The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

The new auto girls are looking nice and healthy today. Finally branches are starting on the Skywalker Haze plant in the front. As soon as one is an inch or so long I’ll start treating it with the STS brushing it on.


Two days ago I trimmed up / pruned my Jelly Pancakes mother plant from my last seed getting her ready to be flipped that same day. While trimming her up I harvested a half dozen larger cuttings and got them into my TurboKloner to see if I can get some roots. This is a strain I very much want to reproduce for feminized seeds and it’s my plan to do this using the clones I just took.


I did some trading with an OG member recently and the package arrived today. I was tickled to death as I didn’t have either the Ghost Toof or the freebies which turned out to be Skywalker X Forum Stomper. The more seeds I get the harder it is to decide what to grow next. Thank you for a nice trade.


The Skywalker x forum stomper freebies got my heart racing when I opened the black little mylar bag that says freebies.


Ghost toof?? Ain’t heard of that one!! Curious how it turns out



Genetic Heritage…Toof Decay x Fantasmo Express

Seed Type…F3 Feminised Automatic


Cycle Time…70 to 80 days from sprout


Congrats on the trade! I grew out some Ghost Toof outdoors late winter/early spring of 2019, cold temps may have caused more purple than what is typically found. Don’t remember too much about it in general but Fantasmo Express is one that always stood out to me.


Fuck yeah!!! :metal:

I got 4x Hubbabubbasmelloscope in a trade slotted for the STS treatment in the upcoming month as I finish up my Blood Orange Haze S2’s :smiley:

Loves me Mephisto for seed making! They smoke great too I hear! :rofl:


Mephisto has top quality genetics.


I fear I’ve ruined my Alien vs Triangle auto plant. I was on the way out the other day and noticed that the AVT was looking thirsty so I scooped a bit of mixed nutrients out of the 5 gallon pail and slowly poured it in to the soil.

Immediately it hit me that I may have scooped out of the wrong bucket and I did. I watered the AVT with the nutrient mix for my plants a couple weeks into flowering. She will live but she is looking rough today and she will definitely be stunted. I’ll give her a few days to see if flushing her helped but I may end up just culling her. Just goes to show we can’t be spot on all the time. I was in a hurry and not paying attention.


Bummer man hope the flush helps and still get a decent plant but if stunted at least it was early.


Bummer man. I’ve definitely done the same thing.


Well this “auto seed run” is in the crapper. :rofl: The plant I wanted to reverse and put outside to make the seeds I damaged pretty severely feeding her the wrong nutrients so she’s out of the running. The Skywalker Haze in the 1 gallon pot pushed out her pistils a lot sooner then I anticipated she would. Her biggest side branch is maybe 2" long so she’s off the table. I’ll just move all three of them into the homemade auto flowering box and let them finish in there. Neutron Grape in the back right continues to grow nicely


I received notice today that FasbBuds has opened their USA based web site and now everyone in the US can purchase from the full menu of FastBuds autoflower strains.

I would share a link to that site but I do not think I am allowed to do so.


Can you send it to me by DM, it would be greatly appreciated and helpful. :sunglasses::peace_symbol:


You can add links to your posts, along the top bar of the reply box, look for the two chain links, click that, copy and paste site into it and done.

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I may be wrong but I’m thinking since this site has sponsors and I don’t think FastBuds is one of them that is is not acceptable to put links to their site in the open forum for all to potentially see.


I’ve never heard of such things as we are just users using the forum to share information, if FastBuds created an account and was actively hauking their goods, then that would be a problem if they weren’t a sponsor supporting the site. However, you and I have no skin in the game if someone uses the link to buy something or not.


Okay, so Great Lakes Genetics pays a sponsorship fee to advertise their site here on Overgrow right? It’s not fair to them to have a competitor who is not an OG sponsor having links to their site on OG taking business away from a paying sponsor

That’s just my understanding and what seems to be the right thing to do. Not telling you what to do mind you, just telling you why I wouldn’t include a link to their site.


Right, I’ll edit the link out of my post, I don’t really care at all one way or the other, I was just trying to help you out as you previously stated:

If you weren’t allowed to link to outside websites in your posts and replies, they wouldn’t have a link icon to use as a tool.