrible scream. I jump outta bed with an instant case of tachycardia cuz she scared the shit outta me, lol. She says someone was watching her through the bedroom window.
So I grab the 12, hold it up to the open window, and rack it harder than I ever have in my life. All I hear is snow crunching in the distance. So she calls LE, and I’m out the door. I made sure to have her mention that i was armed and tracking.
I tracked this perv through the neighborhood a few blocks through the snow, but lost it on the railroad tracks, grrr. Cops hadn’t even made it to my house by the time I got back. There was a spot in the snow near the tall bathroom window where someone had clearly being hanging out for a while. As well as tracks around to our side yard/bedroom window.
Nothing ever came of it. Still heats me up thinking about it.


There are always these:


My dad used to use those to keep the cats out of my mom’s garden. They worked for a while, then the cats got used to it. Now he’s using a motion activated sprinkler. So far it has done the job nicely.


I would just use it as an audible sensor to let me know when I need to come-a-runnin’!


That would be going off constantly with cats and squirrels… :rofl:

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Even if the wire were 3’ off the ground? Bummer :joy:

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I would trip over it pull a stoner move.:upside_down_face:

When I was a young stoner running through cow fields just before dawn and collecting shrooms. Got a shotgun blast of rock salt in my ass. Damn it that shit hurt for like a month. The salt went through my jeans and embedded in my butt cheek. Sucked but ya tent is good maybe a solar charged motion light


So I got some more gear for my Indoor.
I still have in the box
HLG Blackbird
AC Infinity S6 Cloudline inline “probably won’t use”
AC controller 69 “probably won’t use”
I don’t think I will ever use a filter so not grabbing one.
I haven’t decided if I want to put a 3x3 black tray in the bottom. I probably will. I want to use Pot Riser’s
I know @Jetdro would like to see me use Octos. I’m thinking since I’m running small and probably 5 or 6 at a time in a 3x3. Thinking 3 gallon fabric smart pots on risers. I’m going to mix my own medium my version of Coco Loco.
Still need to grab my Gorilla 3x3 tent. I have a 4x4 Gorilla Lite tent in the shed. Saving for when I have more room to run both the 3x3 for veg and 4x4 with Octo’s for bloom.


I’m glad I topped and my colas are smaller this year. Going to be some rain before harvest. Hoping a good chunk of these rain days turn away. Its the rain weighting the colas and the wind gusts that do the damage.


So I added some more stakes and zip ties to areas I think could be a problem with rain soaked colas and wind gusts.
@Bobgrows 90’s Kush far right. Lots of zip ties and numerous stakes on this big girl.

Gauntlet shot

More zip tie madness


DJ Short Blueberry finally stacking “slow poke”

Thanks for following. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol: