The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

I would like to take a moment to wish everyone who celebrates it a very Happy Easter. Stay out of the kids Easter baskets you stoners, that’s their candy.


A quick Easter Sunday update on the HubbaBubbaMelloScope. Well it only took her 44 days to start flowering or at least flowering enough that I feel she’s flowering. Longest any auto has ever taken before, for me, to start flowering. But on the bright side at least she did start flowering. I took a close look this morning at the branch I’ve treated 4 times with the STS and cannot say definitively one way or the other if she’s starting to show boy parts. She gets her 5th brush on of the STS tonight before lights out. I’m hoping by this time next week I’ll be able to say I’m seeing boy parts.




So I’m guessing that I kind of messed this girl up a little at the worst time possible. She was crusing along looking great, a pretty green color with the leaves all looking nice and healthy. Without warning the tips of all the tiny leaves of the new growth which turned out to be the start of flowering burned so I backed off the nutes a bit for todays feeding. Everywhere you see burnt leaf tips are bud sites. I’m hoping I didn’t do much damage to the pistils or buds themselves and they grow out of it in stretch if there is any. :roll_eyes: :joy: :roll_eyes:


I just finished treating the HBMS with STS for the 5th time brushing it on. Remember this is just my third time using STS to reverse a plant and both the first and second time I only had to treat the branches a total of 5 times. SOOOOO hopefully between now and Friday when I’m scheduled to treat her again I’ll be seeing boy parts all over that branch and side shoots.


I took some “before” pictures of some sites I expect to see pollen sacks forming to compare them to photos I’ll take of the same sites later in the week.


Pretty sure I see boy parts starting in some of these.





I think definitely some boy parts visible in that first picture.


Its tricky cause sometime those initial flower clusters do look like forming pollen sacs but you really just have to wait till you see them truly forming till you know.

also one can throw multiple photos in one post if you didnt know ;), i separate mine with a line space when making up posts.

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RE: Black Creme Some KILLER bud bud. Gr8 choice - Here’s what I got when I grew her

Total Days for the grow: 81
Total Days from germination to ready for cure 90✌️


If I were to put all the photos in the same post you could not click on it to zoom in could you? If they are separate they can be super sized to see more detail.


If you open each photo in a new tab then it goes full size that way, but yeah single photos when you click on them in this interface makes them go to full pixel size where as with multiple it goes to the next photo. and if one is on say a mobile your pinching and zooming anyways, but i see your point.


Exciting times my man! Good luck


How do you test your weed? I’d love to run mine.


I give it to friends who do taste tests on it for me as I am a gardener only and do not sample the fruits of my labor. But I know there are places you can send bud samples and the more you pay them the higher the THC % in your flowers. :wink:


I’ve never had an autoflower plant go over 100 days from sprout to harvest but I’m guessing this one will be the first. She is at day 46 post sprout today and looking fat and sassy! :laughing: Looking closely at the flowering sites on the branch I brushed the STS on to I am 99.923% positive there are pollen sacks forming on the branch.

So now because the plant turned out to be so big I have to decide how much of her I want to pollinate and that of course is dependent upon whether or not she gives me viable pollen. I like to stay positive in everything with the exception of @DougDawson 's Blue Kush pollen giveaways!!! so I’m counting on a lot of pollen. I’m just learning how to collect and store pollen so I’d like to gather some to put away for a future auto pollination. I have a few strains I really like that are on the smaller side and perhaps hitting one with some of this big girls pollen might produce something exciting.

Anyway, here are a few pictures of some sites where the pollen sacks are forming. One of them shows them forming pretty clearly.