The Gossamer Years

Tissue culture…that’s way above my pay grade brother.
I just meant if you’re needing to save some strains the old fashioned way.
No pumps, tubes or aerators.
I’m just a simpleton, but it works good.

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No, of course! I’d love to hear your tek. I was just throwing that out there. I’ve tried storing cuts in the fridge and haven’t had long term success, so that’s why I want to pursue tissue culture. But I’m definitely still going to just be taking cutting for quick cloning.

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Very Nice mate. :ok_hand:t2:

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Muchas thank you, dude! Hope you’ve been well. I envy your harvest right now; I’m running out of weed!

I wrapped up a very busy semester, so I’m going to have some time to update this journal a bit more. I’m also changing the title to something that feels more fitting.

Okay, so, here’s our roster:


We have all the surviving mothers.

  1. Bubba Diagonal
  2. Grandi Guava
  3. Blockberry Superboof pheno
  4. White Grapefruit Cookies
  5. Sherb Cream Pie
  6. a possible female PUCK Bc3 F2
  7. Colombian Ass
    There’s a bit of light damage on the middle plant in the backrow.


I’ve lowered the intensity for now, but tomorrow morning I’ll rearrange the intake fan and raise the light to the top of the tent.

10x10 Roster:



【Fujiwara no Michitsuna no HaHa】


【Super woMan】
This bitch done torn.


This happens sometimes… Some plants respond better to my BDSM than others. Though, all consent to it.

【Kony 2012】





【Kali】 : Stinkiest, most vigorous of them all. Petiole smells of stanky cheese.

She’s so good that I accidentally only took 1 pic from excitement.

【Richard Kwon】











NIGHT TERROR OG : Possibly an Autoflower? Already showing sex, both females.
【Pesadilla】 - I think the anoxia at the start kicked some shit in this plants genetics, because it’s new growth has that same bleached look, but slowly starts darkening (look at the bottom growth, it used to be the same color). I haven’t culled it because I really want to see how the bud looks lol.





【Lady Macbeth】





【Buster Brown】

【Foxy Cleopatra】


【Diane Simmons】

This bitch done broke too! Common now!

Way she goes.


BLUE SUEDE SHOES : I decided to give another one of the Wedding Cake x OGKB 2.1 freebies a try.
【Zapato Roto】



I don’t think Hope is Bombay Crush. I found another viable bagseed in a Superboof nug tonight. Real disappointed, shame on you, Hope.


and last, but surely not least
【Address Unknown】
The only survivor, everyone else got culled (except 1 other that’s in a 4x4 inside my flower tent). This one here is special, it doesn’t look like any of the other PUCKs. This is how all the other PUCKs look:

Their internodal length is tightly spaced, and their petiole smell is strong of lemon citrus and pepper. That pic is one of the many culled PUCKs.

Anyway, here’s Address Unknown

Her petioles smell really strong of vapor-rub. Like, identical.

Thanks for stopping by!

One last one, I forgot.

COLOMBIAN BUSSY (Golden Showers x Colombian ASS) : The outdoor gal’


crazy multi strain gro u got there!
Love how you’ve turned them into Bonsai’s.
Says a lot, when a grower is willing to individually rope each branch & name them!
Much more Interesting than #1, #2 ect… I will have to try that. :joy: Looks like the extra attention is paying off.
Keep the updates coming mate. 🫡

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It’s been quite a while since I last poked my head in here. Now that the Banana OG run is wrapping up, I can start focusing a lot more on my other plants.

Not too much has happened since the last update, except Tatiana is now finally outside.

The logos are blocking my neighbors property. Ain’t trying to catch a lawsuit lol.

I had to switch to salts mid-run due to financial reasons, and the plants took a bit of a hit. They’re coming out of it now, but you can still see some lighter colored growth at the top.

I’ll be doing one last intensive topping and then flip them to flower afterwards. I want to try doing 8 plants in the 7 gals next, as it’s super crowded as is.

Lastly, I’ve flipped all the Banana OG clones, the Colombian ASS, and the Bubba Diagonal.

I want to take the Bubba Diagonal longer to see how her scent changes. I really dig her high, but this early cure smell of her isn’t too appealing to me.


Brother Wojak, how the heck are ya pal?
I like naming shit man. Especially since they’re living organisms, I want to give them a place in history. It also makes it easier to be reference each plant too.

I really like the Bonsai look. Setting the plants up to look that way is so much fun. I’ll be doing a lot of it here shortly, I want to go pheno huntin’. That’s also why it was such a multi strain stand this round, I don’t want to get bored smoking the same bud over and over of whatever I choose to pop next.

I’m good Ty my man. Looks like you are having great success.
Your grow looks flawless !
I’ve been running with some pretty average results lately, slowly working out which ones are keepers, while experimenting with new things.
Would love to set a few up like yours in early veg some day. :fire:

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Welcome to day 1 of flower!

The participants this round are :
Buster Brown as Lung Buster
Fuseli as Night Terror OG
Jasmine as Pine Tar Kush
Rachel as Pine Tar Kush
Kali as Golden Showers
Santori as Golden Showers
Dabadi as Blue Kush
Fiona as Blue Kush
Elise as Fried Banana
:frowning: as OG Kush
Fujiwara no Michitsuno no HaHa as Goji OG
Diane Simmons as Dirty Diane

Hahahah, this is exactly how I feel dude. I’m hoping this 10x10 harvest goes a bit smoother.

Let’s make it happen man!


Interesting selections you got there . :eyes:

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Your set up & room looks clean af man.
No doubt you’re gonna kill it. :fire:


Man, that’s some good growing!


Hey pals!

I sadly got hit with thrips roughly 4 days after harvesting the Banana OGs.

I first noticed what I thought was leafminer damage, and so I sprayed everyone down with Athena IPM and called it good. The next day, I opened my 2x4 tent in a different room and the thrips were everywhere. The tent was filled with the Banana OG mother clones, and I honestly just got sick of dealing with their issues so I decided to kill everyone and empty the tent out. I cleaned everything inside with a 10% bleach solution and sprayed the inside with Athena’s IPM solution. I also sprayed and cleaned my 2x2 mother tent as a safety precaution, and moved my mothers into the 2x4, along with 1 rooted Lung Buster. I hadn’t noticed any thrips in the 10x10, so I didn’t respray a second time.

Well, sure enough, the thrips came back nice and strong in the 10x10, and now my mothers had them too. Though, the mothers started displaying what I thought was the same mutation that the Lung Buster had, and since the Lung Buster clone was the only thing I had placed with the mothers; I assumed it was a viroid.

Here is the damage from two mothers that were next to the Lung Buster:

The Grandi Guava then began showing this necrosis:

To me, it looked like Tobacco Mosaic Virus

Now, here are some of the Lung Buster leaves:


Since everyone was metering perfectly, I thought the Lung Buster had a viroid from seed and it spread to everything. To verify this, I ordered a TMV test kit from Agdia:

And decided to test the 3 plants that displayed the most severe symptoms:

Lung Buster


Grandi Guava

And it may be difficult to see, but they all came out negative.

Regardless, I decided to kill all the mothers so that I could focus entirely on getting rid of the thrips in my 10x10. I was a bit sad at first, but I’m honestly relieved. I obtained too many mothers and ran out of room to attempt to reverse each one.

Anyway, here’s some phone pics of the 10x10 today.

Some pistils got burned by the Athena IPM, with the Cheetah piss cross being hit the hardest:

Since it’s now day 22 of flower, I will no longer continue using the IPM spray. Instead, I’ve purchased this bad sucker thanks to @luxton


I’ve also ordered some Orius’ that I will be releasing the moment they arrive.

Lastly, I plan to wash the harvest using this method once I harvest:

It’s been 3 days and I haven’t noticed a single thrip on any of the plants, so I’m hopeful I’ll be able to suppress these guys well with the bio-controls.

Way she goes. :man_shrugging:t3:


Gah, that’s heartbreaking to lose your moms… I hope those lil mite things kick ass for ya man… It’s a bit of a haul, but it’s recoverable :metal: (I think, lol)

If you’re spraying, neem oil is apparently the thing to do for thrips. I did try it, but it’s highly toxic to fish so in my aquaponic setup I was super nervous applying it and may not have done it enough.


Never a dull moment ay!!
Nice to see the test came up negative.
If my fav strains had pests or un explained deficiencies , I’d go down with the ship before I turfed em. :rofl: ( but mad respect to you for keeping it tight!)
I had thrips recently. I think they’re all gone but probs a few small pockets hiding in corners.
I used a mix of neem oil & dishwashing detergent. When applied thoroughly to each plant it worked very well for me.


For sure, but at the same time, it felt like a breath of fresh air. I have a lot of other great plants to look through. Plus, this gives me the opportunity to really start messing with tissue culture. Time to keep all my keepers next to the ketchup bottle.

The stuff I was using was made of this:

But no mas. That’s sick that you have an aquaponic setup! I eventually want a nice trout aquaponic pond in my backyard, but that’s a project that’s years away.

Gotta keep it interesting, you know? Yeah man, it would’ve sincerely sucked to be fighting a virus. But honestly, I’ve gotten rid of the clap faster than these suckers. I don’t want to jinx it but I really think they’re at bay for now. I’m glad you massacred yours too man, that’s what I like to hear.

And I killed the mothers mainly because I’m at my limit. I can’t fully dedicate myself to my responsibilities (both energy wise and money wise) and nurturing 2 tents back to health. This was all a huge learning experience and I just have to dust myself off and start again. Not the first time, definitely not the last lol. I already have a few bag-seed Wedding Cake crosses going, as well as a Wedding Cake x OGKB, some Lemon Cherry Sherb, and some Rotten Tarts to replace this hole in my heart.


Archive’s Cake face will be getting popped in a month for open pollination as well.

And check this thread out dude!

This is what I’ll be using after this harvest and onward. Maybe you’ll find it interesting too.


That’s my dream too… Maybe a little lake, I want to be able to row out and fish too :grin:

I have a grow log of my aquaponic adventures of you wanna check it out :metal:

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Hell yeah dude, that’s why Alaska sounds so promising to me. I’m always baffled by some of the fishing locations AkBeanBrains shows on his instagram. Mind you, I’ve never caught a fish. Maybe that’s why I want to farm em’ instead.

I gave your thread a follow and will start catching up on it today. I gotta catch up on Wojak’s adventures too. Thanks for the share.


Alaska looks beautiful, the 3 months it isn’t snowed in… And as long as you have bug spray, from what I’ve been told :grin:

For me, it’s BC lakes, clean and clear :grin::ok_hand: