The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

Why does it look like a bag of shards?


Pretty sure itā€™s rice


See where you took my mind to! :rofl:


It is rice baked at 200 degrees for like 20 minutes added to the pollen to absorb moisture.


I think / hope that the Cap Junky pollen is still good. It was fluffy like fine powder so who knows. I have the first four plants pollinated with the Blue Kush OG pollen. Tomorrow Iā€™ll repeat the process and treat three of the plants with the Cap Junky pollen and from there itā€™s up to mother nature.

Here is the Chem '91 Skunk VA plant with about 5-6 weeks of flowering to go.

And this is my cross of Lemon Paki X Cap Junky. No idea of the quality as this is her maiden voyage anywhere but if good looking translates into top quality this could be a good one.


I would just let it come to room temp and then dust away bud.

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Yeah, thatā€™s what I ended up doing. Thanks


Do you just run the Alaskan fish fert for veg nutes or do you use that more as a tea? What veg/flower nutes do you use? I saw mega crop A a think just curious what else. I went looking for a bloom Alaskan fish fert :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I use Mega Crop 1 part start to finish. Cal-Mag to me is critical if youā€™re using LED lighting. Those 2 every feeding which is every watering. I have a big ol jug of Terpinator I start adding a week or so before flowering starts. The Alaska fish fertilizer and Kelp extract every 2 or 3 feedings or about every 10 days.


Everyone knows the old sayingā€¦ā€œwhen life hands you lemons, make lemonadeā€ Well thatā€™s what I did today with the tiny Skywalker Haze auto from Dutch Passion. I had saved some leftover pollen from the Mephisto Hubba Bubba plant and dusted a few buds on the Skywalker Haze plant. I did this yesterday afternoon, here are a couple of the buds I dusted.


The Neutron Grape auto from @Yetigrows Yeti Genetics looks as though sheā€™s getting ready to start flowering. First time growing this strain so I am just letting her go all natural with a little branch bending and leaf tucking. Continues to be a nice looking plant.


Sharing this story might be embarrassing to some folks but Iā€™m old enough and Iā€™m able to just laugh at my screw ups and move on. Now how I did this I donā€™t know other then I was busy and didnā€™t catch it till it was almost too late.

About 10 days ago I flipped the plants in my 3x3 tent and at the time they were only about 24" tall. When I had defoliated them and removed all the growth nodes except the tip on all the branches I dimmed the light in the tent and took some photos of the plants. Right then the phone rang and I took the call. Each night I zipped up the tent at lights out and each morning opened the front door at lights on and did this for 8 days. On the 8th day it dawned on me that those plants in the 3x3 had gotten REALLY TALL and the nodes were REALLY SPACED OUT. When the phone rang that day while taking the pictures I completely forgot to turn the dimmer back up from about 15% of full strength to about 65% of full strength. So the whole tent was filled with scrawny, skinny branches, none of them had started flowering yet, and they were within 4-5 inches of the light. This is what the tent looks like now after I supercropped the entire tent, every branch. As forgetfulness sets in I am thinking I might want to develop a taste for lemonade!!


regardless will be a full canopy


For right now itā€™s a nice even canopy too. :rofl:


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one whoā€™s done this.
Though I only let it go for about four days, lol.
You win! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:




2 days over here! I wasnā€™t taking pics was hanging mylar cause Iā€™m a ginger those lights bun me quick.lmao. Stoner moments.

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I picked up my mail this morning at the Post Office and found these little gems waiting for me. A buddy from here on OG generously shared them with me knowing it is a Mephisto strain Iā€™ve been wanting to grow and make a bunch of seeds. I make it a rule when making seeds to only spend the time, energy, and tent space with seeds from sealed breeders packs and in this case these arrived in a flip. I knew this before they arrived and here is my logic. I completely trust the person who sent me those 5 seeds and he completely trusts the person he got them from so Iā€™ll take both of them at their word and proceed as though I had bought the pack from Mephisto directly. I mean, itā€™s not like Mephisto Genetics sends their seeds out in sealed packets. So Iā€™m breaking out a big pot (not sure how big or if it will be plastic or fabric) to try to produce a larger plant to make some seeds and flowers.

It all starts with these:


Canā€™t wait to see how these grow out!

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One of the strains I created my last seed run was the cross of Lemon Paki X Cap Junky. The Lemon Paki holds a special place in my heart as it took me forever to get a cut of it. I sent a message to the holder of the original Lemon Paki clone asking if he would share any knowledge about his prized plant. This is his exact reply.

ā€œItā€™s a landrace pakistani strain. It has been clone-only for about 15 years, mostly via myself only.
The person who gave it to me made me promise to keep it safe, telling me it was essentially sacred. Grown well, it usually the best smoke youā€™ve ever had.
Thatā€™s all I know! Itā€™s mysterious and amazing.ā€

I know my buddy @GCBudz from here on OG has grown and smoked the Lemon Paki and I believe he enjoyed it. Iā€™m pretty excited watching this Lemon Paki x Cap Junky grow. She has great structure and is reminding me a bit of a strain with Chem in it. Iā€™ll post updates periodically if anyone is interested. Here is what she looks like today.