The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

I’m surprised the Chem cross is outstretching the CJ…

Nice plants though.

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Maybe the BBW likes the hydro more?

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Beasts of plants for sure… that CJ is going to finish up huge as it tends to put off huge buddage… love to peek at his grow in 6wks huh?

T live in a swamp Piter so I fully understand… air flow is a must so I drying using a small PC fan with speed control switch on it… works great.

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Have you seen the new mephisto line up got some cbd strains. Have you ever grown any of the higher cbd from them? Of course you know you probably get newsletter like I do lol.

Are the plants in the video with the darker leaves the cap junky? I remember on yours the leaves had a darker hue.

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I’m not too sure about the Mephisto genetics CBD Autoflower strains I don’t see anywhere on any of their CBD strains where they are willing to give an honest number for the percent of CBD in the plants. It could be 2% or 3%, I’m pretty positive if it was 18% or 20%, they would be very happy to share that information.


I’m sitting in the living room cooling off a little bit from doing yard work outside. I had a tornado pushed through my yard yesterday afternoon and it’s amazing how much damage it can do in a matter of 2 minutes. I probably have five or six days of cleanup to cut up the trees that it knocked down and rake up all the debris that blew out of the trees into the yard. Fortunately nobody got hurt and there was no damage to the house. I still don’t have power and I do not have an estimated time that it will be restored. Hopefully it doesn’t get too hot today


Take it easy with pushing yourself. Try not to overdue it… there’s always tomorrow.

That sucks they haven’t restored your power yet, we were only down about 3 hours last night.

Back during Sandy… we were down for 10 days. Never wish that on anyone.

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Yeah, the power went out here yesterday about 4:30 in the afternoon. So far they’ve been four or five Energy company trucks in the road assessing the damage LOL. I live on a back road we are not priority restoration.


I can’t get on my computer to show the picture of the Christmas tree that was growing in my front yard. But wind shear broke it off about 15 ft up and moved the tree into my backyard


I may have figured it out


Trying to figure out how to remedy this problem!!! Wind ripped my lawnmower shed right out of the ground concrete balls and all.


Take the back wall off that “lean to” lawnmower shed… it’ll allow the gusts to pass through and not lift so easily. It’s acting as a sail right now.

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How do you know it has a back wall you can’t even see it! What you she is the roof

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You didn’t say I’m wrong old fart…

Do I not see metal at a different angle in front of your tractor and zero turn?

Sure looks like a rear wall to me. If I’m wrong I won’t admit it tho…


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Dam dude. Glad you and your loved ones are ok. Everything else can be replaced.
Good luck with the rebuilding :pray:

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I’m not denying that it has a rear wall but I built that shed 6 years ago and if it took a tornado to blow it over I’m okay with that. I think I can hook a tow rope to the Jeep and to the top of the structure and pull it into an upright position and then leverage it back into place


That’s a plan… or ask your buddy next door. Lolz…

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The power finally came back up about 20 minutes ago. It was 83 in my upstairs so the A/C will be working hard to lower the temp.


Glad they got your sorted bud :+1:. These winds have been destructive af everywhere.

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sorry to hear of this. glad your ok and the house survived. never been in or seen a tornado but they scare the shit outta me. mother nature is just a powerful force. hope you get the power fixed asap i know how stressful that can be worrying about the plants. just hope no one else around you got hurt

edit i see power is back. glad it wasnt to long