The Mexican Landrace Thread

Hey now @Olddude , nice eye candy. Sure Do by in school 70 red mex. So like triphy weed , wow
Peace in the middleast …have fun…
OverGrow The World with killer genes…nice Folks Ogers…high five…


So did you find these more indica than sativa? I went through a lot of hassle to get them but not first time I leave a seed pack in the frig.

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that’s nice. it’s starting to look like more and more people are discovering the first weed i smoked in high school in the '80s, which i bought from a guy who only sold Mexican redhair. this was before they started bricking everything up that crossed the border, so the buds were pretty well preserved, though the trim was a bit different than this and more of the sugar leaves left on. it was good smoke, but at the time i didn’t have any other source or anything to compare it to. the next year or two there was more skunk around and i lost track of that redhair dealer, unfortunately. i gotta try growing this for myself.


It’s hard to find the seeds. Those pics were from 2 years ago we found some seeds in some really good street weed and Tada! Planted 6 got 4 males. Even for my laid back grow or die bitch gardening style thats just too many dudes in my foliage.


Very nice y’all, looks like a fun red hair ride :cowboy_hat_face: hows the effect?

Michoacan m3 mother, two Old Oaxacan Hash Plants, and Colombian Gold hybrid I made. Super enjoyable smoke, and the colombian is even great chew :yum: I havened chewed the others yet


Not as good as the exotic stuff these days but a tasty smoke and nice social high unless of course you smoke too much


I personally categorize “indica” as having a dizzying foggy minded effect followed by a very sleepy feeling and the PMH is definitely not that. This is more sociable and relaxing but it’s most certainly not something I’d reach for before I’m about to go get some work done.


Thanks for the answer. I have a pack that got confiscated twice by Canadian inspectors. I may grow them.


yeah i understand that. but i have seen enough landrace discussions to know that some redhair seeds are floating around and growing in Mexico today, if not as much in the US. not worried about it but am keeping an eye open.


Old Oaxacan group getting close to 8 feet, couple more weeks in the veg room yet lol there already wasnt space for them in flower room in 1 gal at 8 ft but now theyre definitely gonna wait a sec in new 3 gal. Jungle vibe :green_heart:
Shorty is one extra I popped after the others were going.

Michoacans filling in nicely


That’s what Im talkin’ about …get up over the lights!


Nice work growing @DragonflyCoyoteSmoke
Thanks For Sharing the eye candy…
That’s the one I have been hunting for Fifty years,
70s for a old captain of a ship. Many happy highs to you and yours , care to have any extras,
Michoacans , thanks. PEACE…


I really enjoy watching your Mexicans grow, brother!


This ones must be preserved.
The effects are realy desirable :drooling_face:
You made us dream


Appreciate the kindness brotha, happy to document them here :green_heart:
In regards to your hunt, at the time, this Michoacan is a private collection. I plant to stick with this line for quite some time though - there will be thoughtful outcrosses and in works and to come in the future from this line, as well as the Old Oaxacan that I look forward to sharing freely. I’ll be sure to keep updating :slight_smile:

Thank you again - and I hope you, yours and gardens, all are thriving :green_heart:


Much love @LandraceJunkie and @Aero
They have been increased, vaulted and shared to a few doing the same :slight_smile: these both are most definitely worth the effort :green_heart:


Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for providing the great photos. Really enjoy them.


Pearl Oaxacan chopped.
This one has a sweeter smell to it. I am starting to think this might be what Satva calls “Sweet frankincense” there is a little bit of pine in the smell as well. Really fresh and complex smell, not yet encountered before.
Got a clone and seeds x Oaxacan and x autoC99/Punto Rojo F3.

Looking forward to sample her.

Thanks a lot @Upstate!


Stunning :fire::dizzy_face::fire: sounds like a lovely bouquet


Verde Limón #9 today. Hand pollination on some lower branches with the #6 male (lemon pheno) looking successful.