The Legal Industry

i fully support black market until there is an open market. i do not support forced government monopolies and over regulation for the purpose of taxation. all those cops and lawyers who’ve built their careers around arresting peaceful citizens need to stay busy is how i see it. well fuck them for making poor life choices. :smiley:


The cops and lawyers will have an easier revenue stream from impaired driving and misdemeanor open usage infractions yea def. I could care less about the black market or a legal market (unless there is an opportunity for meaningful employment) if I can legally grow my own personal. I can trust myself not to ‘cheat’ with pesticides and growth stimulating products like production growers tend to do…always. I ‘thank’ the pioneers of the industry, by buying their seeds. Given a choice between a biker or a tax man getting my money? Makes no difference to me.


That means if you become ill and can’t grow your own you might not have access to cannabis. This scares me.

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wow what a read- different economy up in Alaska that is for sure… ounces still go for an easy 400 underground… retail you’re looking at 500+ after taxes… no idea what internal costs are but it’s certainly all indoor

More or less exactly why i started…

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my guess is between 1 and 2 dollars per gram after the first year, once they’ve recouped startup costs.

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Any ideas how much a pound goes for in Canada? I just heard someone,was on a podcast mention that they can be found for 4-600 bucks Canadian, something worth smoking of course, would love to find that,or at least know that I can find that!
Peace and love yeah!