The Mexican Landrace Thread

My Alter Ego Classic Seeds repro of his Mexican Redhair came out like this.Super small tricome heads buried in the bud and also flowery leaf calyx’s with small clusters of finer groups of pistil sights which resulted in a very tight but loose bud structure that was covered in red hairs and fire orange buds outstanding soaring high that ends up with extreme munchies then sleep with wild dreams .Just found out the Red hair he made was the Plato Plomo can you believe that.



Thats great …Any more pics of the Mexican redhair?


Yup, I’ll post some from the run I just finished when I get home from work. Really special smoke for the euphoria, very cool effects that you don’t see very often, even in most of the purer Mexican lines we trade these days. Things seem sunnier, music sounds better, giggles, munchies, perfect old school herb.

It’s definitely a wild mix, I only popped two and got two totally different looking plants. One had really barbed, evil looking leaves but hermed. This is a wild line and I’ll be working it over the fall as it’s what I’ve been looking for since I last grew good brick seed in 1996.

Also, support Alter who Classic trusted his seeds with and is still making these available for us: Mexican Red Hair Heirloom

There are a number of Mexicans he’s still reproducing of Classic’s (who gave John (Snowhigh) and Kagyu (Coastal) a lot of the Mexicans they’ve worked with) and Alter has been making more since interest has picked up recently. The Mexican Heirloom is one I have and am curious to run. I believe Cryptogenesis on IG ran Classic’s Oaxacan and loved it/bred with it.


Things look really shimmery Smoking that Plato Plomo watch a heat wave bounce up on the road and make a heat mirage youll sit there and watch it for 2 min listened to Pink Floyd had a 17 min version of Shine on you Crazy diamond and remaster of 3 Different ones and it distorted time and made the synth music seem to bounce all over the room like old quadrophonic stereos


Man the second time I got high as a teenager I smoked some mexican brick and my buddy put me in a room by myself, turned the lights off and blasted Dark Side of the Moon. More than 30 years later, here I am on Overgrow… :rofl:


Many names and interesting histories

A friend of mine got old seeds from a strain called “Delores” supossely it was a mexican Strain from 70’s . I saw some photos and to be honest not really nld to me.
A Lot of good friends offer me seeds of many old mexican heirloom preserved on private collections

but a few years ago I made a plan and project to search and obtain the latest pure Mexican varieties

The results have been more than satisfactory We now know that many of the old sativas still grow in very isolated places and on a small scale


Bro honestly i haven’t the chance My self to grow it

only recently contacted the person who knows the growers on the mountain who have it
To get seeds I will have to go there personally
I hope to do it soon.


I saved you a step and followed your friend’s link to the MRH seeds… 10-14 weeks was the outdoor description @Elchischas

Have a great finish to your week Bro


Awesome brotha good to know it should be a good cross to grow through!
And right on thank you, and the others, chiming in with notes on the El Primo. I got a bit more from Doja too, said they didn’t flip flower for him until very late season and had to be chopped early in December but his and others took the weather great apparently. Acrid (susp) strawberry notes, visual distortion effects.

These winter be getting a repro, I’m hunting these populations for females to ride along with my BOEL Oaxacan reproduction coming next. Sounds like there should be some at least good hybrid keepers to get a heritage hit!

I have heard of that HOG, sounds absolutely wicked. Never ran it myself

@Heirloomwizard awesome photos and info provided, that’s 12 fingers is always a captivating one to look at. Our spraying campaigns certainly did a number that were still feeling today.


More than satisfactory certainly britha, you’re doing God’s work truly. I’ve seen the photos of that Delores too…interesting one, Broad traits for sure in there by looks. Has he described effect to you? I haven’t heard


Yeah Dojas running that now and saw Kagyu is as well. I’ve beeb curious because I love BSHW and plan on crossing Lemonhokos repro with Kagyus. I’d read lthat Dolores could be the Mexican in BSHW, or BSHW is straight Dolores, so curious what pops up in them and if it’s worth including in the line work.


Is curious but lately no ones describe the effects :man_shrugging:t5: it seems that today everything is about smell and terpenes lol :man_facepalming:t5:


I have no sense of smell or taste, I just grow marijuana to smoke all day…


I think part of that is b.c the effects take you out of souvenire classification from the online thought police


They’re probably related. :sunglasses:


@US3RNAM3 definately is about that
I was start to feeling like a weirdo nowdays
Because i’m just keep thinking about the effect,the power of the smoke. That’s the only thing that matter for me.
@rasterman very probably. I got another good friend who’s got a very old mexican seeds from 80’s right now. Will be interesting grow and compare with the mexican strains of today.


Also could be b/c of the payment processors on websites. I hear you though, I am usually having to ask extra questions since descriptions are often lacking


Photos of another Classic Guerrero strain.
This one its from South -East part of Guerrero state
My friend who’s live there told me its the common strain on that area.
The smoke its strong and long lasting
Really good to keep you awoke and working


Nice Plants @Elchischas ,thanks for sharing .
I’m at 28 LAT ,Do Mexican Premium plants grow good here in Southern USA outdoors ,thanks for enlightening ,from my 70 seventies Herb ,Pheno types , Peace , looking for Michoacan ,one i smoked in the 70s , if you would share some knowledge thanks.


Those are some mighty pretty buds!

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