The Gossamer Years

Hey pals!

I sadly got hit with thrips roughly 4 days after harvesting the Banana OGs.

I first noticed what I thought was leafminer damage, and so I sprayed everyone down with Athena IPM and called it good. The next day, I opened my 2x4 tent in a different room and the thrips were everywhere. The tent was filled with the Banana OG mother clones, and I honestly just got sick of dealing with their issues so I decided to kill everyone and empty the tent out. I cleaned everything inside with a 10% bleach solution and sprayed the inside with Athena’s IPM solution. I also sprayed and cleaned my 2x2 mother tent as a safety precaution, and moved my mothers into the 2x4, along with 1 rooted Lung Buster. I hadn’t noticed any thrips in the 10x10, so I didn’t respray a second time.

Well, sure enough, the thrips came back nice and strong in the 10x10, and now my mothers had them too. Though, the mothers started displaying what I thought was the same mutation that the Lung Buster had, and since the Lung Buster clone was the only thing I had placed with the mothers; I assumed it was a viroid.

Here is the damage from two mothers that were next to the Lung Buster:

The Grandi Guava then began showing this necrosis:

To me, it looked like Tobacco Mosaic Virus

Now, here are some of the Lung Buster leaves:


Since everyone was metering perfectly, I thought the Lung Buster had a viroid from seed and it spread to everything. To verify this, I ordered a TMV test kit from Agdia:

And decided to test the 3 plants that displayed the most severe symptoms:

Lung Buster


Grandi Guava

And it may be difficult to see, but they all came out negative.

Regardless, I decided to kill all the mothers so that I could focus entirely on getting rid of the thrips in my 10x10. I was a bit sad at first, but I’m honestly relieved. I obtained too many mothers and ran out of room to attempt to reverse each one.

Anyway, here’s some phone pics of the 10x10 today.

Some pistils got burned by the Athena IPM, with the Cheetah piss cross being hit the hardest:

Since it’s now day 22 of flower, I will no longer continue using the IPM spray. Instead, I’ve purchased this bad sucker thanks to @luxton


I’ve also ordered some Orius’ that I will be releasing the moment they arrive.

Lastly, I plan to wash the harvest using this method once I harvest:

It’s been 3 days and I haven’t noticed a single thrip on any of the plants, so I’m hopeful I’ll be able to suppress these guys well with the bio-controls.

Way she goes. :man_shrugging:t3: