The Mexican Landrace Thread

And temps dont vary much from 80F


True bro, Haze was quite popular in the past
But to be honest no one work with it seriously
I’m quite tired about same boring arguments and fights on the Haze threads. Mostly of the folks always shows weird “haze” plants with really wide leaves and Chunky buds…
The truth is that just few grew and know what the Haze is.



Nice weather.

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Seedsman Haze was also a real Haze Colombian phenotype. Pity they don’t sell it anymore.

Some history about Cannabis in Mexico from a 2003 research

Indian ganja seeds came to Mexico in the nineteenth century. Patent medicine companies sold cannabis Indica, as they called it, for a hundred years or so all over the world. The British East India Company and others grew ganja in India and sold cannabis extract and flower tops to patent medicine companies. The patent medicine industry was completely unregulated before 1906 and they sold anything to anyone including heroin, morphine, strychnine, mercury, and other poisons. A byproduct of the cannabis Indica industry was hemp seed which was also sold worldwide for medicine and birdseed. Pet birds were very popular in Victorian times and enormous amounts of seed were shipped all over the world. The hemp seed trade started in the late 1700’s and continued until 1938 when the USA finally imposed regulations on the patent medicine industry and the hemp seed industry fell victim to the new regulations. The cannabis Indica industry was crushed because it was part of a trade that also sold incredibly dangerous substances to anyone with money. Marijuana began to show up in Mexico in the mid 1800’s when the hemp seed industry was getting into full swing due to the advent of steamships which made shipping much more reliable. There has been speculation that Spanish hemp transformed into psychoactive marijuana but a genetic study at Indiana University in 2003 indicated that hemp genetics are completely separate from ganja genes.


The other Mexican “Reggie” stable expression. On its way to 18 weeks. It should probably go north of 20 weeks. It and the previously showed are seeded. Pollinated from 3 males from the same seeds.


Hey guys. I didnt read the whole thread. Its pretty long. I have a mexican death sativa x highland guerro from “Colorado Sativas” has anybody grown this? If so, what can you tell me about it.


Wow, nice! I’m on a quest right now for that 90s narcohybrid. I’m running some from Classic Seeds that he worked around then although they come in closer to 12 weeks so this is interesting. Where did you source these?


I got a Chiapas mexican hybrid
Its really good for smoke and comercial purposes
Also i cross that one with Golli’s Haze (purest Haze around) if you want seeds just tell me


Very Nice Premium Mexican Reggie , thanks for sharing. Appreciate good info…I’m a Sativa Lover from the seventies I was fifteen, good to See Folks Preserved good ole heirlooms ,landrace so We CannHold On Treasured Herb. WEED ,Sinsi…
HAPPY News Folks happy trails

OverGrow The World good oleschool genes


How many weeks flower time on this strain? Thanks

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Real Haze/Lumbo is 22-30 weeks, a February/March harvest in Northern Hemisphere
Most of the ‘pure’ Haze lines sold nowadays are 12-16 weekers, thinking NL x Haze is a pure Haze.

The longest I was able to do was 160 days indoors and it was very much worth it. The high lasted for most of the sunlit day.


Just two months barely some quite more

Tell me about it, still got it one plant with almost 5 months flowering :joy:

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This it’s how’s looks a true Haze after 5 months flowering


That’s the Golli haze?

really good one to hang on to and keep running for preservation purposes

few know much of the original haze…That’s great

Its really a snapshot of real vintage weed … something unique going for it

Be great to see the hybrids that come out of that one…


Yes bro, that’s the old Golli Haze
I haven’t the chance to work properly with it
But as You said now the important thing is preservation

I made a bunch of seeds with Chiapas hybrid
If you want some give me a call


That shit looks like the fake trees from my great grandmothers porcelain Christmas town


My Heart goes out to your Efforts @Elchischas.
Those hybrids look strong.
My question to you about them…
“What is the immediate sign that Tells you they are not Genuine?”

Wider Leaves… or such outstretched Fans? I’d like to know what Tipped you off Thanks.

Have a great Year of Growing OG

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let me know if you find them for real, i would take these over the hype genetics every single time

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