The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

So far so good. I got the yard mowed before the rain so that’s a good thing. Hope your weekend is off to a good start.


We have areas big enough to run my john boat for a couple miles. Walleye are hard to target here , that being said we caught one first cast this spring on the Roanoke River. We also get white bass , white perch, catfish and stripers there in spring. All I use is a gulp minnow on a jig head.


At least you are getting rain :cloud_with_rain:, not much of that on the east coast lately and when it does rain :cloud_with_rain: it’s very little.


Quick picture of the Sour Bubbles plants.


My vegging plants on the right is Mac 1 and on the left is MOB


All those plants 🪴 look :eyes: really good the new ones are off to a great start and the other two are very bushy and full! Great colors and growth! :clap::clap::clap::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::partying_face::sunglasses:


Well it appears I may have a fungus gnat potential problem. I saw one here and one there so rather then have an issue I spread some Mosquito Bits on top of the soil in all my plants and watered them in and also hung up some yellow sticky 2 sided paper. Now about 2 weeks later I am not seeing hardly any in the tents But the little fu***rs have moved outside the tents and I’ve never had that happen before. I surely don’t want an infestation and want to nip it in the bud and get rid of the pesky things. Any suggestions from ya’ll??


BTI (what you’re using) is your friend. I’d put some bits in jars of AppleCiderVinegar with a few drops of dish soap around to catch loose escape artists.


What are they living in? If it’s the houseplants they can have some mosquito bits too.


Try getting a bug zapper. I deploy one in my grow room for that very reason. They are safe for indoors and you don’t have to worry about insecticides or your plants 🪴! Good luck @LoveDaAutos with the problem wishing you the best results for total inhalation of them pesky little bastards! :ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I guess they are living in the tents and venturing out from there? I don’t have house plants with the exception of a Christmas cactus in the kitchen. I will put a couple vinegar traps in each room, watch my plant watering, and hang some more sticky paper and see what that gets me.


Last resort I could look into a bug zapper if the other stuff doesn’t do the job.


I grabbed one of these bug lights with a fan and sticky tape that works very well. t works like a dream for fungus gnats as they are extremely attracted to the light, not all gnat species are attracted to light but fungus gnats are.

Bug zappers also work well as mentioned. Good luck and hope you het them dealt with.


Do you think it would attract ladybugs? I have those in my greenhouse on purpose pretty often and don’t want to catch them.


It definitely will catch lady bugs as well. I found a few asian lady beetles inside so i would assume the real lady bugs would be attracted as well. I wouldn’t risk it


You could possibly put it inside something like a screen box that would keep larger insects out while still allowing for smaller pests to pass through and still be trapped. Something mesh like screen that lady bugs couldnt fit through but gnats and small bugs can and house the light inside the barrier. Just a thought


Something like this. Build a frame and house the light inside.


Yeah, ya’ll are moving beyond my pay level building stuff. I’m going to put some apple cider vinegar traps (3 per room as they are small) and see how it goes. I am not talking about having a bunch of these critters, there are enough to be annoying I just don’t want a population explosion.


Lol! Our home was a horrid fixer when we bought it, so we’ve got lots of stuff around, including mesh, and building still to do. I just realized I could use my sticky traps again too if I make a mesh box. I’ll add that to the giant list of things to do…:laughing:


Nematodes work very well too but yea, if you only have a little issue you should be able to get it sorted with some simple home remedies as you have mentioned. It is quite annoying to see a few of these flying around. I usually only get them if i dont put the yellow traps up. Those seem to keep the problem away but f i forget i will usually see some rogues around . Good luck dude

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