The Legal Industry

I’m actually quite good, but thank you.
I grow cannabis as a hobby, for medical patients at fair, prearranged prices.
Good-luck to you. Although, it doesn’t sound like you need it either :+1: If you can produce for .20/g and have offers for .35/g then your markup is much larger than mine. :dollar:
Cha-ching!!! :dollar: Nice farmin’ bro!!!

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I grow cannabis as a hobby and pay trimmers more than 20 cents a gram, ummm??? Hobbyist/passionate med supplier/small business owner/self sustaining sharer/drug dealer confusion setting in again. Sorry to tease, but that highlights the many different aspects cannabis users want from legalization.

“Hobby” meaning its not a full-time job.
Otherwise, I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
I have to cover my costs, and pay fair wages.
Hobby doesn’t = charity.
…and my co-op is 100% legal. We can “pool” med-licenses in Can.


any of you guys have 50+ gpd prescriptions? :smiley: i want to look in to starting a coop in winnipeg as there is none that i’m aware of and the medical system will continue to be much better than rec legal for a long while i figure


Just poking ya lol. A collective like yours should be well insulated from the huge rec./street market upheavel? I’ve sampled a few lp offerings (tweed bedrocan) at 12 bucks a gram… and the odd street from TO (mids 7-10/g) lately and wasn’t impressed. I’m sure that custom grown in a compassion club set-up will continue to offer a much better value for patients than the LPs or legal rec weed going forward? I mean you don’t have the high regulatory, security and testing restrictions that the LP’s have to adhere to, and do your patients really think they will get a better deal elsewhere?

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50 grams per day? Thats 10X the common approved max. for patients who/smoke/vape as I understand from health Canada. Wow must be different for edibles/tinctures? 500 bucks a day at current med prices for the patient…can’t see it, Did you mean 5 grams a day? Should be lots of them around the Peg!

there’s people with 80gpd prescriptions. you can pay 5k and get 50gpd no problem then probably 2k to renew each year. theres people that can go thru several grams of shatter/rosin a day, can’t put a limit to how much medicine people need. but ya most of the people who buy their license are not using all that medicine themselves lmao. strain dependent 5g of rosin could be 50g per day.


Legalization was supposed to push the gangs an shit out all it did eas allow them to operate freely when they the only ones who can afford the big liscense an the big companies which dont even get me started there yall better get ready to see reggie go up in price an hydro go down watch lol


Pay 5K for the right to pay for overpriced symptom relief, yup system needs an overhaul…Wow, I refused to pay the 250 bodystream medical wanted to “submit my paperwork” for my approval. Glad I didn’t as Bodystream was just bought by wait for it…Canopy Growth corp. AKA Tweed. The gov’t licenced cannabis producer owns the prescribing doctors medical company now. BTW you are aware that the original CEO of Tweed is now the CFO for the federal liberal party. Canada, The Great White conflict of interest…


they do it to get more plants, i think each gram per day is 5 plants? i’m not sure what the max single plant count is for medical users

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Growers are advertised at 21$ an hour here in the battle born state.
Decent wage for sure.

Yikes is that it? Our provincial min. wage is 14 an hour in the New Year, you wouldn’t get a seasoned grower out of bed for 20 bucks an hour here…I could see that as a decent wage for helpers, though.

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fk me were i live it is still iligal and still $15 a gram regardless of quality you want it or not sort thing that pisses me off because i know the effort and time it takes even the cost for quality weed


how much do pounds go for? or is it kilos there

iv sold a pound for 3k but on average a pound could be 1800 to 2500k aud on average regardless of quality want it or not sort thing but the most was 3k a pound and brother it still aint legal here rofl 20c a gram is like murdering my child to me wow


21 an hour goes pretty far in northern Nevada unless your buying a new house.
I could live on it but itd be ramen noodles and ketsup.
I paid 18$ for gram of mediocre over dry noncured hell’s og at a dispensary just to say I did, and never will again.
Buddies stopped asking for my free stuff for about a week after legalization…then they’re back
Only im doing seed runs and conserving my stash so they’re f’d lol


The current tax schemes in the US legal states seem designed to sustain the black market. As long as the taxes are 20% or more the black market will be there just like off-brand gas stations. All the generic gas stations have to do is set their prices 5% below the Exxon/Shell/BP stations.

For heavier users the novelty of buying in a store will wear off quickly if they can call a delivery service for $50 less per month.


All day long and twice on Sundays!

Last weekend’s Emerald Cup had multiple vendors offering Norcal outdoor dispensary-grade flower openly advertised at $1000/lb. $5 grams, and $100 oz everywhere. Promotional pricing? Maybe. I suspect the new normal.

Still adjusting to seeing turkey bags o’ bud sold off the shelf…Tomatoes indeed.



Things is getting real, very fast. Supposedly our Federal gov’t is looking at $10/gram market price, taxes in…These guys pushing out quality for 7 bucks (Cdn) a gram, will make our legal market speculators shake in their boots. I’m lovin the concept that the only way to stop the black market, is, an open market. Canopy growth corp. et al. are heading for a bitcoin style correction, hold onto your hats, small players and stock holders. Gonna be a wild ride.