The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

The Cap Junky I’m growing out to gift to my friend is coming down the home stretch. This is to help with insomnia and chronic shoulder and back pain. I’ll be looking to run this until I see the trichromes starting to break down…at least 50% amber trichromes.


Whoops, forgot the trichrome shot.


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: ROTFLMAO!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:. So I’ve been busy and haven’t been keeping up. Plants are looking fire as hell! I can’t even tell they are under a little 100w. Sucks about the seeds not taking but is sounds like you thought that could happen. Glad you got invoice hopefully you can get your light straighten out and finish these ladies strong. That platinum city runtz definitely has a platinum shimmer to it.

How would your read the trics in that pic? 25% clear 70% cloudy and 5% amber? I’m still trying to feel this out because it seems I’m missing something. I never see what others agree on so that makes it harder for me to read my own buds. Especially when swaying around trying to look through a loupe.


I would be more like 90-5-5 on the Cap Junky trichromes. If you look most of the way up the left side of the photo there are a couple trichromes that the heads have fallen off of which they will start to do if taken too far. I don’t touch the buds on my plants as long as they’re still on the plant. So those heads fell off or were blown off.


So looking at this photo I would think this would be more like 75 cloudy, 25% clear, and scattered amber. The trichrome doesn’t have to be like solid white just cloudy or milky.


Great pics bud. Whatcha using to get these images?

I use a mini USB microscope for the trichrome pictures.

USB microscope


Ok thanks so the head doesn’t need to be white but any cloudy anywhere on stalk of tric would be between clear and amber. Thanks that helps I had been looking only at the heads so if overripe will fall off or maybe have a partial clear even though tric is amber. That really helps.

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Generally it’s the head of the trichrome that will turn amber. What I was trying to convey is that once a trichrome is no longer clear it becomes cloudy but cloudy has different degrees of cloudiness if that makes sense. Let’s say three levels of cloudiness. So clear, lightly cloudy, really cloudy, and then almost white.

I follow these steps in helping me determine when a plant is ready to harvest.

  1. slow down it’s uptake of water/nutrients.

  2. Has finished swelling. The flowers are as big and dense as they’re going to get.

  3. I start monitoring the trichromes. I believe a plant (this is my opinion) has reached is prime harvesting window when the trichromes are all cloudy or as close to all cloudy you it will get.

If you harvest before 100% cloudy the effect will be a little “racier” more upbeat (75% cloudy and 25% clear) If you harvest too early you’ll lose yield which is a slap in the face as you’ve spent so much time growing out the plant and couldn’t wait an extra 10-14 days. That’s why I don’t start looking at the trichromes until after the plant is finished swelling.

When I used to smoke my personal taste was to look for 85-90% cloudy and 10-15% amber.

If you’re waiting for more amber and you notice the secretory vesicles are beginning to fall off my advice would be to start harvesting.


Yes that makes sense. I got the idea with first explaination just not good at putting things into words. Your more detailed one helped as well it made it all click in my head. Thank you I should be able to use this new info in a few weeks!:crossed_fingers:

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So sorry about my bad manners.🤦. I was so excited when I got the mail I ran and had to drop a seed asap. Thanks @LoveDaAutos your hbms s1 has landed and one is wet. Just landed today so not as It’s 11:34 where I am so it’s still Saturday. Thanks man excited to see if I can reproduce 1/4 of what you pulled off I’d be happy.


Auto report for Sunday. Both the Neutron Grape and Alien vs Triangle are close. They will both be at flip + 70 days tomorrow. The AvT will come down first, probably tomorrow. On the advice of @Yetigrows I’ll let the Neutron Grape run another several days.

Here is Alien vs Triangle. I messed this one up so bad nearly killing it early on. It survived and produced a nice cola which is hard as a rock. I can’t recall growing auto nugs more dense and hard then these. Now when I make a bunch of S1 seeds of this strain I want to see if I can recreate this plant the way it is with basically just a single main cola with pretty much no side branches. I’m thinking I wonder how many of these I could fit in my 2x4 tent in 1 gallon pots.


Neutron Grape…well what can I say about her. She didn’t get too tall but she sure did fill out really nicely. I know when I grew a bunch of the Double Grape seeds I found two phenos a short one like this Neutron Grape and a tall more slender one. The resulting flowers of both phenos were pretty much identical in aroma and trichrome coverage and the tall one yielded a little more. This will probably be a 60g plant from a 2 gallon pot when all is said and done.


Just figured I’d throw this up here. Sometimes pictures are better than words



The first cloudy look clear to me!:rofl::rofl:. Thanks for pics I think @lovedaautos hit the nail on the head. I was looking for solid white trics not just slightly cloudy anywhere on the stalk or head. I’ll get yet I’m sure of it :sweat_smile:.


So a huge shout out today to @MarsHydro for their exceptional customer service. On another site I was regularly given Mars Hydro equipment to test out and run sponsored grow journals. I was given an FC-6500 a little over a year ago and just recently the driver quit working. It was inconvenient as I was in the middle of a flowering run but what are you gonna do? I contacted Mars to see about purchasing a replacement driver as afterall the light was given to me for free. But no, they asked me to pay the shipping and they sent me a new replacement driver on them. I loved working with Mars Hydro on the other site but don’t visit there much anymore. And yet I contacted them and they made it right. Top quality products and exceptional customer service. Back up and running. Thank you May and Mars Hydro.


I did a small trade with a new member last week. He sent me a couple seeds and I sent him a few seeds. These are what he sent me. Pretty nice haul for a guy who likes Cookies strains.


The Mephisto newsletter came this afternoon and it is pushing my resolve to the limits. One of my favorite Mephisto strains is ManBearAlienPig and they’ve just restocked their shelves with it. It’s a big yielder of fruity / lemony nuggets sure to tickle your tastebuds.


I trimmed up a small bud harvested off the Neutron Grape plant to check the trichromes. I am seeing about 85% cloudy, 15% clear with a small smattering of amber trichromes. So like @Yetigrows said probably another 7-10 days and she’ll be harvested.

Something I wanted to mention to @420noob which you probably already know is that it’s important to trim a bud and then scope the trichromes. This is because the trichromes on the sugar leaves mature faster so will be milky and or amber earlier then the trichromes on the actualy bud.


That’s great news my friend. It’s sure nice to hear that Mars Hydro has been fairly easy to work with, and have stood behind their product. A lot of the talk I’ve been reading about them around here lately has been quite the opposite. Plus, a free replacement driver, when you didn’t even pay for the light? That’s going above and beyond.
Good for you guys @MarsHydro! I’ll definitely remember this. :slightly_smiling_face::+1: