The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

Unless I’m missing something

Unless I’m missing something

your hesitation does show good character. :+1:

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Yeah, this doesn’t deserve a lot of typing in my opinion. Any sponsor on OG has earned the right to post links to their storefront because they are a paid sponsor.

Any other vendor (that is not a paid sponsor) has not earned the right to post a link to their storefront nor have others post links for them. This is my opinion and I suspect the opinion of OG as a business.

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My bad. High typing.

My favorite Mephisto strain to date has been Sour Livers auto. Before I knew it was going to be my favorite strain I had only 2 seeds both of which I grew out. I’ve been looking for quite some time for more so that I could do a seed increase. Well my prayer has been answered at last. My buddy from here on OG mailed me some Sour Livers seeds he got from his friend because he knew how much I’ve wanted to find some. So when they get here they will leapfrog over the Alien vs Triangle and become my new #1 priority for making S1 seeds.


OOOHHH this is great to hear as @420noob hooked me up with a Sour Livers x Sour Livers BX1 freebie from Mephisto that I decided to put into my “For Seed Making” click-lock in my seedbank fridge!

I also have Hubbabubbahaze x Livers BX1 from @Yetigrows that also make me :thinking: hard if I should “seeds or flower?”.

Considering my next STS run is gonna be Hubbabubbasmelloscope after the Illuminauto #57 Blood Orange Haze project I have some time to think about it :smiley:


Awesome bud I’m glad you found a use for those beans.


Ummm…never had any livers…

Hubbabubbahaze x White Crack?


Sour Livers is The Livers x Sour Crack F5

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See I love the crack strains lol but reading on the livers didn’t hit with me now I understand they are good terp strain and should have looked at the crosses. I stand by my decision to trade those for not kidding white crack from mephisto. They are in good hands to make a seen run with.

Thanks for clarifying!!! I just rechecked my notes and this was a case of stoned/tired meets excel sheet blurring into a smear versus clear rows!

The Hubbabubbahaze x Livers BX1 i got from @pharmerfil !


Bro, nice Birthday gift, you were close by a day… I will probably be doing some of these next…

Thank you my friend…


Thank you for sharing this information. :+1:


You are most welcome buddy! Have a great Birthday.

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It’s time to start making some seeds in my flowering tent. I have 4 strains in my 4x4 including:

Chem '91 Skunk VA
Cap Paki (Cap Junky X Lemon Paki)
Platinum City Runtz (beleaf cut)
Simply Irresistible

It is my goal to very carefully pollinate two small branches on each plant. One will be pollinated with Blue Kush OG pollen received from @DougDawson and the other branch will be pollinated with feminized Cap Junky from a previous seed run of mine. This was my first time collecting and storing pollen so that might end up being a bust but I am hopeful it’s still good. I don’t think I’ll pollinate the Cap Paki with Cap Junky pollen.

I’m playing around with a new method for micro pollinations to reduce as much as possible collateral pollen damage. I pollinated this branch with Blue Kush OG pollen this morning early and will keep it out of the tent till lights out tonight at which time I’ll mist it lightly with water and put it back into the tent. I can always apply pollen again if it doesn’t look like it took.


I don’t like to count my chickens before they hatch but looking at this bud from the branch above I’m thinking that @DougDawson Blue Kush OG pollen has done it’s job on the Simply Irresistible plant.


I believe in full disclosure when growing weed plants, it’s the only way to learn. So here is my rag tag band of survivors, disappointments and standouts.

This first photo is a group shot. The plant in the front is the Skywalker Haze that went into flower so fast I didn’t have a chance to reverse it. I have a bit of leftover HubbaBubba pollen I’ll be brushing on to her lower tiny buds. She’s in a very small pot so I didn’t expect a very large plant.

This is the success story of the trio, the Neutron Grapes from @Yetigrows . She has nice structure and is a real healthy plant.


This las plant is the Alien vs Triangle I tried to kill feeding it full strength flowering nutrients. She’s a survivor but won’t turn into much of a plant. Hoping the HubbaBubba pollen is still viable and I can salvage some AVT X HubbaBubba seeds.


I like that idea for keeping collateral damage to a minium.:+1:

I just cut this little Cap Junky pollen package out of a vacuum sealed bag from the freezer. Not sure how to proceed being honest. :rofl: Do I let it come to room temperature before trying to apply it or just go for it straight away? Any advice @DougDawson ??