The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

The AvT gets pretty chunky, it’s a great strain. I was given two AvT seeds a couple years ago and grew them both at the same time. I only breed seeds with parents I’m 100% sure what they are. So if a good buddy says he’ll send me a few from his unopened pack I would use those for breeding and of course if I bought a pack. I liked the AvT very much so will be making more of those seeds


I had to do some work in my 4x4 Tent today securing cap junkie branches that were starting to fall over and lean on the other plants. I pulled one completely out of the tent to give me room to get into the other three and get those three staked up and hooked up to yoyos


These still have about 5 weeks to go during which time they’ll continue to pack on the trichromes and get bigger and fatter. I love the Cap Junky strain.


Looking good bro! Aren’t yoyos for lights? I guess thats another use for em haha


Ditch the ratcheting hangers and loop the wire hangers over your top bar. Should give you an extra 4-5 inches I do it all the time


Are any of you interested in breeding some regular autoflowers? Males and females? I have a bag of Bloodcake BX1 f2 beans I made that were from Viking Gardens. In case anyone wants to get some boys in the mix


How about sharing a few photos of the Bloodcake BX1 plants you grew? Not finding much on the internet other then the lineage. I am wanting to add some auto regs to my auto seed lineup. I have a strain called Silverback which I’ve grown a couple times and also a strain called Gorilla Squatch also a nice strain.


If I’m not mistaken @LoveDaAutos made the double grapes I’m growing right now, from @GCBudz I’d be stoked for him to get your alienv triangle cross, it’d be one of those circle of life deals, lol

For the sake of the love

Infact, I think I re used the same washer to send em, lol


I don’t have many photos as I haven’t dug very deep into the seeds. I bought a 20 pack and completely flopped on germinating them. Got 3 to pop and ended up with a boy and two girls. Here they are

Then I started a couple of the resulting seeds and got two little girls. One got pink hairs in the sun, both turned a really pretty purple on the flowers.

All the girls i’ve had so far smell like gassy nose burning berries. Not bad potency. Small plants so far but I treat autos like toys, they make it or they don’t. No babying.


I know you’re messing with me but the yo-yos are the yellow and black things at the top of the tent.


Are u sure? I feel like I played with yoyos as a kid, don’t look the same :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m pretty sure, yes. :wink:


Well the girl has outgrown the 2x2 tent and needs a new home. Tomorrow if I can lift her I’ll relocate her to my redneck homemade grow box. Not as convenient treating that branch with her down on the floor but she’s gotta move.

And once that’s done I’ll mix up a fresh batch of Fox Farm Ocean Forest, moisten it real well and get it in the 2x2 tent cause this boy is excited to finally get my hands on some Mephisto Aliens vs Triangle beans. And one is headed straight to the shot glass the minute they get here. Probably another 5 gallon pot like the HBMS.


How do you mix your fox farms ocean forest? Do you just mix with perlite or cut fresh with already used soil? Just curious on your method


I find that autos appreciate extra aeration and about a year ago I bought my first bag of #3 perlite the bigger stuff and I love it, so do the plants. In a 5 gallon pot I add a couple handfuls of the #3 perlite and 1/4 cup of a product called Earth Alive Soil Activator. I also mix up a gallon of water and add 3ml of Orca liquid mycorrhizal to stimulate the roots. I like to mix the dry ingredients in a tote or tub and then add the liquid and mix it in by hand looking for a moisture level high enough I can make a “snowball” out of the soil. So just wet enough to compress it together. I do this a couple days before planting the seed to allow it to come to room temperature. Adding the liquid and mixing by hand also eliminates dry pockets in the soil which helps with root production.

Hope that’s helpful.


Hey, really good mix u got there. Have u considered using lava rock instead of perlite or using both? Perlite dusts over time and lava rock does not, both achieve the same drainage and aeration. I use a mix of both. Really dig that ur using the microbe package and a mycorrhizae innoculant! Keep Killin it bro!( Well at the end of the grow of course)

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Since I’m noticing u guys are buying and spending the higher dollar on fox farms, figured it would be worth dropping this link of my soil building. Save urself some money and get more consistent soil( ff has def lost consistency over the years) and add ur personal touches of what u may feel makes it even better but side by side of my build and ff and plants can’t even tell a difference


That mix will work just great. Good aeration and not too heavy once moistened. I think for me the key with autos is recognizing that they are growing most of their roots the first roughly 5 weeks of life. Sure they continue to produce roots but once they start flowering most of their energy goes to making flowers. Hence the importance of providing autos with a fluffy, well aerated, moist but not soaking medium in which to go crazy with its roots early on.


Even though it’s going to be a back breaker to treat the lone branch on this HBMS plant she needed to be relocated to my homemade grow box. She was pushing out against all four sides of the tent and starting to get too close to the light. So I moved her just a bit ago. I’ll get the 2x2 all scrubbed and sanitized and ready for when the Alien vs Triangle auto seeds arrive on Monday.

Here is how the HBMS looked this morning.


I sat her on the floor to get a quick aerial photo of her.