The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

The ones you sent me are autos though right? That Bomba above looks like she wants to be a big girl.


@MissinBissin is that normal for some outside plants to have that bare middle look? The outside has good leaves but the center doesnā€™t or is that just from stretch? I ask because 2 of my outdoor plants are doing that as well. Of course Iā€™m hard on plants. It looks great.
@LoveDaAutos ya that is a bummer man but hey we live and learn. At least they have seemed to start throwing healthy leaves.


Correct!!! Those were Autos @LoveDaAutos. Iā€™ve NOT SEEN one Go like this Yet !!!

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The branches remain very flexible, still, at this stage of the game @420noob

Yes, day 1, always looks hard on the plants when you Open-up the branchesā€¦

Thatā€™s the main goal when doing so.

Here she is, growing straight-upā€¦ not good for growth along the branches, and restricting airflow.

I clean any growth on a branch, next to the stalk at the first node. Up until the top third, then that gets left intact.

By opening, and Lowering the branches with the Cage (carefully), you can tell the plant where its branches are to go.

With the branches now Opened-up, sunshine can penetrate right through the plant/canopy, and promote Way more growth along the branches.

You could LST, tie-them to the ground, its just the same action.

But the plants respond in a huge way to these actions. I have asked the Home Owner to take a Picture around Lunch-time, so we have a 24 hour window to look atā€¦

You can see the entire stalkā€¦ the plant will close-in again, within days. But its Foundation now has a bigger shape

You can see through them


cool thanks for the tutorial! That was very clear and pics to show. Thanks again so take any bud spots on the stalk. lol The heat stress here has actually done that to a couple of my plants.


Nothing to do with ā€œCleaning-upā€ the Bud spotsā€¦ @420noob

Rather, I am making room right next to the Stalk, on each branchā€¦ then its up to You, how far along you prune, taking the sunā€™s path into considerationā€¦

You can pull branches from the North, out to a Convenient sideā€¦

But I strip that first growth, from each branchā€¦. At the stalk.


Cap junky just got her top pinched. She has been easy to grow so far not picky at all.


Hey, if you look at the holes at the bottom of the pot that CJ is in is she pushing out roots? How long has she been in that pot?

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Iā€™ve been busy pimping up my new kayak a little as temperatures allow and knocking out the last couple honey-do items and realized I hadnā€™t posted here in a couple days. Iā€™ll start with the kayak. You spend a lot of money buying a kayak from Old Town and they come with what I think was plastic track rail. Iā€™m not going to mount a rod holder with a rod and reel in that and troll for stripers that can go 30lbs. So I removed those and put in some aluminum track rail in its place. This I trust more.


These little guys and gals are starting to kick it into 2nd gear. Trying to keep them the right distance from the light as they get taller. I want them taller of course but not stretching. Even the stunted runt is trying hard to keep up.


I used to have a garlic sherbert plant growing 365 days year for 2 years because a buddy loved it so much. After 2 years he asked for something different. LOL I have a bunch of the Garlic Sherbert S1 seeds and did a test germination on them as they are from 2019. Pretty good germ rate but couldnā€™t toss them all and kept the two healthiest seedlings to grow in 1 gallon fabric pots. I think 10 days or so and sheā€™ll be ready to harvest. Best thing about this strain is itā€™s SO EASY to trim.


And this little gal from seeds shared to me by @RainToday this is a Zamaldelica Express auto at 71 days old today. How long do these run I wonder? Have a great week everyone.


So, I have a long hair collie that I love very much. She is the sheddingest dog Iā€™ve ever owned and to that end she is NOT allowed on the sofa. For years whenever she forgets, and itā€™s almost rare that she jumps on to the sofa she gets scolded and kicked off. I tell you this story and want to share what we found the other day coming back from grocery shopping. That is not a lady!


According to Night Owl itā€™s Ā±75 days but that doesnā€™t really mean anything. So probably 75-85 days.


Bad girl! BAD GIRL! :rofl::rofl::poodle:

I had a dog that was really good when you were around. He never did anything wrong.

But if I wasnā€™t around and forgot to put him away, thereā€™s nothing he wouldnā€™t do. Get into trash cans, pull sheet metal from the side of an RV, whatever.

Heā€™s been gone for a few years now but the damage has been done.


@LoveDaAutos , whatā€™s your take on this Cap Junky s1. Someone mentioned the fans being not right. Maybe I found a Unicorn!


the leaves look leathery like the Mac1

The 2 CJ S1 I grew didnā€™t look like that, looked more like the clone only mama.


( it sprays the sts on the plant and makes clones as well):grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Do yours have crinkled leaves? Mine does. @lovedaautos no roots coming out of the bottom been in that.75gal pot about 4 wks from solo.


It does not. It doesnā€™t look like any thing Iā€™ve seen. Meatbreath looks a bit like it but deeper serrations and different coloration.