The Junkyard awaits

It’s wild to see the morphological dominance of one parent over the other. There is nothing about those leaves that appear to be Piff progeny. That “looks” all Grape Stomper x OG


That’s quite funny because I’ve heard nl5 haze crosses rather tend to bully and dominate super curious if there will be more noticeable piff traits coming through when flowered out the piff x gsog 4 has a limey stem rub pretty interesting @SCJedi

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Schmarmpit reporting in to the Junkyard.

I started 7 seeds of (Mango Mintality x GSOG) and 7 of (Duct Tape x GSOG). I got 14/14 germination in very quick order. Mind you, my beans had been sitting in the fridge for a few weeks waiting for tent space to open up.

I pulled a NEWB mistake and mixed up the two crosses. I know I have them separated correctly, but I’m not exactly sure which set are MM and which are DT. That should be easy enough to determine in flower.

The one’s I’m calling DT right now have 2 sprouts that look a bit mutated, but they could well pull out of it.


65 days from seed. They seamed to finally grow out of the mutations for the most part.

Fatso cross

Animal mints cross

I will be rearranging things here shortly and putting in to flower by day 70


Fatso x GSOG. Had to break out the 2x4 back up today, temporarily sharing space in a better environment. 6 1/2 weeks from soak. #2 (far right) had 3 leaves for several nodes and branches, much lankier. Liking the other two. Hope 1 and/or 6 is a girl.


I got a interesting stem rub from the MAC1 x GSOG today…it has me excited and now even more anxious for it to grow :weary: I’d just flip it to flower but there’s nothing to take cuts from yet STILL lol


71 days in veg, just put under 12/12 yesterday.

Animal mints cross

Fatso cross

The 2 on the right are the animal mints cross, back left is Frankenstein and front left is pk x rks.

Group shot

One of the fatso’s still have weird leaves but is still doing good and one of the animal mints is sensitive to the nutrients but I’m not going to adjust when the rest are doing fine.
Also gave a bbp application for the transition.


Got the tent into flowering today with the 2 nyc piff 3 x grape stomper og is day 2 will have pictures up tonight when they wake up stoked to see them in a few weeks :grin:

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going into day 3 flower two upfront are nyc piff x grape stomper og @SCJedi cant wait to see the ladies in a couple weeks once they start stacking :grin: quite different morphology the girl on the left really stout compared to the right


Have you been able to determine sex yet with yours? It’s been a week since flip and no change atm.

Oh yeah these are 2 females All the other 5 where male

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MAC1 x GSOG still slowly chugging along. Not much stretching from these branches at all and those leaves just won’t unfold :joy: best stem rub in the tent though


Vegging slow in a typical MAC1 fashion


I have the animal mints and fatso cross and one of each of them have those folded leaves and I can’t seam to get rid of them.


Lol no it’s vegging in slow motion

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Yea I just can’t figure it out either


They are stretching pretty good, only 4 or 5 days since the flip



I’ve decided I’ll probably veg this mac1 x GSOG for another few months lol seriously tho I know it’s going to be some good smoke I’d hate to only get a zip of it so it’s in there for the LOOONG haul


Ok so I changed my mind. I’m flipping it tomorrow and I’ll try to take cuts once it starts to stretch