The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

I remember now, it was @MissinBissin who sent me the Russian Tzar Bomba auto seeds.


Hope the smoke is Not Clearing!
Best Wishes when You do Drop-It

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Running out of likes over here…thank you for sharing this wealth of information and knowledge @LoveDaAutos

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Yes I’m sure it’s cap junky.

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Looking like OGKB mutant type growth. Is it growing really slow?

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Well heck @420noob you may have found a rare holy grail phenotype of the Cap Junky. Consider taking a couple cuts just in case it turns out to be stellar.


Yea those mutant type can put out some real gems. That has the look for sure!


Thanks for sharing these “less than perfect shots” I am only now working with strains where this happens.

Got a Funky Crippy B4 at the moment. She’s topped herself !

Best Wishes @GreenHighland


definitely will be doing that!


My little seed making project coming along nicely. The babies are really starting to grow now. Even the stunted / runt seems to be picking up little steam. Photo from this morning.


A while back I swapped some seeds with @santero and one of the strains he sent me was More Cowbell which I believe is a Bodhi strain. I decided to grow one in a 1 gallon pot, playing the boy / girl roulette game looking for a female. Here she or he is today. A nice healthy plant so far.


If I remember right More Cowbells had issues with herms.


That’s okay I have shit for luck so it will be a boy probably anyway. LOL


This is the first and hopefully the last installment in my DON’T DO THIS chapter of growing. I had four Cap Junky plants, all looking beautiful and an up-pot away from being flipped into flowering. I did something I’ve never done before and now never will again, I took the pots from plants I had just harvested and knocked the soil in to a big tote, moistened it and up-potted the four CJ plants in it. I check in on them I think 4 days later and nearly cried. It never dawned on me how much P and K would still be in that soil. The girls were NOT happy. This was about 2 weeks ago and since then I’ve been feeding them fish emulsion fertilizer to get them some Nitrogen but as little P and K as possible. This is what they looked like today before I took the hedge trimmer to them.

Here they are after their butchering. These are my CJ mothers so I had to get them cut down so some new, hopefully green new sprouts can emerge so I can get some cuttings. Once they’re rooted whatever these become will get flowered. Sheesh!


Ouch. What a bummer. Thanks for sharing, gives me some insight into past issues I’ve had. If you’ve got any humic acid around you might try adding that. I’ve had very good luck buffering / balancing used soil with it. I have a giant bag of the granular form.


Speaking of the cap junky did you notice any issues with slow growth in the seedling stage? Out of the 3 I started only one has survived and is super slow at taking off.
Could just be my lax way of treating them !


I’m hoping most of it has been absorbed or washed away already and that new growth will be okay but that is just guess work as I’ve never done this before fortunately.


The CJ I’ve grown have all been from the mother. And so far all the seed plants from the S1’s that I am aware of grew great.


And your Tzar Bomba looks fantastic @LoveDaAutos

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I’m seeing what these photo-periods are all about, and Feisty might be a good word @LoveDaAutos
Russian Tzar Bomba from last week, outdoors, only the 2nd photo-period of this that I’ve Grown